VOCAL Meeting
Thursday 3rd December 2009
1. / Present:
John Tempest (VOCAL Chair), Stephen Pemberton (Youth Engagement Service), Simon Ashby (CRIS), Sue Parkes (Relate), Allan Hargreaves (GRUMPY), Anna Buttery (GRUMPY), Karina Nyananyo (42nd Street), Vera Martins (42nd Street), Dawn Brannigan (YMCA Training), Salli Ward (Pro-Contact), Karen Llewellyn (Fairbridge), Julie Frost (Federation of Jewish Services), Louise Murray (Salford CVS)
In attendance:
Tricia Kirkman (Salford City Council); Sandi Pennington (Salford City Council – Children’s Workforce Strategic Lead)
2. / Apologies:
Kelly Bradford (Homestart Salford), Sylvia McDowell (Positive Moves), Cate Allison (Spurgeons), Alan (Salford Foundation), Imogen Beazley (VInvolved), Pat Walton (Together Trust)
Apologies were also received from the invited speaker, Councillor Warmisham, who would like to attend a future VOCAL meeting.
3. / Sandi Pennington – Workforce Development
Sandi was welcomed to the meeting and invited to address the meeting regarding her post as Strategic Integrated Working lead for Salford Children’s Trust. Sandi already has a strong link with VOCAL’s Workforce Task Group and is able to link her work in the Children’s Trust arrangements into the Voluntary & Community Sector through this route.
Sandi’s role is to lead on the workforce development element of the Children’s Trust. Guidance issued in November for the new Children’s Trustarrangements, identifies the ‘people plan’ for Workforce Development as a key plan within the Trust. This is to encompass all partners working with Salford’s children, young people and families.
Sandi explained that the Department for Children, Schools and Families has asked the Childrens Workforce Development Council to conduct a questionnaire on integrated working as a focused piece of work. The outcomes of this will help to prioritise resources for workforce development, including Training, and to celebrate successes. Sandi has already circulated an invitation to take part in the survey via Salford CVS. She emphasised the importance of the voluntary and community sectors participation in this exercise for Salford and explained how both managers and frontline staff could take part in the online survey. Responses are due by 18th December.
Louise presented the meeting with hard copies of the VOCAL Training Directory and invited organisations to take copies for individual staff and volunteers. The Directory will be a useful tool to plan individual and team training but may also highlight gaps. Louise asked organisations to feedback to her on specific unmet training needs.
Allan commented that their organisations training budget has disappeared as a consequence of the recession. He would appreciate a fund for bursaries to meet training needs. John responded that VOCAL Workforce Task Group is workingto draw down funding which relies on identifying needs collectively to commission relevant training for the sector.
Sandi explained that Childrens Services have started to identify training needs against competencies and skills and could provide this information to assist with Children’s Trust planning in the future. A skills analysis has been developed for some areas of Workforce which can be shared.
Following discussion identified a need for management training relevant to the Salford context. Vera stated that there are lots of leadership courses but those on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of management e.g. performance management, were harder to access and fund. John gave an example from outside salford where he had worked with colleges to gain access to accredited management training at NVQ Levels3 & 4 for a number of voluntary organisations.
It was raised that managers may not be able to identify all their own or staff training needs but that Business Link could provide a template and process for this. / All
VOCAL Workforce Task Group
4. / Minutes of Last Meeting
These were agreed with no Matters Arising.
5. / VOCAL Update
The VOCAL Reps reported back to the group and the written update was circulated:

Dawn Brannigan was able to give a further update on the Inspiring IAG Award Accreditation from a reputable body is currently being sought for the award. This has funding for 1 year from 2nd November 2009 and Sarah Davies will be leading on this in her new role of GM Project Manager with Connexions.
There are two strands one for Careers Education and the other youth support/volunteering/Community. They are both the same award and have the same kudos. The award consists of are 3 levels Silver, Bronze and Gold. Organisations must follow a Code of Practice (COP) if they want to achieve an award, this COP has been agreed by different Connexions areas and is the result of consulting with schools, other providers and local authority staff. For further information please contact Sarah at Connexions on 0161 245 4832 or to speak to the VOCAL Rep to this group contact Dawn Brannigan 0161 737 6699,
Vera reported that she has had difficulty accessing information from CAMHS & will pursue this with Maggie Maudsley.
There was a discussion on the Children’s Trust Developments. Nationally there will not be a ‘duty to cooperate’ for Voluntary and Community Organisations but there is an opportunity to include the sector in the new Trust arrangements. VOCAL Reps to Board, John and Louise, are presenting the case for full involvement, including at Executive level, because of the extent of sectors delivery and the need to plan service development including that within the Voluntary sector.
Dates for VOCAL Meetings 2010
Thursday 23rd March 2010 12.30 – 2.30pm @ GRUMPY
Thursday 15th June 2010 12.30 – 2.30pm @ GRUMPY
Tuesday 14th September 2010 12.30 – 2.30pm @GRUMPY
Tuesday 14th December 2010 12.30 – 2.30pm @ GRUMPY

Chair of Meeting:John Tempest

Minutes taken by: Louise Murray