The following provides information and instructions to ensure the legal and technical accuracy of the completed application form:

  1. The application form, agreement and surety clause (where applicable) must be signed by the persons duly appointed by the company.
  1. The authorised signatories must initial any alterations or deletions to this application.
  1. Transhipment must be allowed if a Combined Transport Document is required, i.e. the goods are to be transported in containers.
  1. Avoid naming specific (shipping) ports of loading and discharge if a Combined Transport Document is requested.
  1. Where partial shipments are permitted detail the individual shipment dates wherever possible.
  1. The latest date of shipment plus the presentation period determines the expiry date of the credit.
  1. Stipulate the quantity and / or unit price of the goods. Should any tolerance in the quantity of the goods be allowed ensure that the same tolerance is applied to the amount (monetary value) of the credit.
    NB. Such tolerance cannot apply when the credit calls for a stated number of packing units or individual items.
  1. The number of copies of each document called for in the credit must be stated. (Provide a minimum of two copies of each document).
  1. BANKS DEAL IN DOCUMENTS ONLY. Ensure that any instruction included in the application form can be verified by means of a document.
  1. Import permits, if applicable, are to be exhibited.

11. CIB Operations contact information:

Cape Town021 401 2464Port Elizabeth041 391 2511

Durban031 374 1000Pretoria012 367 0002

East London043 711 6444Sandton 011 881 7300

East Rand 011 383 7600Randburg011 796 8906

Johannesburg011 636 2519Vereeniging016 421 3381

Midrand011 207 6209Pietermaritzburg033 328 3218

General form of application - form 00023692
(select only one) / Merchanting transaction Yes No
Import Permit Required Yes No
held, dated______
not held (specific application signed) / YesNo. /Date………………..
Exchange control approval
Not required
Forward Exchange Contract number / Insurance Policy Held : Yes No
New business Yes No
Facility limitR……………………………………
Amount OutstandingR……………………………………
This credit amountR……………………………………
New ExposureR…………………………………… / Normal(tick applicable one)
Charge Table 1 2 3 4
Corp Min
------OR; ------
Concession charged at …………….%, Min R …………………
Is cash cover held? Yes No
Is this an interest bearing account? Yes No / Applicant’s signature(s) verified / Front office authorised Signature(s)
Field 40 E
(Select one only) / None Other UCPeUCP
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) / Branch
Standard Bank account number
Note: The use of singular person (as in “you” and “I”) means the legal entities party to this agreement, where “you” refers to any company, subsidiary, agent and or affiliate of Standard Bank Group Limited.
I request you to issue on my/our account an irrevocable documentary credit with terms in accordance with this application. I accept liability for any extra cost that may be incurred resulting from transshipment and/or any loss arising from delay or from any other cause due to such transshipment, if applicable. I understand this credit will be subject to Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits (2007 revision), International Chamber of Commerce, publication number 600 and URR 725 (as amended from time to time). I understand that it is incumbent on me to familiarise myself with the provisions of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (2007 revision), International Chamber of Commerce, publication numbers 600 and URR 725 and the amendments thereto.
Applicant Name / For individual, selectgender / Male Female
Applicant’s physical address
(not postal address) / Street: / Suburb: / City:
Country: / Province: / Zip code:
Applicant’s postal address, (including postal code) / Postal code
Telephone no, fax no. or E-
mail address of applicant / Tel no: / Email:
Identity no. of individual or
registration no. of entity / Individual / Entity / IndividualEntity
Date of birth:
Passport no.(for individuals) or permit no. / Country of issue
Contact name if entity / VAT and Tax number of applicant
Industry sector code / 01 - Financial Corporate02 - Non Financial Corporate03 - General Government04 - Household / Industrial classification number / 01-Agri Hunt Forest Fis02 - Mining & Quarrying03 - Manufacturing04 - Electric Gas Water05 - Construction06 - Wholesale Retail Tra07 - Transp Storage Comms08 - Fin Intermediation09 - Community Social Per10 - Private Household
Beneficiary Name
Beneficiary’s physical address
(not postal address) / Street: / Suburb: / City:
Country: / Province: / Zip code:
Beneficiary’s postal address / Country
Telephone no, fax no. or E-
mail address of Beneficiary / E-mail: / Tel. No. / Fax No.
Advise through a Standard Bank Group Limited subsidiary, agent or affiliate in the Beneficiary’s country / If not, please insert the preferred Advising Bank:
Documentary credit type
(Select “yes or no” from the drop down list) / Irrevocable Transferable / NoYes / Revolving (select “cumulative” or “non-cumulative”) / cumulativenon-cumulative / Irrevocable Non-Transferable / NoYes
Percentage tolerance
(Plus/Minus or More/ Less) / / %
Currency / Amount
Currency and Amount in words
Letter of credit amount may be exceeded to cater for the following
Available by / Sight Payment / Deferred Payment / Acceptance / Negotiation / Mixed
Drafts at / Drawn on
Payment terms e.g. Sight, 60 days after shipment, 90 days sight, mixed payment, etc.
Shipment Details
Place of Taking in Charge/Dispatch From/Place of Receipt / Port of Loading/Airport of Departure
Port of Discharge/Airport of Destination / Place of Final Destination/For Transportation To/Place of Delivery
Not later than
(YYYY-MM-DD) / Expiry date / Expiry place
Partial shipments / YesNo / Transshipments / YesNo / Combined shipments / YesNo
If partial shipments are permitted, state the latest dates by which shipments are to be made
Confirmationinstructions / Confirm / May add / Without
Charges - Select A for applicant or B for beneficiary
*Note – the charges below refer to the foreign banks charges
Advising commission / Confirmation charges / Negotiating commission / Reimbursing commission / All other Charges utside RSA / Acceptance / Deferred payment / Discount Charges
A B / A B / A B / A B / A B / A B / A B
Merchandise description (Attach separate annexure in need)
Documents required (For other documents append separate annexure in need. (Mark your choices with e.g: 3/3 2/3 etc.)
Commercial Invoices for the amount of the drawing showing the incoterm 2010 rules / CIF CFR
CPT Other (specify)
(named point) / , value and quantities of the goods,
quoting order / indent number
Sets of clean on board negotiable marine Bills of Lading to order of consignors, endorsed in blank,
marked / Freight prepaid / or / Freight payable at destination
Notify party
Air Waybill / Packing list
Rail / Road consignment note / Certificate of health
Air / Sea parcel post receipts / Certificate of Origin
Combined transport documents / Certificate of analysis
Safety data sheet / Fumigation Certificate
Inspection certificate / Issued by / Country of issue
Other documents required
If you have apportioned documents, please complete the following section:
Beneficiary certificate stating that: One complete set of / negotiablenon-negotiable / documents
are to be forwarded by / airmailcourier / Within / days of transport document date
Insurance Documents / Required / Insurance documents (Marine / war risk) endorsed in blank for the full invoice value PLUS / %
Not required / I will arrange for insurance here and undertake to hand to you Policies / Certificates of insurance approved by you, duly endorsed to you.
Documents to be presented within / Days after the issue of the shipping documents but within the validity of the credit (maximum 21 days)
Other terms and conditions (Attach separate annexure in need)
For an obligation free insurance quote from Standard Bank Insurance Brokers, please indicate yes or no: Yes No
Balance of payments (BOP) details – BOP categories and sub-categories list is available on our website
BOP category / sub-category / /
Import Control Number (ICN) / Format : BOECCYYMMDDAAA0000000
Format : INV000000 / Customs Client Number (CCN) / Format : 12345678
I instruct you to issue as indicated above. I declare that the information provided by me is in all respects both true and correct. I hereby acknowledge that the bank shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or delays in transmissions arising from circumstances beyond its control.
I hereby declare that:-
- I have read this document and know and understand the contents thereof;
-The documentation presented in support of this application is in all respects authentic;
- I have been informed of the limits applicable to the above transaction and confirm that this limit will not be exceeded as a result of the
conclusion of this transaction; and
-I consent to this information being provided to the South African Revenue Service and/or Financial Intelligence Centre.
For and on behalf of (Name of Applicant/ Company)
Signatures – (Signatures must match specimens on record at the bank)
Name of signatory(ies)
Note: The use of singular person (as in “you” and “I”) means the legal entities party to this agreement, where “you” refers to any company, subsidiary, agent and or affiliate of Standard Bank Group Limited.
  1. I request you to issue irrevocable documentary credits on my account from time to time in the form used by you. These are to be in favour of the people, firms or companies whose names and addresses will be provided to you when I need the documentary credits authorising them to draw only the amounts on the terms that I will in each instance advise you of. This request is subject to my satisfying the requirements to your satisfaction.
  2. I acknowledge and accept that documentary credits may be issued by any company, subsidiary, agent and or affiliate of Standard Bank Group Limited as you see fit.
  3. I agree to the following terms and conditions applying to all documentary credits you issue on my behalf;
  4. Where drafts and documents relating to the documentary credits are negotiated at sight, I will pay all amounts paid or payable by you. You may debit my account in your books whether in credit or otherwise with the South African currency equivalent of all drawings honoured under the documentary credits when you receive a cable or mail advice. You may also recover from this account the associated telecommunication costs.
  5. Where in terms of the documentary credits, drafts and/or documents are drawn upon you or your agents at a usance, I will provide funds to you at maturity to meet your obligations or those of your agent to make payment under the documentary credits. You may debit my account whether in credit or otherwise with the South African currency equivalent of each drawing honoured under the documentary credits on the maturity of the drawing.
  6. If I make the payment after the date on which the drawings were paid, interest at your ruling rate for these transactions may also be debited to my account, for the period between your payment and reimbursement by me plus two business days.
  7. The rates of exchange at which the drawings will be converted to South African currency will be your ruling selling rate of exchange for the foreign currency on the date payments are to be debited to my account or on the date you are able to sell me the foreign currency to cover the drawings under documentary credits issued. Where I take out a forward exchange contract with you to cover the foreign currency amount of drawings, the drawings will be converted to South African currency at the contract rate. I will inform you that conversion is to be effected at the contract rate.
  8. If you hand me the documents for the purpose of clearing and releasing the relative goods or for any purpose before settlement by me of the drawings, I will hold the documents and/or goods on your behalf and will account to you for the proceeds.
  9. Provided the documents tendered purport to comply with the terms of the credits neither you nor your agents need to investigate their validity and you will not be responsible for the genuineness of the documents. I agree in the acceptance of the documents as relating to the goods, and you will not be responsible in the event of any misrepresentation in the documents.
  10. I shall at all times be liable to maintain insurance in full force and effect over the goods against all risks for an amount at least
equal to the amount of the irrevocable documentary credit. I undertake that I shall be liable for all costs and risks assumed in connectionwith the aforesaid insurance
3.8.I will not hold you responsible for any default of the insurers or for the sufficiency of the any policies under which the goods are insured, provided the policies ostensibly comply with the documentary credit. I will hold the amount for which the goods are insured available to you until I make payment.
3.9.Where documentary credits are cash-covered, you will not seek confirmation of insurance over the goods.
3.10.Should I not meet any of your requirements, you may land, receive and insure the goods, and sell the entire shipment for my account and risk by public auction or as you think fit and proper. Doing so will not prejudice any of your rights. After deducting payments for freight, insurance, commission and all charges you may either credit my account with the net proceeds or apply the proceeds to the payment of the drawings honoured under the documentary credits. I undertake to deliver to you the documents as may be required by law or usage to enable you to land, receive and insure the goods.
3.11.I understand that you may provide me with a Marine Insurance product tailor made for my requirements, the product of which is underwritten by Standard Insurance Limited and distributed by Standard Bank Insurance Brokers who may be contacted for an obligation free quote on 0860 999 334.
3.12.If the goods are sold, you may take a commission of 2.5% of the gross proceeds in addition to your usual commission when you have paid the usual commission, fees or other charges to agents, brokers or others you may employ. I will further pay on demand any shortfall. You may collect any amounts due or to become due under the marine or other insurance cover necessary.
3.13.All risks arising out of, or consequent to, the issue of the documentary credits are to be borne by me alone and I undertake to discharge all the liabilities.
3.14.I hereby indemnify and hold you harmless against any loss or damage of whatsoever nature, which you may suffer or sustain arising from, or relating to, the issue of documentary credits.
3.15.I hereby further indemnify and hold you harmless against any and all liability, losses or damages of whatsoever nature (including reputational loss and damage), which you may suffer or sustain arising from, or relating to, the issue of documentary credits in contravention of OFAC, EU, UN and HMT sanctions.
3.16.For purposes of paragraph 3.15 above, “OFAC, EU, UN and HMT Sanctions” mean sanctions imposed from time to time by Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of Treasury of the United States of America (“OFAC”), European Union (“EU”), United Nations (“UN”) and Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom (“HMT”) relating to, but not limited to entities, parties, shipping lines, carriers, vessels, multimodal transport operators, freight forwarders, agents at the port of discharge and agents of any related party.
3.17.I hereby specifically indemnify and hold you harmless against any and all liability, losses or damages of whatsoever nature (whether direct, indirect and/or consequential), which you may suffer as a result of any and all funds being frozen, blocked and/or seized in any jurisdiction or which you may suffer as a result of any claim, demand and action made against you. For avoidance of doubt, I waive and renounce all rights, actions or circumstances whatsoever which might constitute a defense. I hereby waive any rights which I may have or obtain against you arising directly or indirectly from any losses or damages of whatsoever nature which I may suffer relating to the issue of documentary credits in contravention of OFAC, EU, UN and HMT sanctions.
3.18.The documentary credits are irrevocable unless the prior consent of all interested parties is obtained to the revocation.
3.19.For the issue of the documentary credits I agree to pay commission at your usual rates, and you may debit my account. I can claim no refund if the facility is not used or any amounts are not drawn.
3.20.I undertake to deposit with you the amounts you may require. These will be accounted for to me when all your claims in respects of the documentary credits have been met.
3.21.Any notification and service charges imposed by correspondents and negotiating banks are for my account.
3.22.I agree that the documentary credits are subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, published by the
International Chamber of Commerce, in force from time to time. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep myself apprised of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits in force from time to time.
By putting our names and signatures to this agreement, the company (natural and legal persons included) on whose behalf we act will be
bound by it and considered to be party to it.
For and on behalf of
Signatures – (Signatures must match specimens on record at the bank)
Name of signatories
Date signed


I/We the undersigned
In my/our capacity (ies) as
of (Company name)
Duly authorised thereto by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company passed on the
day of / 20
Hereby bind myself/ourselves/the Company as surety in solidum and co-principal debtor to The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, under renunciation of the benefits of excussion and/or division for the due fulfilment of the aforegoing agreement.
Signed on this / day of / 20
For and on behalf of
Signatures – (Signatures must match specimens on record at the bank)
Name of Signatories

023702 20 June 2013 The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Reg. No. 1962/000738/06 Registered Bank

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