Darlington County School District

2012-2013 Timelines

(PT) - Project TEACH (Induction) Timeline

(SAFE-T) - SAFE-T (Formal) Evaluation Timeline

(GBE) - GBE-R and Informal TAP Evaluation Timeline

August 7-9, 2012(PT) Project TEACH Orientation sessions – DCSD Admin Office Building Training - Room, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.

August 9(PT) Project TEACH/Mentor Luncheon – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 12:00 pm. Principals and Mentors are to attend and meet with new Induction teachers.

August 9(PT) Administrators check evaluation database to ensure that a Mentor is assigned to all Induction, first-year teachers.

August 9(SAFE-T) Return evaluation database listing to HR with changes/additions.

August 14(SAFE-T) Notify teachers of evaluation instrument and team assignments – evaluator selection, assignment, and briefings.

August 16(SAFE-T) Mandatory District SAFE-T Orientation for all teachers being formally evaluated with ADEPT models. It will be held from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at Hartsville Middle School (Room 423).

August 20(SAFE-T) Deadline for Formal TAP Orientation. TAP Principals should submit a copy of the sign-in sheet for this orientation session to HR.

August 20(SAFE-T) SAFE-T Evaluation teams must conduct initial meeting to identify team members, and select and/or approve in writing the course that the teacher’s Long-Range Plan (LRP) will address. The teacher must develop and submit the LRP within two weeks of this date, unless an extension is approved by the chair of the evaluation team.

August 20(PT) - Induction teacher begin informal classroom observations/consultations with experienced teachers, including Mentors.
- Assistance Team (Building Administrator and Mentor) begin classroom observations and provide feedback.
- Mentors begin consultations/meetings with Induction teachers.

August 27(PT) Project TEACH Meeting – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room,4:00 pm.

August 31(SAFE-T) Principals are responsible for providing individual SAFE-T Orientation for any personnel who missed the SAFE-T District Orientation for ADEPT for Media/Guidance/Speech Therapist, TAP, and TIF deadline. Submit a copy of the sign-in sheet to HR.

August 31(SAFE-T) Long-Range Plans (TT1) are due from the teacher to the team chairperson; evaluators approve choice of Unit Work Sample (TT2). Include copies of Long Range Plans in dossier. Unit Work Sample (UWS) is not submitted until after the instruction of the unit.

August 31(SAFE-T) Evaluators begin Integral Classroom Observations and review of other data sources. Teachers complete the TT3 following each integral observation and submit to evaluation team chair for inclusion in the dossier.

September 4(GBE) Conduct orientation and distribute GBE/Informal TAP/TIF forms (hard-copy of via email) for staff members with no performance deficiencies. Send a copy of sign-in sheet to HR.

September 28(GBE) Professional Growth and Development Plans/GBE Plans completed and approved by Building Administrator at Goals Conference, send copy to HR.

October 1(PT) Project TEACH Meeting – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 4:00 pm.

October 29(PT) Project TEACH Meeting – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 4:00 pm.

November 7(PT) Assistance Team completes classroom informal observations
Assistance Team completes Induction Feedback Form (Preliminary)

November 8(PT) Begin second cycle of informal observations.

November 9(SAFE-T) Ending date for Integral Classroom Observations. Evaluators complete ET1’s for inclusion in the dossier, and independently complete preliminary Consensus-Based Summary Form (ET3) after reviewing the dossier’s contents.

November 9(GBE) Complete preliminary observations.

November 12(PT) Building Administrator meets with Induction Teacher to share Induction Feedback Form – Preliminary.

November 12(SAFE-T) Deadline for submission of completed Unit Work Sample to the team chair for inclusion in the dossier.

November 12(SAFE-T) Principals should complete the Preliminary ET2 Professional Performance Review for each teacher going through SAFE-T and submit to the chair of the evaluation team for inclusion in the dossier.

November 12(SAFE-T) Teacher completes Professional Self-Assessment (TT4) for inclusion in the dossier.

November 15(SAFE-T) Evaluators jointly complete Preliminary Consensus-Based Summary Form (ET3) at consensus meeting.

November 19(GBE) Conduct 1st benchmark conferences to assess goal progress and revise if necessary. Keep documentation at the school.

November 20(SAFE-T) Evaluators and/or Team chairs conduct all preliminary conferences with teachers; develop Professional Growth and Development Plans (PGD). A Competence-Building Professional Growth and Development Plan must be developed if the Preliminary Evaluation judgment is Not Met. If Preliminary Evaluation judgment was Met, the teacher’s TT4 can be used as the basis of the PGD plan.

November 20(SAFE-T) Team chairs complete the SAFE-T Log (ET4) for inclusion in the dossier. A copy of the Preliminary Evaluation Summary must be provided to the teacher.

November 26(SAFE-T) Submit a copy of the Preliminary Evaluation Summary to HR.

November 26(SAFE-T) Beginning date for Final Evaluation Period Integral Classroom Observations IF new Long-Range Plans is not required.

December 7(SAFE-T) Additional Long Range Plans, if required, are due for Final Evaluation Period. Revised planning and professional growth forms are due, if applicable. Deadline for teacher’s written request for additional observation.

December 7(SAFE-T) Integral Classroom Observations begin if new Long-Range Plan was required.

December 13(PT) Fall Mentor Contact Logs Due.

January 14, 2013(PT) Project TEACH Meeting – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 4:00 pm.

January 17(GBE) Conduct 2nd benchmark conference for teachers going through Competence-Building GBE-R to assess goal progress.

February 4(PT) Project TEACH Meeting – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 4:00 pm.

February 11(GBE) Conduct summary conference and review final evidence.

February 12(SAFE-T) Ending date for Integral Classroom Observations for Final Evaluation Cycle.

February 13(SAFE-T) Evaluators complete ET1 for inclusion in the dossier, and independently complete preliminary Consensus-Based Summary Form after reviewing dossier’s contents.

February 13(SAFE-T) Principals complete the Final ET2 Professional Performance Review for each teacher going through SAFE-T. Submit to team chair for inclusion in dossier.

February 13(SAFE-T) Teacher completes Professional Self-Assessment (TT4) and Unit Work Sample (TT2), if required, for inclusion in the dossier.

February 14(PT) Building Administrator meets with Induction Teacher to share Induction Feedback Form – Final (Summary Only) and Induction Assurance Checklist (original forms with Personnel File Addition Cover Sheet will be presented to the Department of HR during scheduled appointments for recommendations and evaluations, February 2013.

February 14(SAFE-T) Evaluators jointly complete Final Consensus-Based Summary Form (ET3) at consensus meeting; develop Competence-Based Professional Growth and Development Plans, if applicable.

February 18(SAFE-T) Evaluators and/or team chairs conduct all Final conferences with teachers. A copy of the Final Evaluation Summary should be provided to the teacher. Team chair completes the SAFE-T Log (ET4) for the final evaluation period for inclusion in the dossier.

February 19(SAFE-T) Deadline for submitting complete Final Evaluation Summaries to HR.

March 4(PT) Project TEACH Celebration – DCSD Admin Office Building – Training Room, 4:00 pm (Principals and Mentors are to attend and meet with Induction teachers.

May 3(PT) Spring Mentor Contact Logs are due to HR.

SAFE-T (Formal) Preliminary Evaluation Cycle: August 20, 2012 – November 26, 2012

SAFE-T (Formal) Final Evaluation Cycle: November 26, 2012 – February 19, 2013