Exhibit A - Scope of Work


Yakama Nation Fisheries, Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration Program (UCHRP) (owner) is conducting a technical support contract. The purpose of this work is to consulting services in direct support of the YN UCHRP. YN habitat restoration projects that may require consultation will be located in any/all of the following sub-basins: Entiat, Wenatchee, and Methow sub-basins and their tributaries.

All work on this contract will be directed by the Yakama Nation’s Designated Representatives (UCHRP Project Managers/Project Biologist) or additional UCHRP staff, as necessary. All contract specifications and tasks are listed below. No changes to the contract will be allowed without prior approval from the Designated Representative or UCHRP staff. Exhibit C - Payment outlines the payment plan associated with Exhibit B - Budget.

Contractor Obligations
The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, equipment and tools necessary to complete the project as outlined in the following tasks:

Project Tasks

All project tasks will be completed as per Exhibit A - Scope of Work. Major outreach tasks include but are not limited to the following:

Technical Support on Habitat Restoration, Experimental Design, and Data Analyses

  1. Work with the Yakama Nation on reviewing proposed habitat restoration projects for biological benefit. The review will include an evaluation of how well the proposed projects address limiting factors and threats, improve salmonid habitat conditions, and potentially increase abundance, distribution, production, and/or survival of target fish species.
  2. Work with the Yakama Nation on reviewing “experimental” restoration project types for biological benefit. The review will include an evaluation of how well the proposed projects address limiting factors and threats, improve salmonid habitat conditions, and potentially increase abundance, distribution, production, and/or survival of target fish species.
  3. Assist the Yakama Nation with habitat modeling, including habitat suitability modeling, to assess project effectiveness and to assess the quality and quantity of habitat conditions within pre-treatment stream reaches.
  4. Assist the Yakama Nation with setting up monitoring designs and provide guidance on statistical analyses.
  5. As directed by the Yakama Nation, provide written and/or verbal responses to assignments. Written responses may be in the form of emails, memos, or technical white papers.

Consistent Satisfactory Progress

Consistent staisfactory progress in administration of this contract will be required. Satisfactory progress will be measured by both the quality and quantity of work. The Yakama Nation’s Designated Representative will monitor progress closely and coordinate accordingly with contractor staff for execution of this contract.


The area covered under this contract will be within the Entiat, Wenatchee, and Methow Sub-basins of the Upper Columbia River system.

Designated Representative

The YN designated representative for this contract will be YN Habitat Fisheries Biologist Matt Wilberding, or other UCHRP staff, as necessary.

Project Timeline

This contract will June 1, 2016 and will run until May 31, 2018.

Additional Contract Details

This contract will be an on-call, as-needed contract and use will be dependent upon specific, individual project needs. When completing the Exhibit B – Budget tab, please include all required personnel necessary to complete each task (Tasks 1-5 outlined in Exhibit A – SOW) and an example of typical staff necessary has been included. Please modify Exhibit B – Budget to reflect your personell and rates necessary to complete each task. This will provide the YN with total costs to complete all tasks for one project. Since this is an on-call contract, it may be used for one project, or multiple projects within the Project Timeline, detailed above.