Indigenous Advancement Strategy


Overview 3

Important Information 4

Handy Tips 4

Contacts 4

General Instructions 5

Part 1 – Project Delivery 7

Question 1 Does your organisation have any success stories to share for this reporting period? 7

Question 2 Did your organisation experience any challenges in delivering the project during the reporting period? 7

Question 3 Have any circumstances changed that may impact your organisation’s delivery of the project? 7

Part 2 – Progress and Performance against the Project 8

Question 4 Provide details about your organisation’s progress 8

Question 5 and onwards Responses to the KPIs 8

Part 3 – Location Data 10

Part 4 – Project Contact Information 10

Part 5 – Declaration 10


Mandatory Key Performance Indicators 11

M1 – Number and proportion of Indigenous people employed in delivery of the Project 11

M2 – Extent of compliance with Project Agreement terms and conditions 12


Additional Key Performance Indicators 13

KPIs requiring a numeric answer 13

KPIs not requiring a numeric answer 14


This IAS KPI Handbook has been developed to help you complete your IAS Performance Report.

The Handbook contains detailed information and should be regarded as the primary source of advice on how to complete your Report.

The Performance Report template will have been emailed to your organisation at the email address provided to the Department for the Project Agreement purposes. You will receive an email for each project your organisation undertakes.

The Performance Report you have received has five parts:

1.  Project Delivery

2.  Your Progress and Performance against the Project

3.  Location Data

4.  Project Contact Information

5.  Declaration

Part 1: Project Delivery

In this Part, you can share success stories and tell us of any challenges your organisation faced in delivering the project. This may include changes in your organisation’s circumstances that have impacted on its ability to deliver the project. Further details on how to complete this section can be found on Page 7 of this Handbook.

Part 2: Your Progress and Performance against the Project

In this Part, you are required to provide details about your organisation’s progress against the outcomes, objectives and performance targets as specified in the Project Schedule. Where there are issues affecting the project, you must specify the actions your organisation is taking to address these issues. Where insufficient space is available to enter your responses, additional information can be attached at the end of this Part. Further details on how to complete this section can be found on Page 8 of this Handbook.

Part 3: Location Data

In this Part, if it is applicable to your project, we ask that you provide information on the location in which the project is being delivered. This will include a breakdown of the grant funding for each location by financial year. Further details on how to complete this section can be found on Page 10 of this Handbook.

Part 4: Project Contact Information

In this Part, we ask that you confirm the details of the primary contact person or amend the primary contact person’s details as applicable.

Part 5: Declaration

This Part is where the name of the officer authorised to complete the Performance Report for your organisation is provided and the report is submitted. Additionally, we are seeking information on the time taken to complete the report to enable the Department to continually improve its reporting processes.

Important Information

·  To be able to successfully complete and submit the Performance Report form electronically, you will need the latest version of Adobe Reader (version 8.1 or later) installed on your computer. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from Adobe Australia. Using other PDF reader software (e.g. Foxit) will cause errors.

·  The Handbook provides an overview and general instructions on how to complete all parts of the Performance Report, including the two KPIs which are mandatory and must be completed.

·  You do not have to complete the form in one session – once you start the form, you can save it as you work.

·  All fields with a red border in the IAS Performance Report are mandatory and must be completed. You will not be able to submit your IAS Performance Report unless these mandatory fields are completed.

·  Please do not leave any fields blank that you are requested to complete. Your responses in text boxes should directly answer the question posed and should explain the reason for your response. When appropriate or asked for, you may attach evidence in support of your answer.

·  Agreement Managers (in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet) may contact you after the
IAS Performance Report is completed and submitted, seeking further information or clarification when assessing your completed report.

Handy Tips

·  Certain fields of the IAS Performance Report will be automatically pre-populated. This data has been sourced from our grant system and cannot be changed in the IAS Performance Report.

·  The IAS Performance Report contains tips (hover cursor over text) on each question to indicate whether the question is mandatory, has any size limits and what type of information is expected in the response.

·  The [i] icon contains information for use by screen readers.

·  A paperclip indicates when there is the option to attach a document as part of a response. The file size per attachment is limited to 2MB, with the total of all attachments in the report limited to 10MB.

·  If you experience any difficulties in using Adobe Reader, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.


If you have difficulty opening, completing or submitting the form, or do not receive confirmation of submission, please:

·  call the contact officer for your project on 1800079 098 and quote the Review ID found on the cover page of the Report;


·  Email the completed Performance Report to

General Instructions

Providing Supporting Evidence

Your Performance Report may be supported by documentary evidence. The Performance Report form allows you to attach documents, including photographs (subject to file size limits). A range of evidence can be provided to support your performance.

When using specific case studies or images, you must seek approval from any individuals involved as confidentiality and privacy provisions apply.

The different types of evidence that could be used include:


·  Data sets for particular types of projects.

o  If we have provided you with a minimum data set form to complete, it is important that you fully complete it.

·  If there is no minimum data set for a particular type of project, you may wish to provide other data such as:

o  Number of clients engaged in the project;

o  Number and types of services provided; or

o  Number of positive outcomes (which could also be expressed as percentages).

·  Data from third parties, including for example your local State or Territory police, school, council etc., as appropriate.

When providing statistics, it is important that you have the ability to verify those statistics when/if asked. Statistics need to be supported by your own records. This is to ensure that the Department has a mechanism for verifying claims made in performance reports and to ensure there is ability for a future independent assessment or evaluation.

Other factual information

·  Local or regional information may be relevant to service delivery, such as local crime rates, community or stakeholder issues, policies or legislation affecting service delivery or law and justice issues.

·  Facts can also include historical information.

·  Not all factual information may be required or relevant to performance. For example, personal details that could identify a client or other party, such as a name or address, should not be provided or if unavoidable should be disguised (e.g. “Robert (not his real name)”).


Exhibits which have been stored on computer drives may be uploaded and attached to the report. These may include:

·  Images depicting the delivery of an activity or service.

·  Charts and diagrams (for example, a flow chart on how the service is delivered).

·  Samples of forms or templates for service delivery (for example, a client intake form, a client risk assessment form, or service delivery checklist).

·  Copies of general supporting documents such as manuals, instructions, audit reports, evaluations etc.

Case Studies

·  Case studies are a useful way of illustrating service delivery, outcomes achieved, and any issues or challenges you may have encountered. They can be helpful to provide context to your activity or service and to support any data or facts that you provide with the Performance Report.

·  You may wish to provide two or three short accounts of particular clients who accessed your service:

o  What problem or issue was your client facing when he or she first accessed your service or participated in your activity?

o  If relevant, briefly explain why your client was facing these problems or issues.

o  What steps did you and the client take to address these problems or issues?

o  Were there any obstacles you and the client needed to overcome when completing those steps?

o  What happened? Has the client addressed or made progress towards addressing those problems or issues?

·  A case study need not be restricted to a particular client. It may relate to a problem or issue a community was dealing with that was or is being addressed by an activity undertaken by your organisation. A case study can also be a means of conveying a ‘good news story’.


·  Letters from third parties, such as authorized community members and local service providers, attesting to service delivery, outcomes achieved, or local or regional circumstances may lend weight to the claims made in your performance report.

·  Letters from those directly impacted by services commenting on the benefits and impact of services provided may also substantiate performance claims.

Part 1 - Project Delivery

This Part of the Performance Report form poses three questions which require ‘Yes’/’No’ answers:

1.  Does your organisation have any success stories to share for this reporting period?

2.  Did your organisation experience any challenges in delivering the project during the reporting period?

3.  Have any circumstances changed that may impact your organisation’s delivery of the project?

Instructions for responding to these questions can be found below:

Question 1Does your organisation have any success stories to share for this reporting period?

·  If you answer ‘No’ to this question, you will automatically move to Question 2.

·  If you answer ‘Yes’, a text box will appear where you can provide your success stories. These stories may detail overall achievements or you may like to demonstrate how clients have benefited from your activity or service.

·  To support your success story, you may like to attach supporting evidence. For example, you may like to provide data, draw on results from third parties, provide case studies, provide testimonials, illustrate outcomes reported in the media, etc. Advice on acceptable forms of supporting evidence can be found on Pages 5 and 6.

Question 2Did your organisation experience any challenges in delivering the project during the reporting period?

·  If you answer ‘No’ to this question, you will automatically move to Question 3.

·  If you answer ‘Yes’ to this question a text box will appear. There you will be able to provide a brief description of each of the challenges you experienced during the reporting period and how those challenges are impacting on your ability to deliver KPIs and agreed programme outcomes for your project.

·  Outline what you are doing to address those challenges.

Question 3Have any circumstances changed that may impact your organisation’s delivery of the project?

·  If you answer ‘No’ to this question, you will automatically move to Question 4.

·  If you answer ‘Yes’ to this question, please:

o  Describe the situation, including how the change of circumstance has impacted on service delivery and whether the change has been adverse or beneficial;

o  Explain how you are taking advantage of the change or what you are doing to address any adverse impacts of the change of circumstances; and

o  Provide relevant supporting data for these claims.

·  If any challenges listed in Question 2 arose from changed circumstances, please provide details in this response. This can also include changed circumstances that have enhanced or improved your organization’s delivery of the project.

·  Change of circumstances could include: changes to the law, the arrival or departure of a key stakeholder or service provider, change in board members and/or CEO, localised events such as natural disasters, or changes in funding.

Part 2 – Your Progress and Performance against the Project

In Part 2 of the Performance Report, you are required to provide details about your organisation’s progress against the programme outcomes, objectives and performance targets as specified in the Project Schedule.

Your Performance Report will be pre-populated with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) sourced from our grants system and cannot be changed in the Report.

This Part of the Performance Report has two main components:

  1. Question 4 asks you to provide details about your organisation’s progress in delivering the outcomes and objectives of the project description at Part 3 of the Project Schedule (the agreement you have with the Department).
  2. Questions 5 and onwards ask for details regarding how your organisation is progressing against each KPI listed in Part 3 of the Project Schedule.

Question 4Provide details about your organisation’s progress

·  Provide details on the extent to which you have delivered the activity or service as described in the progress schedule including advice on the outcomes achieved to date;

·  Provide details on your progress in implementing those aspects of the activity or service that are yet to be delivered; and

·  Attach evidence where appropriate.

Questions 5 and onwards Responses to the KPIs

This question asks you for details regarding how your organisation is progressing against each KPI listed in Part 3 of the Project Schedule.