1.  President

a.  Serves as youth leader for the post

b.  Implements the post program in cooperation with officers and participants

c.  Works closely with advisors and other adult leaders in a spirit of partnership

d.  Represents the post at outside meetings

e.  Assists the Post Advisor in conducting the post officers training

f.  Appoints youth chairs for special projects and appoints special post officers

g.  Presents the annual report to the participating organization at the conclusion of the term of the office

h.  Assesses frequently whether the responsibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively

i.  Approaches Exploring and encourages others to approach Exploring, in the spirit of fun and enjoyment

2.  Administrative Vice President

a.  Serves as administrative officer to the post

b.  Assumes the responsibilities of the post president in his or her absence

c.  Leads the recruitment and admission of new youth participants during the year

d.  Organizes and recognizes the achievements of post participants

e.  Conducts opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as specified

f.  Attends all post activities

g.  Participates in the Learning For Life program conference

h.  Approaches Exploring and encourages others to approach Exploring, in the spirit of fun and enjoyment

3.  Program Vice President

a.  Serves as program officer for the post and arranges the program planning process for the post

b.  Collects and maintains a post activity file consisting of the adult resource survey, a list of post youth participant interests and suggestions for activities, program resources and an annual activity schedule

c.  Determines the interests of the youth participants on an ongoing basis using the Explorer activity interest survey

d.  Provides support for the chair and committee for each activity

e.  Maintains an up-to-date calendar of post meetings and activities

f.  Approaches Exploring and encourages others to approach Exploring, in the spirit of fun and enjoyment

4.  Secretary

a.  Serves as the communication officer and, in that position, manages all communications and publicity for the post

b.  Maintains post participation and attendance records

c.  Handles post correspondence and minutes

d.  Coordinates post publicity through local media, post newsletters and post telephone network

e.  Approaches Exploring and encourages others to approach Exploring, in the spirit of fun and enjoyment



Name: ______

E-Mail: ______Phone: ______

School: ______Grade: ______

# Years in Exploring: ______Position applying for: ______

Why I am interested in running for a council position:


Current Leadership/ Community Activities:


Other Information:
