Kalah Benjamin Assessment Project

Technology and Assessment MW 11

Dr. Stephen Cone


1.  Purpose- To measure the agility of college football players

Objective/Goal- Determine what components affect agility performance

Hypothesis- Amongst all college athletes, football players have the best agility

Refining the problem:

2.  The population targeted for this assessment is male, undergraduate, college football players between the ages of 17 and 22. Considering the wide range of college sports offered and the differentiating degree of contact in each of them, I have chosen to focus on high contact sports and more specifically football. Because football is a male dominated sport on the collegiate level, I have chosen to evaluate all male participants and have limited the age range of those entering college straight from high school, and capping it off to those in their final undergraduate year of schooling.

3.  Because all of the athletes have some sort of exposure to routine exercising and proper technique, yet have different intensity thresholds, the rating scale will be geared towards identifying which group (lower- needs improvement, average, above average) they fall into for each activity. Upon completion of the assessment, all the scores will be reviewed and the total of them will reveal what overall category they fall into (Good, Average, Bad) in regards to their agility. The reason for me doing it this way is to give everyone a fair chance of giving their best effort for each activity and being reviewed accurately.

4.  There will be one overall assessment done focused on obtaining data for:

-  Balance

-  Acceleration

-  Strength

-  hand-eye coordination

-  speed

I chose these specific components because they are the basis for determining a person’s agility. Agility is defined as the ability to move quickly, precisely, and easily. Therefore I’m convinced these 5 components would reflect that definition exactly.

5. Individual Activities: Ranking based on activity being done in a set time frame, as well as, activity performance

*shuttle run times averaged to take into account different position advantages*

Low / Average / Above Average
Balance Activity (30 sec.) / Below 20 seconds / 20-29 seconds / 30 seconds
Acceleration: Shuttle Run / 4.70- above / 4.40-4.69 / 4.0-4.39
Strength: Box Jumping (60sec.) / 20 & below jumps / 21-29 jumps / 30+ jumps
Hand-Eye Coordination: Wall Ball (30 sec.) / 40 & Below wall hits / 41-59 wall hits / 60+ wall hits
Speed: 40 Yard Dash / 6.0+ / 5.01-5.99 / 4.0-5.0

6.  The test administrator should have a basic understanding of football terminology with respect to the exercises, an understanding of proper technique used for these exercises to limit the possibility of injury, and they should be able to use the equipment used for the exercises.


-  Stop Watch or Device able to keep time

-  Box for Box Jumps

-  Yard marker (40 yard dash)

-  Tennis Ball (wall ball)


Rowan Football Field


Ensure each exercise is properly spaced apart for proper evaluation and clarity

Time of Administering:

Allow at least 5 minutes considering approximately finishing time is 3 minutes

Prior Training:

Must have played football, high school/collegiate level, for at least 1 year prior to testing

7.  The results of this test not only show where a players current capabilities lye, it also shows what type of workouts they should be doing to improve or to maintain their intensity and performance levels. Therefore, I would use the results to report back to their coaches, and as a result, have them schedule for those players who need it, extra workout time with certified trainers to bring them to a par status for the season. For those who do not need improvement but still want to attend, the option is there as well. This assessment is meant to be summative. The program is not meant to change based on the participants, but instead to evaluate the result of a participant based on the program’s guidelines. It can be used for short-term and long term progress review based on what the administrator is looking for out of the assessment.

Name & Jersey # ______Class______Date______

Agility Assessment Sheet

Exercises / Good / Average / Poor
Shuttle Run:
Stable standing on one leg for 30sec.
*Test both legs* / Right:
Left: / Right:
Left: / Right:
Wall Ball:
Bounce Ball off wall and catch with control
Box Jumps:
Stable jump onto and off of the box
40 yd. Dash:

Exercises Performance Classification (G, A, P)

Shuttle Run ______sec. ______

Balance ______sec. ______

Wall Ball ______wall hits ______

Box Jumps ______jumps ______

40 yd. dash ______sec. ______

·  Use information recorded on the lines to fill in the table where applicable. This provides visual assurance of where participants’ capabilities for each exercise are classified. The lines are provided for easy stats review

Reference Chart

Low / Average / Above Average
Balance Activity (30 sec.) / Below 20 seconds / 20-29 seconds / 30 seconds
Acceleration: Shuttle Run / 4.70- above / 4.40-4.69 / 4.0-4.39
Strength: Box Jumping (60sec.) / 20 & below jumps / 21-29 jumps / 30+ jumps
Hand-Eye Coordination: Wall Ball (30 sec.) / 40 & Below wall hits / 41-59 wall hits / 60+ wall hits
Speed: 40 Yard Dash / 6.0+ / 5.01-5.99 / 4.0-5.0

Administrator Evaluation

*Complete for each player by circling appropriate box*

Score Range / 3 / 2 / 1
Shuttle Run / Player uses proper running form
Able to transition into acceleration and deceleration smoothly
Clean shifts of direction at proper distance
Full energy / Player slightly off in proper running form
Transition into acceleration and deceleration needs improvement
Some clean shifts at proper distances
Some Energy / Improper running formation
Unable to transition into acceleration and deceleration
Unclear shifts or incorrect distances
No energy
Balance / Stable balance for full time period / Some instability during time period / Complete instability during time period
Hand-Eye Coordination:
Wall Ball / Controlled catches
Uses variety of catching methods / Needs slight improvement in controlling catches
Some variety in catching methods / Unable to control catches/ No catches
No variety in catching methods
Box Jumps / Proper form jumping onto and off of the box
Stable landing onto and off of the box / Form needs improvement jumping onto and/or off of the box
Stability in landing onto and/or off of the box needs improvement / Improper form jumping onto and off of the box
Unstable landing onto and off of the box
40 yd. dash / Full sprint for entire distance
Proper running form / Slight deceleration before full distance reached
Running form needs improvement / Unable to complete exercise
Improper running form


"Agility." - Balance, Speed, Strength and Coordination. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

"Fitness Components for American Football."Fitness Components for American Football. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.