Royal Air Forces Association

Minutes of the 813thGeneral Meeting of Branch 710 - Dursley and South Gloucestershire

Held at the Village Hall, Coaley on Tuesday the 16thJanuary2018 at 14.30 hrs

Members Present -Bill Cooke, Patrick Cooper, Pat Eagle, Alan Gough, Malcolm Hall, Lesley Scott, Stan Shearer, David Twyning, & Tony Eve.

Apologies -Jim Ball, Phil Bevan,Ann Eve, Maurice Freeman DFC, Grace Hutchinson, Fred McKenzie, Norma Rodman, Tricia Shearer, Scott TemlettGraham Webb.

DEDICATION–The Dedication was recited by the Branch Chairman.

Minutes of previous GENERAL meeting #812-The minutes of the general meeting for December had been received by all members who attended that meeting and were accepted by those present as a true record. Copies were available at the meeting for Members to refresh their memories.All Branch General Meeting minutes are posted to the website.

Proposed by:-Pat EagleSeconded by:-Alan Gough

REPORT BY THE CHAIRMAN- TheTreasurer has confirmed that the General Account stood at £1,745.99p. The breakdown was explained as, £564.67p ring fenced for Wings Appeal 2018 and £1,181.32p available for Branch Administration.

The Welfare account stood at £9,654.61p. This figure reflects the rebates paid to the Branch from our Wings Appeal fund raising in 2017. The welfare account has received rebates of £1,349.44p from the Wings Appeal local collections and from the Branches support of RIAT air show at RAF Fairford last year, £1,765.06p.

The Welfare Team has been in contact with Flowerdown House to learn if we could channel some of these resources towards the running of the welfare break facility. Discussions with the new House Manager, Nick Redwood, lead us to understand that a replacement television was urgently needed for the guests lounge and a hoist, to improve the safe handling of infirmed guests, would also be a desirable asset. The Welfare Team have purchased and installed the television, which is a flat screen 49 inch LG Smart TV, at a cost of £454 and negotiations are continuing regarding the hoist, which is expected to cost in the region of £600. Whilst I am on the theme of finances I can report that Mrs Tooth, daughter of Peter & Marion Neal, and her husband have made a further donation to the Branch of £100.

Bill is continuing to prepare collection venues for the coming year ahead of standing down as Wings Appeal Officer at our AGM in March. The Committee are still looking for someone to step forward to take up the reins.

Tesco store Cam collectors February are drawn from the committee and are scheduled below :

Saturday 24th10.00 - 13.00Malcolm

13.00 - 16.00Jim

Sunday 25th10.00 - 13.00Bill/Mac

13.00 - 16.00Tony

Copies of the area newsletter for Dec '17/Jan '18 have been posted to the web site and copies are available for anyone who has not seen it.

The Manager of the Gables Hotel has offered us a refund on the Christmas Lunch due to the amount of guests who were unable to travel. The sum of £5/hd is to be distributed, by the Treasurer to each person affected.

Regarding the programme for display of the token in April next year the Committee Members have proposed the following:-

a)Saturday 31st March - Receive token from Gloucester Branch

b)Sunday morning first communion of Easter - Lower Cam, Blessing requested

c)TBD - Woodchester Church - photo call

d)TBD - Rendcomb Airfield - publicity photo call.

e)TBD - Cotswold Edge Golf Club - photo call.

f)Friday 6th - Tesco Yate - to be confirmed.

g)Saturday 7th - Gala Lunch and Token handover to Cheltenham Branch. Invitations to be confirmed at next meeting. The minimum dress code for the lunch will be jacket and tie for the gentlemen.

Any Member who would like to be involved in the publicity campaign for this programme should contact any committee Member.

Pat presented the Gala Lunch menu proposed by the Gables Hotel. The menu cost will be £20 for the two course meal and £25 for three courses. The menu was circulated to those present. Pat also tabled the lunch menu for the Ship Inn, Brimscombe on February 20th priced at £16 for two courses and £20 for three. The menu was circulated to those present.

Pat suggested a fund raising event with Gloucester Strings ukulele band and Gloucester Christian Choir. Pat will approach the groups and inform us of their response. A guide price for the events was suggested as £6/hd. to include tea and biscuits.

Jim has agreed to create a talk for the May 15th Branch meeting.

Stan Shearer proposed that George Johnny Johnson, our last survivor of the Dams Raids in WW11 and Steve Slade may well be agreeable to giving talks to the Branch. Stan will progress this and report back in due course.

LOTTERY UPDATE - There was a new winner to announce this time and it was Vera Naumann. From the pot of £210, Vera received £126 and £84 was passed to Malcolm for Branch funds.


Branch web site address:-

Branch e-mail address for general enquiries:-

Branch welfare e-mail address for welfare enquiries:-

Branch Secretary:- 01453860510 or 07721328953

Branch HWOs:- 7972882311 or 07885756789

DATEAND LOCATIONOF NEXT MEETING - The next General meeting will be held on Tuesday,February20th, 2018 at the Ship Inn, Brimscombe,GL5 2QN,where the meeting will open at 12.15 hrs. Menu orders to Pat please by the 9th February. 2 courses £16 and 3 courses £20.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 15.15hrs. and members enjoyed an afternoon tea brake prepared by the Committee with a £2/hd donation from Members. Our thanks go to all who contributed towards the cost of the venue.

Following afternoon tea Pat ran through a most interesting set of quiz questions prepared by Jim and Malcolm. Members showed their appreciation for thequiz in the usual way.

Signed ………………………………….

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