University of Oklahoma


NEL Room 215

October 15, 2015


Committee Members:

Don ClothierWill WayneRenda PassekGlen Pinkston

Vince Leseney Debbie CoppJannie PorterJeff Berry

Michael KramerMary Ann Pascucci Krista PattersonJoel Burcham


Angela HawpeLes HovenLindsay MitchellBreion Rollins

Call to order


Approval of Minutes

(Leseney) moved to accept the minutes. Kramer 2nd the motion. Minutes passed.

Introduction of new members

New members Jeff Berry, Faculty member from the Health Science Center, and Glen Pinkston, Staff member from the Norman Campus were introduced as new members.

EBC Chair Elect

(Copp) moved to elect Don Clothier by acclimation. The motion was seconded by Vince Leseney. Motion passed.

2016 Benefit Update

(Hawpe) The non-tobacco user incentive was modified to a message during 2016 and will be implemented in 2017. There will be a change in enrollment for 2017 where we will no longer have a passive enrollment.

The rates were amended to have a zero increase in the PPO. The HMO went up 13.9% and enrollment will be frozen in 2016. Because Sooner Credits are based on the PPO plan, no increase will be given on the Sooner credits for the HMO. The traditional indemnity plan went up 12.5%

A new Flexible Spending vendor, ConnectYourCare, was selected for the 2016 plan year. Any remaining funds from PayFlex will be moved to ConnectYourCareduring the month of January. There are direct feeds to BCBS, Delta Dental, and VSP. New cards will be mailed out mid-December. The limits on the Flexible spending account will remain the same.

The High Deductible plan will use HSA Bank. HSA Bank will be present at the upcoming Benefit Fairs. OU will continue to contribute at the same levels as with the HRA, however, employees will be allowed to contribute as well. More information concerning the HSA will be available on the OU HR website. The open enrollment website is Open enrollment will begin 10/26/15 and will end 11/13/15. The $50 waiver credit for employees showing proof of other coverage was also presented to be eliminated for 2016. Retiree letters will be mailed out at the end of the first week of open enrollment.

(Copp) Asked if reserves are strong enough to with stand a mass migration from the HMO to the PPO. (Hawpe) Advised yes, due to the majority of employees already in the PPO a migration from the HMO to the PPO isn’t expected to move the needle in any significant way. (Hawpe) Advised that language will be put on the open enrollment site about the HMO enrollment being frozen.

Retirement Update

(Rollins) Retirement is looking at ways to communicate to those who won’t be eligible for the retiree medical subsidy that the HSA may be auseful alternative to save for retirement medical expenses.

The IRS limits may be changing for 2016. Once we know for certain we will update and notify.

Human Resources is reviewing the matrix on our plan details. The objective is to see how competitive we are on fees charged and etc. We will have more details as they come available.

Wellness Update

(Mitchell) Discussed information concerning the Fun Run. Over 1,500 people participated in the Fun Run.

Sooner Stand for Health applications were sent out on all campuses. Only 100 were accepted for Norman and HSC. There were 30 accepted on the Tulsa campus. There are plans to do another order in the spring as well as details on a 10% discount if employeeswould like to order one on their own.

Health Screenings for Norman, HSC, and Tulsa will start at the end of October and go through November.

The Full Plate online course has started. There have been 35-40 people enrolled and they will participate in the course over next 10 weeks.

(Copp) Inquired about the overall reaction to the dental screenings. (Mitchell) Mdvised that the HSC and Norman campus response was well and she expects Tulsa to be much the same.

(Copp) Inquired as to how determinations were made on who would receive a standing desk? (Mitchell) Advised there was an application process which led to an evaluation process to determine who received a desk.

Updates from the CHRO

(Hoven) There have been conversations regarding specialty drugs and the effect they have on our plans. He stated that 5% of claims make up 20% of the total cost. One strategy being discussed is to partner with the OU College of Pharmacy at the HSC campus and have them help to control costs. Benefits is 10% of the overall budget cost for OU. Hoven advised that we will need to have a focused strategy to manage costs and keep faculty and staff informed.

Hoven advised that plans to implement a Health Data warehouse are in discussion. It has been recommended by our health consultants, Segal, that Verisk will be instrumental in providing information that will help OU analyze cost, cost drivers, population, and risk.

The Retiree Medical Matrix will go into effect January 1, 2016. (Hawpe) Advised that the coordination of benefits is going to change for retirees as well. Hawpe plans to speak at the next retiree meeting in December.

New Business

(Clothier) Inquired as to any new business. Nothing was discussed.

(Copp) Moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Passek.

Adjourned at 2:23 PM.