
Content/Concepts– the “what” in the curriculum. It is what teachers teach, what students learn, and the subjects or topics studied.

Skills –it is how students demonstrate their understanding of the content. Skills require action verbs such as analyze, dissect, interpret, perform, and evaluate.

Gap / Standard and Questions / Content (VOCABULARY) / Skill / Bloom’s Level
Describe some survival behaviors of common living specimens.
5.2f Some animal behaviors are influenced by environmental conditions. These behaviors
may include: nest building, hibernating, hunting, migrating, and communicating.
Why do some animals hibernate in the winter?
A to find food for their young
B to adapt to environmental changes
C to attract a mate
D to avoid predators
Which two environmental changes usually cause certain animals to
A change of season and fewer predators
B change of season and less food
C loss of habitat and fewer predators
D loss of habitat and more food
Many birds fly south for the winter. This adaptation is called
A hibernation
B germination
C migration
D communication
Some birds fly south in the fall and return in the spring. This is an
example of
A migration
B camouflage
C hibernation
D growth
Explain why camouflage helps an animal survive in a forest environment.
Which organism is a producer?
A grasshopper
B raccoon
C grass
D frog
Monarch butterflies migrate from New York State at a certain time of
the year.
Explain how migration helps butterflies survive / ·  Survival
·  Behaviors
·  Living specimens
·  Environmental conditions
·  Hibernating
·  Migrating
·  Communicating
·  Adaptation
·  Camouflage
·  Growth
·  Organism
·  producer / Describe
Explain / Remembering
3.1b / Describe how the structures of plants and animals complement the environment of the plant or
Each plant has different structures that serve different functions in growth,
survival, and reproduction.
• roots help support the plant and take in water and nutrients
• leaves help plants utilize sunlight to make food for the plant
• stems, stalks, trunks, and other similar structures provide support for the plant
• some plants have flowers
• flowers are reproductive structures of plants that produce fruit which contains
• seeds contain stored food that aids in germination and the growth of young plants
The function of a plant’s roots is to take in
A light and water
B light and air
C nutrients and water
D nutrients and soil
Which part of a plant takes in water and nutrients from the soil?
A root
B stem
C flower
D leaf / ·  Environment
·  Plant structures
·  Functions
·  Survival
·  Reproduction
·  Roots
·  Nutrients
·  Stems
·  Stalks
·  Fruit
·  Germination
·  Produces food
·  Produces seeds
·  Flower
·  Leaf
·  Stages of flower / Describe
complete / Remembering
Describe the relationship of the Sun as an energy source for living and nonliving cycles.
6.2b The Sun’s energy is transferred on Earth from plants to animals through the food
What is the major source of energy for food chains?
A water
B air
C sunlight
D grass
The energy that is stored in food originally comes from
A air
B soil
C sunlight
D water
Living things depend on energy from
A the Sun
B the Moon
C soil
D water / ·  Relationship
·  Energy source
·  Living
·  Nonliving cycles
·  Food chains
·  organisms / Describe
Recall / Remembering
4.2b / Observe the way one form of energy can be transferred into another form of energy present in common situations (e.g., mechanical to heat energy, mechanical to electrical energy, chemical to
heat energy).
Humans utilize interactions between matter and energy.
• chemical to electrical, light, and heat: battery and bulb
• electrical to sound (e.g., doorbell buzzer)
• mechanical to sound (e.g., musical instruments, clapping)
• light to electrical (e.g., solar-powered calculator)
When a lightbulb is lit, electrical energy is changed into light energy and
A chemical energy
B magnetic energy
C heat energy
D mechanical energy
Which energy transformation occurs when a person hits a drum with a drumstick?
A electrical to light
B sound to electrical
C light to mechanical
D mechanical to sound / ·  energy
·  transferred
·  mechanical
·  heat
·  electrical
·  chemical
·  interactions
·  matter
·  battery
·  bulb
·  sound
·  solar
·  changed
·  magnetic
·  transformation
·  circuit
·  stored energy / Observe
interpret / Understanding
5.2b / Describe how forces can operate across distances.
The force of magnetism on objects decreases as distance increases.
As the distance between a magnet and a metal paper clip increases, the
force of attraction between them
A decreases
B increases
C remains the same / ·  Forces
·  Distance
·  Magnetism
·  Metal
·  Attraction
·  / Describe
Interpret / Remembering
A magnet and a metal paper clip have the strongest magnetic attraction when the distance between them is
A 4 centimeters
B 8 centimeters
C 12 centimeters
D 16 centimeters / · 
1.1a / 1.1a Natural cycles and patterns include:
• Earth spinning around once every 24 hours (rotation), resulting in day and
• Earth moving in a path around the Sun (revolution), resulting in one Earth year
• the length of daylight and darkness varying with the seasons
• weather changing from day to day and through the seasons
• the appearance of the Moon changing as it moves in a path around Earth to
complete a single cycle
About how long does it take for Earth to make one revolution around the
A one day
B one week
C one month
D one year

What motion causes day and night?
A revolution of Earth
B revolution of the Moon
C rotation of Earth
D rotation of the Moon
In New York State, the shortest period of daylight occurs during which
A December
B June
C March
D September / ·  Patterns
·  Natural cycles
·  Spinning
·  Rotation
·  Day/night
·  Path
·  Sun
·  Earth
·  Daylight
·  Weather
·  Seasons
·  Moon
·  Cycle
·  Revolution
·  Poles
·  Equator
·  motion / Understand
Interpret / Remembering
5.2e / Describe some survival behaviors of common living specimens.
Particular animal characteristics are influenced by changing environmental conditions
including: fat storage in winter, coat thickness in winter, camouflage, shedding of
Identify another seasonal adaptation, other than fur color, that helps
the fox to survive in winter.
Which physical structure would best help a bear to survive a winter in
New York State?
A big ears
B black nose
C thick fur
D brown eyes
Which physical change would most likely help an animal survive during the winter?
A tail gets longer
B fur gets thicker
C feathers are shed
D whiskers get shorter
Growing thicker fur in the winter helps some animals to
A hide from danger
B attract a mate
C find food
D keep warm / ·  Survival
·  Behaviors
·  Specimens
·  Environment
·  Camouflage
·  Characteristics
·  Adaptation
·  Seasonal
·  Physical structure
·  Winter
·  Physical change
·  / Describe
identify / understanding
3.1A / Observe and describe properties of materials, using appropriate tools.
3.1a Matter takes up space and has mass. Two objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time. / ·  Properties
·  Tools
·  Matter
·  Mass
·  Occupy
·  Diameter
·  Width
·  / Describe
Station 2 / · 

In which stage are seeds produced? [1]

List two things green plants need to grow and thrive.