Welcome to Team 6-3!

We are looking forward to a great year! In this brochure, you will find lots of helpful information. Please read over all the information carefully. You will receive additional information on the first day of school.

Meet Your Teachers!

Ms. Alexander , Language Arts

Ms. Eidson, Mathematics

Ms. Ferrari, Science

Ms. Rochowski, Social Studies

Ms. Brooks, T-4 Learning Support Specialist

Ms. Cook, T-4 Learning Support Specialist

Ms. Williams, T-4 Learning Support Specialist

Team Rules

  • Exercise self-control.
  • Respect yourself and others.
  • Take responsibility for personal

and school property.

  • Support the learning process by

being prepared.

6th Grade Discipline Policy

1st Citation-Written Warning

2nd Citation-Parent Contact/Team Discipline

3rd Citation-Parent Contact/Team Discipline

4th Citation-Office Referral

*The four-step process for discipline extends through each semester for the school year.

*The teacher may also refer a student directly to the office for any severe behavior problem.

What Else Should I Know?

Attendance: Daily attendance is extremely important. If class is missed, it is the responsibility of the student to follow the appropriate procedures to obtain missing work.

Lockers: Each student will receive a locker. Due to the number of students, it is sometimes necessary for them to share a locker with a friend in the same homeroom. We will beginassigning lockers on the second day of school to those students who have completed and returned all necessary paperwork. No need to purchase a lock; they come with locks in place.

Book bags: Middle school students are not allowed to carry book bags during the school day.

Book bags must be left in the student’s locker, and this includes the thin, nylon book bags. Students will have locker breaks to access their materials throughout the day. Please do not bring the roller type book bags because they do not fit in the lockers!

ConnectionClasses: 5th and 6th periods

Tardies: Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are considered tardy and must check in at the front office.

Breakfast: $1.15

Lunch: Students $2.30 Visitors $3.25

Extra Milk $.30

Union Grove

Middle School

Open House


Ensuring Success for all Students!

Union Grove Middle School

210 East Lake Road

McDonough, Georgia 30252

(678) 583-8978

Mr. Matt Isenberg, Principal

Mrs. Kathy Wilson, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Christy LeJeune, Counselor

Suggested Team Supply List

Can be carried from class to class:

Notebook Paper


Zipper style pencil pouch (no boxes) with the following supplies in it:


Small hand-held pencil sharpener with cover

Colored pencils (twistables preferred)


Glue bottles


Blue or black pens

Red pens

Mini stapler (with staples)/Clear tape

Individual set of Earbuds/headphones

USB Flash-drive (to save technology work)

Language Arts (Mrs. Alexander)

One 5 subject spiral notebook (5-Star style) with pockets

One composition notebook

Red pens

Social Studies (Mrs. Rochowski)

One 5 subject spiral notebook (5-Star style) with pockets

One composition notebook

Science (Mrs. Ferrari)

One 5 subject spiral notebook (5-Star style) with pockets

Math (Mrs. Eidson)

One 5 subject spiral notebook (5-Star style) with pockets

4-Function Calculator

Teacher Wish List

(Not required -- but greatly appreciated!)

 Reams of white and colored copy paper


Hand sanitizer

Paper towels

Clorox wipes

Wrapped candy for student rewards

(no gum or anything with peanuts)

Enforcing the Dress Code

All students should be aware that the dress code is strictly enforced. Please read over the dress code section in your Student Handbook to make certain that your choices are appropriate.Temperatures may vary from room to room, so dress accordingly.


Personal technology (which includes laptops and tablets, and sometimes cell phones) will be used on a regular basis in all academic classes. Teachers will advise students ahead of time when technology is needed so they can be prepared for class on the assigned day.


  • Meaningful part of learning
  • Extension of class work
  • Reinforcement, practice, and enrichment
  • Assigned Monday through Thursday
  • Occasional weekend assignments
  • Failure to complete assignments will adversely affect the student’s learning and grades
  • Good Study Habit: Devote a minimum of 15 minutes to each academic class each night.


Students will have the opportunity to purchase healthy snacks and water at the end of 4th period. Every item will be $.50.

Good Communication Is Essential for Success!

The following tools will be used to keep students and parents informed:

Agendas: UGMS will NOT be providing students with agendas, but PTO will be selling them. Students are strongly encouraged to use a personal agenda to record homework assignments, extra-curricular activities, and important dates/reminders on a daily basis. Agendas can help students learn to manage their time by helping them to prioritize, plan, and pace their tasks. Ultimately, it serves as a communication tool between home and school!

Team Newsletter: Parents will receive newsletters periodically via e-mail which will highlight the activities and outline important upcoming events in the four academic subjects, as well as other school happenings.

Infinite Campus: Check Infinite Campus for current grades. Your child’s grades will be updated at least every two weeks.

E-Mail: The quickest way to reach us is by e-mail. Please refer to email addresses provided in this brochure.

Edmodo: All students will set up an Edmodo account here at school. It will serve as both a learning and communication tool.

Fieldtrips: Information will be given at a later date.