Name: / Class:
Assignment: / Plan and implement a personal fitness training program for a period of 1 week / Date:

Development of Personal Fitness



Fitness Training Program

Personal History Questionnaire

It is important to collect medical information to screen an individual before you undertake a new training regime.

Personal Information

Gender / Date of birth / Age
Height / Weight(kg) / BMI

Sporting/Activity Goals

What are your long term sporting/activity goals over the next year or season?
What are your short term goals over the next three months?


What are your Fitness Gram Scores?
Pacer: / Trunk Lift:
Mile Run: / Sit-N-Reach:
Curl-Ups: / Shoulder Stretch:
How would you describe your current fitness status?

Nutritional needs

On a scale of 1 – 10 (1 being very low quality and 10 being very high quality) how would you rate the quality of your diet?
Do you follow any particular diet?(circle)
Yes / No / Vegetarian
Gluten free
Dairy free
Other: Explain

Physical Health

Do you experience any of the following?
Back pain or injury / Ankle pain or injury
Swollen joints / Shoulder pain or injury
Knee pain or injury / Nerve damage
Head injuries / Hip or pelvic pain or injury
If yes to above please give details?
Are any of these injuries made worse by exercise?
If yes, what movements in particular will cause pain?
Are you currently receiving any treatment for any injuries?

Describe why it is important to screen an individual before starting a training program:

Fitness Components

(These could be the fitness areas to you need to improved through training in order to improve your sporting/activity performance)

Aerobic Endurance Muscular endurance

Muscular Strength Body Composition


Fitness Components



Aerobic Endurance

Muscular Endurance


Muscular Strength


Body Composition


F.I.T.T. Principles of Training

Describe what the F.I.T.T. principles of training are.





Intensity /





The Six Absolutes of Perfect Technique are training principles that can be used to learn proper biomechanics in any sport, activity or in the weight room. How will these be used in your fitness plan? /
Use an athletic or jump stance.

Be tall.

Spread the chest

Align the toes

Align the knees (knees over toes)

Eyes on target

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the first step in training program design. You should be clear about your goals before designing your program. Goals need to be exciting, worthwhile and achievable and follow the SMARTER rule.
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T – Time-Related
E – Exciting
R – Recorded

Types of goals –

·  Outcome goals – performance goals – e.g winning a race, setting personal bests, being selected for a team – used for longer term goals.

·  Process goals – e.g. improved reaction to starter’s gun, improving technique – useful for short and medium goal setting – can be controlled by the performer.

My personal Goals –

What I want to achieve –

How will it be achieved / measured?

How will it be achieved / measured?

How will it be achieved / measured?

My Training Program Plan

Complete the Plan

WEEK 1 (Example)
I will start each session with 15 minutes warm up – to include....ballistic stretching, light jog and jumping jacks
I will finish each session with 10 minutes cool down – to include....static stretching
What – I am going to start the program with 2 sessions. 2 x interval session and 1 x continuous swimming session
Where – I am going to do the interval sessions in the country park near to where I live. It is flat so should be ok to start with. The swimming session is going to take place at my local pool where they have lane swimming in the morning
When – I am going to do the Interval sessions on Monday & Friday and the swimming on Wednesday
How long – The Interval sessions will last for 20 minutes each and I want to swim continually (at a steady pace) for 30 minutes
WEEK 1 (Example)
I will start each session with 15 minutes warm up – to include....
I will finish each session with 10 minutes cool down – to include....
What –
Where –
When –
How Long -

Overview of my one week plan –

Use the principles of training, types of training available and training guidelines to design yourself a personal fitness training program for a one week period.

Week 1

Explain why you have decided to do the above -

Personal Exercise Factors and Strategies

You have now planned your 1 week personal fitness training program, however, it will not be easy, and what difficulties might you face?

Barrier / What does this mean?
Access to facilities

Pick 2 barriers you might need to overcome and try to come up with a solution.


Strategies – the action you can take to help you keep to your training regime.

Strategy / What does this mean?
Setting SMART targets
Support & reinforcement
Rewards for achievement
Implementing enjoyable activities
Reinforcing the benefits of training

Everyone is different...therefore different strategies will be needed to help you stick to your training programs if things start to go wrong a bit.