Council Offices, Station Road, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6RJ

18 March 2015

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Planning Committee to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday 23 March 2015 at 7.00pm. The Agenda is set out below

Mrs J E Vanstone

Clerk to the Council


1. Public Speaking Time (15 minutes maximum)

Members of the public are invited to address the Committee.

·  Each individual person exercising the right to speak during this public time is restricted to speaking for a total of 3 minutes.

·  Any questions put to the Committee must be put through the Chairman.

·  The Chairman has the right and discretion to control speaking time to avoid disruption, repetition and to make best use of the meeting time.

2. To receive any Apologies for Absence

3. Declarations of Interests in Items on the Agenda

NB!! You must declare any personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interest in an item before it is discussed. Make sure you say the reason for your interest, as this has to be noted. If your interest is of a disclosable pecuniary nature you must leave the room.

4. Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9 March 2015.

5. Declaration by District Councillors

6. Planning Applications

Application No: 15/0430/FUL

Applicant: Mr S Cheeseman

Location: 10 Leas Road

Proposal: Construction of single storey extension

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0555/FUL

Applicant: Mrs V Poole

Location: 88 Granary Lane

Proposal: Construction of two storey rear extension

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0074/FUL

Applicant: Mr J Baker

Location: Council Chambers, Station Road

Proposal: Change of use of ground floor offices to 3 apartments and alterations to windows

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0528/FUL

Applicant: St Peter’s C of E School

Location: Barn Lane

Proposal: Construction over domed cover over swimming pool

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0577/FUL

Applicant: Mr G Lance

Location: 1 Exmouth Road

Proposal: Single storey porch extension

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0174/OUT

Applicant: Mr K Hawkins and Mrs L Roden

Location: 7 and 5 Copp Hill Lane (land to The Rear Of)

Proposal: Outline application for the construction of two dwellings (all matters reserved)

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0600/FUL

Applicant: Dr R Dixon

Location: 55 Moormead

Proposal: Construction of garden studio

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

Application No: 15/0634/FUL

Applicant: Mrs Z Allars

Location: 43 East Budleigh Road

Proposal: Construction of porch to front elevation

Letters Received: None at the time the agenda was prepared

7. East Devon District Council: Planning Decisions – Approvals

Application No: 14/2859/TRE

Applicant: Mr D Mayne

Location: 33 Exmouth Road

Proposal: T1 Luccombe Oak: Crown reduction to reduce spread and height by up to 2.5m

Reduce dominant limb on NW side of the canopy by 6m

Application No: 14/2773/TRE

Applicant: Mr B Dove

Location: 1 West Hill Lane

Proposal: T1 Monterey Cypress: Fell

Application No: 15/0013/FUL

Applicant: East Devon Golf Club

Location: East Devon Golf Club, Links Road

Proposal: Construction of replacement wooden hut on 1st tee

Application No: 15/0149/FUL

Applicant: Mr and Mrs White

Location: 20 Stoneyford Park

Proposal: Single storey front, rear and side extensions and installation of first floor side bedroom window

Application No: 15/0298/FUL

Applicant: Mr A Beck

Location: 6 Moorlands Road

Proposal: Addition of raised decking around existing summer house

Application No: 15/0365/FUL

Applicant: Mr and Mrs P Musgrave

Location: 12 Bridge Road

Proposal: Construction of replacement storage shed

Application No: 15/0358/FUL

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Aguis

Location: Winwood House, 4A Cricket Field Lane

Proposal: Installation of 2no clear glazed roof lights on east elevation

Application No: 15/0211/FUL

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Cowling

Location: 12 Greenway Lane

Proposal: Retention of single storey side extension

8. Planning Inspectorate: Result of Appeal

Appeal by: Mrs M Davis

Application No: 14/2154/VAR

Location: 40 Stoneborough Lane

Development: Removal of condition 3 of planning permission 13/2785/FUL to allow clear glazing of dormer window on rear elevation

Decision: The Appeal is dismissed

9. Correspondence Received

14/2290/FUL & 15/0009/FUL: 18 Northview Road – letter regarding installation of window

10. Any other Business at the Chairman’s Discretion

NB!! No decisions may lawfully be made under this Agenda item.