November 18, 2016

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to visit with you at conferences this past week. Thank you for being involved in your child’s education!

Next Monday and Tuesday we will begin working on the last story of the 2nd reading book. The name of the story is “A Cupcake Party”. The vocabulary words we will work on are: eat give one put small take. The phonetic skills we will work on are the short ‘u’ sound, words with the phonogram ‘ump’ and clusters at the end of words. The spelling words your child should learn are these words with short u: us sun but fun bus run jump must. We will continue work on this lesson after the Thanksgiving break.

We have completed Topic 3 in math and are working on Topic 4 which is called “Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies”. This will show relationships of number values and equations in math. Some of the strategies we will cover are: making ten to subtract, adding to subtract and fact families. If you could practice any of these skills or work on IXL over Thanksgiving Break, that would be wonderful!

Make sure to pick up a copy of the Maple River Messenger this week because our 1st graders took the time to write out their family’s turkey recipes! The recipes are featured in the paper, so take a peek at them! They are always fun to read, and boy are they entertaining J

Our Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Tuesday at 12:30. If you signed up to bring a food item please remember to send it to school with your child that morning already cut up. If you have not signed up but would still like to contribute, please let me know J Thank you in advance for your support with this. The students are very excited about it!

REMEMBER: No school on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of next week. I hope you are all able to use this time to celebrate and spend time with your familiesJ Because of the short week, I will NOT have a newsletter until the week after Thanksgiving.

This year I know I’m thankful for such a wonderful class. In case I didn’t beam about them enough at conferences, just know how much I enjoy them and look forward to coming to work every day. Thank you so much for raising this incredible group.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!


Miss Breiter