BSC 260

Industrial microbiology


Industrial microbiology-the use of microbes to synthesize desired product

Fungi or Streptomyces most common organisms used

Genetically engineered bacteria are becoming more common

Useful industrial microorganism

Easy to inoculate

Requires minimal media to grow

Fast growth

Good expression of product

Not pathogenic


Primary metabolites are produced when microbe is growing rapidly

Typically smaller molecules

Secondary metabolites are produced during lag phase or stress

Typically more complex molecules

Culture is grown in fermentor that maintains optimal conditions

Can be a few liters or several hundred thousand liters in size

Antibiotics are most important product

Most are secondary metabolites

Test for production of antibiotics with a few known bacteria

See if there is zone of clearance around colony of test microbe

Majority of microbes produce antibiotics, however, only a small number are safe and effective for use

Takes 15 years and $1 billion to get an antibiotic to market

Vitamins and supplements are next largest product

Utilize microbial pathways to produce nutrient

Purified and tested for purity and safety

Secreted enzymes are also important

Grow culture that secretes enzyme into media

Draw off media and purify desired product

Septic cleaner, food modifiers, biotech enzymes

Alcohol-first industrial microbiological product

Wine-Fermented fruit

Most comes from grapes

Red wine-red grapes with skin

White wine-white grapes or red grapes without skin

Skin has tannins that are astringent

Fruit is fermented, strained, then typically aged in barrels

Barrels also provide some character of wine


Dry means less sugar

Dry reds have more tannins

Dry whites are more acidic

Range from dry to sweet

Reds can be aged in barrels much longer than whites due to the tannins


Beer is essentially four ingredients: grain, hops, water and yeast

Two different types of yeast strains

Top fermenters produce ales

Bottom fermenters produce lagers

Lambic brewing uses natural microbes in environment


Fermentation of grains or fruit followed by purification of the alcohol

Use a still to remove alcohol from water and other molecules

All spirits start out as clear alcohol

Get color from barrel aging or adding other components

Example: bourbon is 51% corn by law

Aged in new, charred American oak barrels

Longer aging produces darker color

Biofuels-ethanol is biggest in US

We use corn starch however, research into other sources

In Brazil sugar cane is abundant, so ethanol is much cheaper

Expression of mammalian proteins by bacteria

Genetic engineering-need to modify DNA

Produce cDNA from mRNA

Clone into expression vector with strong promoter