
Patton, Greenmount House, Woodside Road Industrial Estate, Ballymena, BT42 4PT

Date:Monday 13February2012Time:15:30

Present: / Gerard DeBrun (Chair Person)
Siobhan Donnelly
Geoff Thomas
Ruth Blakely
Robin Kirkpatrick
Maurice Quinn
John Murdock
Gary Henderson
Sid Seymour (Secretary) / Action by
Apologies: / Stephen Todd
Cathal Ferris
Stephen Tweed
Russell Slack
Vincent Lavery
Andrew Cooke
Gary Patterson
Valerie Robinson
Gary Proctor
Jonathan McComb
David Farrell
Gale Scanlon
Welcome / The meeting was opened by GerardDeBrun who welcomed those present and thanked everyone for their attendance. Apologies from those unable to attend were acknowledged and those present were encouraged by the healthy response as the branch continues to grow.
Minutes / The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.
Regional Membership and Development /
  1. Development of the Regional Branch continues and thespeakers for the next two meetings have been selected after they volunteered at a previous meeting.
Geoff Thomas - Mar Stress Prevention in the Workplace[1] Siobhan Donnelly - Apr What Not To Say In Evidence
It is intended to run the Branch Meetings in conjunction with an associated event. The details of the next two events/ Branch Meetings and the locations are shown in the Forecast of Events and will be included in the IIRSM Notice Board on the Web site.
  1. It was reiterated that those in receipt of the minutes of this and subsequent meetings are asked to continue the development of the Regional Branch and encourage attendance to any subsequent meetings. It has been agreed that the focusfor the Maymeeting will be the AGM(please note AGM is moved to May). This will provide the platform for enthusiastic regional members to come forward and actively contribute to the running of the newest regional branch in the Institute.
  1. The delivery of copies of the minutes of the Meetings to individual members is reliant upon the distribution by IIRSM. Those present were informed that this in accordance with the restrictions of the Data Protection Act and access to personal email addresses held by IIRISM. Currently, the only recipients of direct mailing are those that have provided the Temp Sec with their email address. Those wishing to be added to the list should email the Temp Sec directly.
  1. Available Agendas for:
13th March 2012Ramada HotelBranch Special
Event - Legal + Courtroom scenarios- Speakers T BA
8th May 2012Templeton Hotel - Branch AGM +
Workplace Violence - Speakers HQ Official Quell.
23 March 2012 – Safety Quiz – Wellington Park Hotel
Contact – Ernie Spence
25 April 2012 – Spring Conference – Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena
More details to follow on nisg.org.uk
Any further information that becomes available on any of the bodies mentioned above should forward them to the Temp Sec. / G deB
Future Topics / The topics for our meetings over the next three months have already been covered in these minutes. Your interim committee would like to hear from any of the members if they have any potential locations or topics for future events.
Presentations / As Patton were our hosts for the meeting, Gerard spoke to the assembled individuals on their recent re-branding. Established 100 years ago and with 400 members of staff covering a wide geographical area across the UK, Ireland, and more recently Europe, the centenary year is the ideal opportunity to rebrand the Group.
A special welcome was extended to Siobhan Donnelly who attended the meeting in her capacity as a member of the IIRSM Board of Directors and spoke on the benefits of being a member of the Institute both for the individual and as part of corporate membership.
Twitter / IIRSM NI Branch @IIRSM_NI_Branch
G deB encouraged other members to make use of the official twitter page of the Northern Ireland Branch of the IIRSM.
AOB / The Chairperson thankedPatton for the use of their facilities for our meeting on this occasion.
Forecast of Events / Branch Meeting
12 March – Farrans,Belfast
Geoff Thomas –Stress Prevention in the Workplace
23 April – Patton’s Ballymena
Siobhan Donnelly – What Not To Say in Evidence
21 May – TBC
Date of Next Meeting / The next meeting will be held and hosted by Farrans, D1 Project Site, Airport Road West, Belfast, BT3 9JHon Monday 12March 2012 at 15:00 for 15:30
Attendees and Apologises by email please to:
/ All

Sid Seymour

Mob: 07974564974

23 February2012

[1] Apologies to Geoff Thomas and Stephen Todd for the confusion in January’s minutes