Little Gransden Aerodrome Local Consultative Committee

Meeting held on the 8th April, 2009 at The Cambridge Gliding Club

PRESENT:LJ Wilson – Chairman CountyCouncillor

Members: P DerrySouth Cambridgeshire District Council

S BarlowLittle Gransden Resident

R West Huntingdon District Council

R Brickwood Cambridge Gliding Club

J CarpenterWaresley Resident

K Merrill Little Gransden Parish Council Representative

M CappsGreat Gransden Parish Council

P Wright Gamlingay Parish Council

R Carr Bassingbourn Resident

? Bassingbourn Resident

M Jefferies Little Gransden Aerodrome

J Jefferies Little Gransden Aerodrome


Apologies for absence were received from P Sexton SCDC, M Vaisey, Vintage Engine Technology Ltd., Barry Girling Great Gransden Parish Council


The minutes were confirmed and signed as correct by the chairman.


Proposed aircraft stacking over this area by the National Air Traffic Control Services (NATS)

was mentioned but the Aerodrome Operators felt they did not want to discuss it at this meeting

as they did not feel it was relevant. It was decided to discuss this at the Cambridge Gliding Club meeting, which followed on after this meeting.




A letter was received from a Bassingbourn Resident regarding a gyrocopter flying irresponsibly in the Bassingbourn area. This was discussed and it was found that this aircraft did not come from Little Gransden Aerodrome. The Chairman, Lister Wilson said he would respond to this letter.

A letter was also received from Sylvia Sullivan of Little Gransden Village Hall Committee requesting a donation from the Charity Air & Car Show as the organisers had expressed a wish to donate to local charities. The Aerodrome Operators said they had already received a copy and would respond.


a)Aerodrome Management

They said they had had a very wet and snowy winter, but the runway is in good condition now.

The date for the Charity Fund raising day is 30th August 2009.

The second event will be an Aerobatic Beginners Competition to be held on June 27th, 2009.

There are no plans at present to reopen a flying school at the airfield.

Mark Jefferies told the meeting he has been chosen to be part of a team of five to represent the UK in the World Aerobatics Championship to be held at Silverstone on 18 – 29th August, 2009. The committee wished him and the team success.

b)South Cambridgeshire District Council

Paul Derry standing in for Paul Sexton, told the meeting they had a received a letter from M. Astor regarding touch and go takeoffs. The letter was sent to the Aerodrome and has received a reply. Planning permission had not been breached.

The Log Book had been examined from 13th November 2008 to 30th March 2009, 600 takeoffs (average of 4.3 per day) were recorded, and on only 6 days were there more than 20 takeoffs.

The Council will monitor the aerodrome over the summer.

c)Bassingbourn Residents

The Meeting was told that the noise level of the aerobatic displays over Bassingbourn was very annoying. The description of the aircraft causing the complaint did not match any aircraft operating from Little Gransden. They were advised by the committee to contact the Civil Aviation Authority and if possible to obtain the registration number of the aircraft.

d)Little Gransden Parish Council Representative

K Merrill reported that several residents had complained to her about aerobatic practising over the village more than once a day. She was advised that it was practice for the competition.


e)Huntingdon District Council

R West said that he would put the next competition dates in the Roundabout.


See 6a

8. AOB

The Committee will be advised of the results of the World Aerobatic Championship at the next meeting.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th November 2009 6pm at the Gliding Centre.

The Gliding Club meeting is scheduled to commence at 7.30pm.


For the avoidance of doubt, the only legally acceptable version of the Minutes of the Little Gransden Aerodrome Local Consultative Committee are those signed in Public Meetings by the Chairman. They are available for public inspection from South Cambridgeshire District Council.