The Nine (9)


Capsule:These are completely loyal to Lord Leobund. They obey without question.

Quote(s):“I am Vengeance incarnate. I have been sent to collect your soul.”

Type:Sith Hunters; 1st Level Vile Bounty Hunter; 1st Level Master Duelist; 1st Level Psychotic Trooper

Species:Clones of Quintan (Modified)
Age:2 [as clone]
Height:1.83 meters

Force Points:1

Dark Side Points:6+

Character Points:17

Extra Character Points:0


DEXTERITY 5D+2:(S)Armor Weapons; Blaster: 8D+2; Blaster: 8D+2; (S) Blaster: Mandalorian Iron: 9D;Dodge: 7D+2;(S) Firearms: Rail gun7D+1; Grenade: 6D+2; Lightsaber: 9D; Melee Combat:8D+2;(S) Melee Combat: Swords:9D+2;(S) Melee Combat: Dual Swords: 9D+2; (S) Melee Combat: Kynacs:10D+1;Missile Weapons: 6D+2; Thrown Weapons:6D+2;(S) Thrown Weapons: Moturian Discs:7D; (S) Thrown Weapons: Sith Lanvarok: 8D; Running: 6D+2;

PERCEPTION 3D+2:Bargain: 4D+2; Command: 4D+2;Con: 6D+2;(S) Forgery: Permits/ID’s: 4D+2; Gambling: 5D+2;Investigation: 6D+2; Search: 6D+2;Sneak: 7D+2;

STRENGTH 5D:Brawling combat: 7D+2;Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2;Swimming: 5D+2; (AS) Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris Martial Arts: 6D;(AS) Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul Martial Arts: 6D;Regeneration: 9D;Stamina: 5D+1;

(Known MA moves:Disarm; Head Butt; Instant Stand; Silent Strike; Weapon Block; Weapon Catch; Instant Wound; Force Punch; No Fall; Surprise Attack; Iaijutsu; Multiple Strikes )

KNOWLEDGE 4D:Alien species: 5D;(T) Cultures: 6D;Intimidation: 6D;(S) History: Sith: 5D+1;Languages: 5D;Planetary Systems: 5D;Streetwise: 6D;Tactics: 5D;(S) Tactics: Small Unit: 6D;Willpower:7D

MECHANICAL 4D:Astrogation: 5D+2;Communications: 5D; Ground Vehicle Ops: 5D; Hover Vehicles Ops: 5D;(S) Hover Vehicles Ops: Hover bike: 6D; Jet/Rocket pack Ops: 5D;Powersuit Ops: 5D; Repulsorlift ops: 5D+2;Sensors: 5D;Space Transports: 5D;Starship Shields:5D+2; Vehicle Blasters: 5D

TECHNICAL 4D:Armor Repair: 5D;Blaster Repair: 5D;Computer Programming/Repair: 5D+2;Demolition: 5D; First Aid: 5D; (TA) Medicine: 1D;Jet/Rocket pack Repair: 5D; Melee Weapon Repair: 5D; Missile Weapon Repair: 5D;Repulsorlift Repair: 5D;(A) Melee Weapon Engineering: Swords: 1D;Security: 8D;

Talents: (A) Medicine; Cultures


Darkvision (20')

Regeneration: see skill above under Strength

Prestige Class Specials:Target Bonus +1; Range Weapon Focus (K4) +3D;


Lightsaber (Red Blade), 5D;

Draymak Dual Vibroblade Sword (2) STR+3D, Cortosis weave inlayed;

Draymak K4 Heavy Blaster Pistol (2) 5D+2;

Biotech fastflesh med Pac;

Draymak D-45 Heavy Sniper Rifle;

Sith Lanvarok;

TerexComm Gauntlet-Computer (Modified);

Nine Transport Vessel (with droids and speeder bike);

Dark Armor: +2D Vs Physical & Energy; Cortosis Weave inlay; Dark Side Imbued; (Full Stats below);

Dark Armor of the Nine

Protects the following:Head, Neck, Torso, Shoulders, Forearms, Front of Legs, Buttocks and Groin. This armor has good expansion capabilities. A repair kit (8 uses)

Breath Mask:Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.

Flash Protection:Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.

Macrobinoculars:Add +2D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away.

Dark Side Imbued:granting the wearer a +1D bonus on rolls made to resist light side Force powers, or any Force power augmented by a light side Force Point.Increases the difficulty of Life Detection and Life Sense used against the wearer by +3.

Standard Gear

Model: Sith
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: X
Damage: 5D (red blade)

Draymak Dual Vibroblade Sword (2)
Type: Melee Weapon
Weight: 3 kg
Cost: 2500
Availability: 2,R
Damage: Str+3D (Cortosis weave inlayed)

Draymak K4 Heavy Blaster Pistol (2)
Type: Heavy Blaster Pistol
Skill: Blaster: K4
Weight: 2.5kg
Cost: 1350
Availability: 4,X
Ammo 80
Range: 3-25/50/100 Meters
Damage: 5D+2

Draymak D-45 Heavy Sniper Rifle (1)
Type: Sniper Rifle
Skill: Blaster: D-45
Weight: 7kg
Cost: 15,500
Availability: 4,X
Ammo 50/25/10
Range: 3-150/500/1000, 3-250/600/1200, 3-400/800/1600
Damage: 9D (Character)/6D (Speeder)/4D (Walker)

Sith Lanvarok
Model: Lanvarok, Sith
Type: Disk launcher
Scale: Character
Skill: Thrown Weapons: Sith Lanvarok
Ammo: Enough for one burst
Cost: 4,000 credits
Availability: 4, X
Range: 2-10/20/40
Damage: 3D+1 Standard disks (4 clips)/Sith Poison-see below/Drain Energy-see below
Game Notes: The Sith Lanvarok is useable only as a ranged weapon. The disks launched from the Lanvarok spread out, increasing the chances of a hit. This grants a 1D bonus to hit any target within 10 meters.

This Lanvarok uses normal reloading rules; as it has been modified for a disk clip (holds 1 shot worth of disks).

Sith Poison Disks (4 clips)
Any character so poisoned must succeed at a Very Difficult Strength roll or suffer 2D of damage.

Additionally, the poison feeds the character's anger until it has been driven from his system. Whenever the afflicted character attempts to spend a Force point, he must make a Very Difficult Willpower or Control roll. Failure indicates that the character is overpowered by his anger and calls upon the Dark Side instead – thus gaining a Dark Side Point.
To overcome the poison, a character must make a total of five successful Willpower and/or Control rolls to resist the effects of the poison when spending Force Points. The character can use the Detoxify Poison Force power (Control Difficulty: Difficult) in addition to his normal Willpower or Control roll when resisting effects of the poison, and use the better of the two rolls to determine his level of success. Obviously, this can take some time.

Drain Energy Disks (4 clips)
Moderate Level drain (datapads, holorecorders, droid callers, power packs, blasters, energy cells, Lightsabers, force pikes, vibro weapons, powered armor) for all within 10 meter radius of disk impact/explosion.
Effect: This can render powered and electric equipment useless until the power source is replaced or recharged.

TerexComm Gauntlet-Computer

Type: Portable computer workstation

Scale: Character

Skill: Depends on model, see Game Notes

Weight: 1-3 kg

Cost: 75-250 credits, depending on model

Description: This is a modified version, which is a combination of all of the models.

Standard Gauntlet: Is a standard datapad with holographic projection capability, minimal computer interface, and communications link-up. Combines best elements of a comlink, holonet capable computer, and digital holocam.

Science-Gauntlet: The favored gauntlet of scouts and explorers, this item is specifically designed to scan local environments for hostile radiations, odd combinations in the atmosphere, unusual geographic circumstances, and the like.

Medical-Gauntlet: An Easy sensors roll will provide basic readouts relating to the patient's overall physical status. A Moderate sensors roll is required to scan for specific injuries or ailments. Following this scan, the Med-Gauntlet will provide a recommendation for treatment that grants a +1D to any First Aid rolls. GM may adjust sensor difficulties depending on injury, ailment or other unusual condition.

Slicer-Gauntlet: Allows Slicer remote access to most standard computer systems. Generally grants a +1D to computer programming/repair rolls, although this can be modified by the actual system or hardware. This gauntlet is always illegal.

Shipboard-Gauntlet: A new type of Gauntlet-Comp, this item is beginning to appear on tramp freighters and naval ships alike. If the Ship-Gauntlet has remote access to the data core of a starship, it can be used to diagnose system malfunctions and damage. An Easy sensors roll will provide basic readouts relating to damage. A Moderate sensors roll is required to isolate specific malfunctions and/or damage. The Gauntlet will further provide a recommendation as to the repair that grants a +1D to Repair skills. Has been modified to remote-pilot ships...

Bloodfury Speeder Bike (1)

Craft: Sienar Bloodfury Military Speeder Bike

Type: Speeder Bike

Scale: Speeder

Length: 2.9 meters

Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Speeder Bike

Crew: 1

Passengers: 0

Cargo Capacity: 50kg

Cover: ¼

AltitudeRange: Ground level-15m

Cost: 2400 used only

Maneuverability: 2D+2

Move: 200; 250kmh

Body Strength: 3D+1


Twin Laser Cannons

Fire Arc: Front

Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 3-50/120/250
Damage: 6D

Scarab Droid Mark VI (50)

Dexterity 3D: Dodge 4D, Melee Combat: Injectors 6D

Perception 4D: search: tracking 5D, sneak 5D

Strength 1D:

Knowledge 1D:

Mechanical 1D: sensors 5D

Technical 0D: first aid 4D

Move: 6/10 (jump)

Size: .05

Cost: 1000+ (based on model)

Passive: 100/1D
Scan: 50/1D+1
Search: 80/2D

-Heat detectors
-pheromone sniffers
-biorhythm analyzers

The simpler Scarab Mark VI posted the best kill ratio and was the most widely produced of the various models.
Each Mark VI possesses a compact body, six jointed legs, and a hard head tipped with poison injectors. These piercing fangs connect to a small internal reservoir filled with fast-acting nerve toxins or hallucinogenic stimulants.

Draymak Tobias Combat Droid (4)

Type: Combat Droid

Dexterity 4D: Blaster 10D, Blind Fighting 8D, Dodge 10D, Firearms 9D, Grenade 9D+2, Melee Combat 10D, Missile Weapons 9D, Plasma Weapons 8D, Pulse Wave Weapons 8D+2, Simultaneous Attack 14D,

Perception 4D: Command 8D, Search 9D, Sneak 9D

Strength 4D (3D/3D): Brawling Combat 10D, Climbing/Jumping 12D, Lifting 9D, Stamina 10D

Knowledge 3D: Alien Species 8D, Humanoid Biology 8D, Languages 8D, Law Enforcement 8D, Planetary Systems 8D, Streetwise 8D, Survival 9D, Tactics 10D

Mechanical 3D: Communications 9D, Repulsorlift Ops 9D, Sensors 10D, Swoop Ops 12D

Technical 3D: Armor Repair 8D, Blaster Repair 9D, Demolition 9D, Droid Programming 7D, Droid Repair 7D, (A) Explosives 3D, Firearms 8D, Melee Weapon Repair 8D, Missile Weapon Repair 7D, Plasma Weapon Repair 8D, Security 9D,

-Modified Heavy Blaster Rifle: Ammo: 100, Range: 3-50/150/300, Damage: 6D+2 (Scomp-link adds +2D to hit moving targets, targeting scope adds +1D to hit in addition to the Scomp link if aimed for one or more rounds)
-H.U.D. System: This includes a rear sensor system.
-EMP Protection: 10 rounds

-Fire Protection
-Water Sealed
-Plasma Protection
-Ion Protection

Move: 12/50 (jump)

Weight: 98kg

Size: 1.75m

Cost: 854,000

Availability: 4 X

Description: A very sleek design with many built-in redundant systems for guaranteed functionality and long lasting combat readiness.

Game Notes: All systems are redundant allowing the droid to function with damage at two levels lower than normal (Example: -3D wound - droid wound is actually -1D). This droid also has a nanobot repair system that will eventually be able to repair all damage of -5D or less (-1D = 1 minute, -2D = 5 minutes, -3D = 20 minutes, -4D = 50 minutes, -5D = 2 hours).