The Parish of ST Paul, Kersal Moor, and ST Andrew, Carr Clough


(10) Sunday 27 May to Saturday 9 June 2012



Revd. Lisa writes

This year we are celebrating the Queen’s Diamond (sixty years) Jubilee. It’s a good time to consider role in our national and personal histories. She has been a constant in the background of most of our lives!

Our Jubilees are mostly about looking back, or looking at the present in the light of that past we have all shared. In ancient Israel, however, it was a command of God that involved leaving past mistakes behind, and starting over again. In Deuteronomy chapter 15 we read that every seven years God’s people were commanded to restore lands and goods pledged as part of a debt, and to write off what was owed.

This was like pressing a ‘reset’ button. It made forgiveness of debts and new beginnings possible.

I wonder what our present financiers would make of the idea? Every seven years those whose businesses were failing could make a new start. People would not be allowed to get into crippling debt. The whole thing would reduce the stranglehold that ‘ownership’ has upon society. The key would be the value it placed on the individual worker. With debts forgiven, people could change, and repair the damage of hasty or amoral decisions.

I have a friend who ‘jubilees’ in a special way: every seven years she and her husband give a lot of their belongings away to a charity shop and sit down to assess the future in the light of the past. And they throw a party for family and friends.

I wonder whether you and I could use this opportunity to reassess our own situation – to de-clutter, donate to charity, start something new, throw a party……. start over again?


Sundays: St Paul’s 10 am

St Andrew’s 11 am

Still hour of silence, St Paul’s 7-8 pm

Wednesdays: St Paul’s 10 am

St Andrew’s 2 pm

St Andrew’s 6 pm

Weekday Prayers, St Paul’s 9.05 am


Sunday evening, 27 May: Pentecost Praise, Flourish Celebration, St. Paul’s 7 to 8.30 pm.

Monday, 28 May at 7.30 PCC meeting.

Wednesday, 30 May: Holy Land Tour Promotional evening with Israel treats; 7.45 for 8 pm Prestwich Methodist Church.

Thursday, 31 May 7 pm ‘Behold the Cloud of Experience’. A theological talk about mystical experience in Manchester Cathedral Library.

Thursday, 31 May at 7.30 pm Deanery Synod meeting at St. Aiden’s. All Welcome.

Saturday, 2 June 2-4 pm Queen’s Jubilee Cream Tea in St. Paul’s. All Welcome.

Monday, 4 June 8 to 10 pm. The Friend’s of Kersal Moor with the Ranger Team invite you to a Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee on the Moor. Bessies Band, Jubilee Café with special Jubilee Cake. As the Queen lights her beacon at 10 pm we will light ours. Everyone welcome.

The Salford Deanery Walk takes place on Saturday, 23 June. Details will appear in our next edition of the Newsletter.

Saturday, 16 June at 10.30 am starting from RCC. Sponsored Walk in aid of Camp Funds. All welcome If you can’t do the walk, please sponsor those who are. Sign up with with Sian at St Paul’s or Hilary S at St. Andrew’s.

Revd. Lisa’s hip operation has been postponed until 31 May. This will mean that she won’t be able to drive for 6 week’s or so and although she will be able to work from home will not be fully mobile for another 6 weeks at least, so asks for your patience and indulgence.

Pastoral Ministry

Revd. Catherine asks – how is the Holy Spirit calling you? Look at the boards in both churches for ways to get more involved in the ministry of your church from prayer to visiting, phoning to driving and marriage support to mental health. Or just have a look to find out more about what is going on in the parish to support our community.