茅ヶ崎方式ニュース英語サロン/ニュースOnline英会話 ~Presented by Jバイリンガル

英文読解★時事英会話 【初級】 2017年10~12月期 課題Topic3
News Discussion Topic3【Beginner】October-December, 2017
KYODO NEWS - Oct 16, 2017

Japanese TV network apologizes over comedy show mocking gay men

  1. A Japanese TV network apologized Monday / for making viewers "feel unpleasant" over a comedy program / that revived a 30-year-old stereotype character / depicting a gay man.
  2. The character called "Homo-oda Homo-o," a name incorporating "homo" -- / a derogatory term in Japan for homosexual men -- twice, / proved popular in the 1980s / in a show featuring the comedy duoact "Tunnels."
  3. It made a comeback last month / when Fuji Television Network Inc. aired a program / marking the 30th anniversary of the show.
  4. The Sept. 28 show sparked public outrage, / with LGBT groups saying / it was an act of ignoring the human rights of sexual minorities/ and making fun of them, / while a number of people took to social media to protest it.
  5. "We sincerely apologize / for making sexual minority people and many other viewers feel unpleasant / over the expression we made / that could be seen / as if we were mocking homosexual men,"
  6. Fuji TV said on the show's official website, / adding it did not have any intention / to insult sexual minority people.
  7. In playing the character, / Takaaki Ishibashi of Tunnels dressed up / with trademark makeup of blue stubble and pink cheeks, / and was teased by other performers / with such phrases as "You're a homo, right?"
  8. "We deeply regret / that our understanding regarding / the image the character has long projected, / its impact on children, / as well as regulatory reforms and changes / in social circumstances surrounding LGBT over the years, / had been extremelyinsufficient," Fuji TV said.

【単語と語句】apologize(動)謝罪する unpleasant(形)不愉快な revive(動)復活させる stereotype(名)固定概念 depict(動)描く incorporate(動)組み合わせる derogatory(形)軽蔑的な feature(動)主役にする duo act:二人組の芸能人 spark(動)引き起こす outrage(名)激怒 minority(名)少数派 took to:~という手段を取る mock(動)嘲笑する insult(動)侮辱する stubble(名)無精ひげ tease(動)からかう regulatory(形)規制の extremely(副)きわめて insufficient(形)不十分な



–Questions for Discussion –

  1. Would you give us a brief outline of this article?
  2. What is your impression of the video in question which sparked public outrage?
  3. What do you think of the apology by Fuji TV posted on the official website?
  4. Why was this character depicting a gay man popular in the 1980s?
  5. How would you explain about the video to children around you?
  6. What do you most agree or disagree with in this article?
  7. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this topic?

【参考記事】Orion News 2017年10月16日

保毛男騒動でフジテレビがおわび文 認識が不十分「深く反省」

フジテレビは16日、9月28日に放送された同局系『とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした』(毎週木曜 後9:00)30周年記念特番で、お笑いコンビ・とんねるずの石橋貴明演じるキャラクター「保毛尾田保毛男(ほもおだ・ほもお)」が男性同性愛者から批判を受けた問題で、公式ホームページで「性的少数者の方々をはじめ沢山の視聴者の皆様がご不快になったことに関して、深くお詫び致します」と謝罪文を掲載した。




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