Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Bay Indies Homeowners Association

Venue: Indies Hall @7PM

January 11, 2013

The meeting was gaveled to order at 7:00PM by John Milne, President

Present: John Milne, Carl Kruse, Paul Larsen, Tony Tremonto,

Veronica Wasserman, George Alexander, Hank Curran, Anthony V. Pinzone, Advisor

Not Present: Pat Weis

Guest Speaker: Len Bramble, P.E., Utilities Director, Water Dept., City of Venice

Prior Minutes *The minutes of the December 14, 2012 meeting were presented

·  George Alexander moved the minutes are approved once detached from executive committee minutes

·  Veronica Wasserman seconded the motion

·  The minutes were approved without dissent

·  Hank Curran moved the executive session minutes are approved

·  Paul Larsen seconded the motion

·  The minutes were approved without dissent

Treasurer’s Report *Carl Kruse reported on the Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Kruse reported that a copy of the 12/14/2012 Treasurer’s Report, once approved, will be conspicuously posted on the website and the BIHOA bulletin board in Indies Hall;

*Veronica Wasserman moved the Treasurer’s Report be approved

*Hank Curran seconded the motion

*The Treasurer’s Report as of 12/14/2012 was approved without dissent

Correspondence: Mr. Milne asked all present if any and response from all was none

Guest Speaker

Len Bramble Len Bramble began by speaking very highly of The Bay Indies Resort Community;

Mr. Bramble extensively reported on a number of topics to bring everyone up to date here in Bay Indies including the low water flow fixtures and the rebate program offered by the City of Venice; He also reported on the different water rates compared to those charged for single family homes as well as the rates for reclaimed water that are being undercharged and may have to be adjusted a bit;

Len Bramble further reported on the priority work planned to be done by the City of Venice at the Northern Loop/No. Indies Circle here in Bay Indies, which will begin sometime in the Spring of 2013; This work will be done as fast as possible with minimized disruption of service to all homeowners; Many of the water service lines “off” the water main to the meters will be replaced with new to further accommodate Management’s job planned for re-pavement of the roads;

Mr. Bramble left maps for all homeowners to view the affected areas where work will be completed by the City of Venice;

John Milne extended a thank you to Len Bramble and the City’s Staff for working with all of us here in Bay Indies;

Anthony Pinzone, Advisor *Anthony Pinzone spoke extensively to clarify any confusion on the property pass thru charge of $6.00 not $12.00 and the lot rent increases; Mr. Pinzone reported on the success of the HOA as well as the HOA’s Attorneys with the reduction of the pass-thru charges as well as the reduction of the excessive lot rent increases that were disputed by (67) homeowners; The HOA incurred between $8000.00 to $10,000.00 in legal fees to get those rents reduced;

Mr. Pinzone further stated that the HOA submitted a proposal to ELS for a new Lot Rent Agreement effective January 1, 2014 with progress to be reported to all homeowners once response is received from ELS;

Committee Reports

Service Committee Ms. Wasserman reported that the Service Committee meets with Management on the 3rd Thursday of the month;

Veronica stated that a box to deposit the Resident Concern Forms is installed at her home address at 956 Zacapa Ave. for the convenience of the residents to readily deposit their forms;

Ms Wasserman repeated the process of turning in the Resident Concern Forms with stressed importance of all information being completed on each form; She further expressed gratitude to all residents for cooperating with the procedures that enables the Service Committee Members to follow up with Management on the levels of progress of their reported concerns;

Messrs. Paul Larsen and Tony Tremonto asked that anyone interested in becoming a member of the HOA Board to submit their resume to either one of them; They reported that there are (4) new candidates being interviewed to have a fully staffed HOA Board;

George Alexander reported on the process for collection of the homeowners dues and the membership drive campaign of the Committee that both he and Mrs. Pat Weis are chairpersons of;

Mr. Alexander thanked all the volunteers who have offered to help with the collection of annual membership dues;

Legislative Committee Mr. Hank Curran reported on the advantages of the Legislative Committee and his meeting with Senator Deiter who is working for our cause in trying to get a bill passed making it mandatory for property owners to disclose all particulars to any homeowner and to advise the HOA of any potential sale including Amendments or Agreements in existence;

Stakeholders’ Work Group *Anthony Pinzone reported on all updated plans for next year;

Assoc. of Venice Condo Residents *No report was given at this meeting.

New Business *John Milne reported that both he and Anthony Pinzone went to a hearing on Monday, January 7, 2013 in Sarasota for property taxes that we pay here in Bay Indies;

Mr. Milne also reported that on Wednesday, January 16th, the HOA Members will be going to Plant City to meet with ELS Executives and other Mobile Home Parks to go over problems of concern troubling to all of us;

John Milne announced the dates of the next HOA meeting on Friday, February 8th at 1:30PM in the Bay House and the Annual Meeting on February 13th at 7:00PM in Indies Hall;

Mr. Milne reported that we will have approval of a budget at the annual meeting and hoped all would continue to support our HOA and thanked everyone for coming;

Residents Comments There were a few questions asked by certain residents and answered.

Schedule *Next meeting: Friday, February 8, 2013 at 1:30PM at the Bay House in the Arts & Crafts Room;

Annual Meeting/Elections: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 7:00PM at Indies Hall;

Public Relations *Carl Kruse had nothing to report at this meeting

Adjournment *Tony Tremonto moved that the meeting be adjourned

*Hank Curran seconded the motion

*Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm