NOTES FROM Hampshire and franklin county Superintendents

JOINT Steering Committee MEETING

Friday, September 23, 2016 9:30 A.M.

Present: Michael Buoniconti, Karol Coffin, Lynn Carey, Marlene DiLeo, Nancy Follansbee, Jordana Harper, Craig Jurgensen, Anne McKenzie, John Provost, John Robert, Sheryl Stanton, Michael Sullivan, and Tari Thomas.

CES Staff: Angela Burke, Kevin Courtney, Bill Diehl, Bill Erickson, and Kathy Levesque.

Also: Steve Hemman, Associate Director, Mass. Assn. of Regional Schools

Minutes: On a motion (Provost/Coffin) notes from the June 17 Hampshire Steering Committee meeting were approved.

General Discussion-

1.  For the benefit of newcomers, Kevin reviewed the history of Superintendent Steering Committees, dating back to its original formation as an advisory group on Collaborative functions and leadership contact with each member school district.

2.  With regard to DDM’s, most concern was expressed about creating fair and meaningful ways to measure student impact and growth over time. Noted were contrasts between urban districts, said to be more deeply into student assessment, with smaller and more personalized rural schools.

3.  Most seemed to be comfortable with implementing new guidelines and expectations for meeting the needs of transgender students, with one comment that we ought to ‘listen to the kids’ who seem most accommodating of their peers. More challenging to administer are situations such as field trips and Nature’s Classroom overnight camp with sleeping arrangements. One Superintendent said it was important that presenters at any professional development or parent information session on the topic have a clear knowledge of the audience involved. It was noted that the Collaborative will offer a workshop on this topic on October 25.

4.  Given the chance to meet jointly, Superintendents spent a few minutes to initiate e-mail and text message contact information with one another to use when determining the need to delay or close school for weather conditions.

5.  Some had been surveyed by the Grinspoon Foundation about potential policy changes to improve their disbursement of annual honorariums to deserving teachers in each school district of the Valley.

6.  It was noted that former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan would be speaking at Smith College. One topic he seems to be pursuing is improvement and measurement of the effectiveness of teacher preparation programs in schools of education.

7.  Michael Buoniconti reviewed legislation he and other Superintendents have proposed that would provide supplemental funding to small and rural districts, based on their population density and ‘rurality.’

8.  Concern was expressed that proposed new Federal Education policy restrictions and requirements will be too directive, especially with regard to distribution of Title I funds.

9.  Angela Burke commented on technical and challenging aspects of administering PARCC using computer-based texts. Many noted the concern for pressure students feel when having to respond within time constraints, compared to MCAS. Also, offering both timed and untimed tests is a complex administrative challenge. Superintendents were alerted to a deadline in notifying DESE about fully or partially implementing PARCC 2.0. Nancy commented that she was ‘glad they were up to speed when the stakes were lower.’ With regard to the groundswell of parents urging that students opt out, John Provost astutely commented they could best ‘show their disrespect to the state by taking MCAS.’

CES Matters of Interest -

1.  Bill Diehl shared copies of the May 25 edition of his Executive Director’s Report to the Collaborative Board, which had been cross-indexed with examples and evidence of progress on three strategic goals: meeting member district needs; fostering the success of at-risk children, youth and their families; and developing exemplary educators through delivery of high-quality professional development.

2.  A folder with professional development opportunities was distributed, with special mention of PLC’s for Early Education Leaders and Public Preschool Teachers, and for mentor teachers.

3.  A rich array of offerings has been scheduled for Election Dar, November 8.

4.  Kathy Levesque called attention to workshop sessions on Social Emotional and Social Justice workshops being offered, the October 15 Transforming Education for Social Justice conference, and the recently created Western Massachusetts Facebook site for Positive Public Schools

5.  Nancy gave high praise to the work of Sharon Jones, a former Special Education Director who has joined the CES SPED Department along with Laurel Peltier from Amherst-Pelham Regional High School.

6.  Steve Hemman spoke of MARS involvement with regional school finance issues around the state.

7.  Among suggestions for better ways to serve members was the designation of certain CES staff to be a liaison to specific towns and school districts.

8.  The group seemed interested in having another joint meeting, perhaps in January.

Next Hampshire Supt. Meeting – Friday, October 21, 2015

Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M


Bill Erickson, Recorder