Bridges– Stroke Self-Management Interdisciplinary Training

Day / Date / Location / Venue
Thursday / 28th November & 27th March / Dublin / Baggot Street Community Hospital, Dublin
Friday / 29th November &
28th March / Galway / Education Centre, Merlin Park University Hospital, Galway

Delivered by: Dr. Fiona Jones, Founder and Director of Bridges, Reader in Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, St Georges, University of London and Kingston University

Who may apply: Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists working in the HSE or voluntary hospitals and PCCC.

·  Professionals not employed in HSE or publically funded health services may apply and will be placed on a waiting list and offered any unfilled places. This is because the funding is provided for this course by the HSE.

Target audience: Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists working primarily (but not exclusively) in the area of stroke in the rehabilitation or primary care setting.

Places: There are up to 20 places available in each location and these will be allocated to ensure a mix of regions, places of work and professions.

Aim: To provide physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists with the skills to encourage active self-management amongst people with stroke.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, participants will:

·  Understand the Bridges philosophy.

·  Be able to describe the current direction in research and policy on self-management, and discuss the theoretical basis for enabling effective self-management skills.

·  Be able to relate the current evidence base and principles of self-management to participants’ own patients/clients, and rehabilitation outcomes.

·  Have an understanding of social cognition theory and how it relates to behaviour change and readiness for self-management.

·  Understand self-efficacy as a possible mediator of behaviour and outcome of self-management interventions.

·  Have gained practical experience through role play of communication techniques for introducing the Bridges philosophy and workbook to people with stroke and their carer/family.

·  Understand how to introduce the Bridges workbook to people with stroke survivors and the possible barriers and challenges of using this programme.

·  Have developed an action plan to support sustainability and embed the use of Bridges in current practice and longer term.

In addition: All participants are provided with:

·  A comprehensive resource pack containing key references, session notes and guidance to support both workshops.

·  5 copies of the Stroke Workbook per participant.

·  On-going telephone support and advice.

·  Extra workbooks at a reduced rate.

·  Access to an interactive discussion forum.

·  Certification of the Bridges Programme.

Please note

Participants must attend both course days to be eligible for certification.

Closing date for OT applications is September 22nd at 5pm.

Please contact Sarah Lee on or 085 713 3333 with any OT enquiries.