What Bible passages lead us to believe that important facts about God are revealed through the natural realm?





Occurrences of the word “Godhead” in the KJV:

Romans 1:20 (NIV)

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature (Godhead – KJV)--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Acts 17:29

Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being (Godhead – KJV) is like gold or silver or stone--an image made by man's design and skill.

Col. 2:9

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity (Godhead – KJV) lives in bodily form

What are the two great principles of thermodynamics?



Why does polytheism not adequately explain the existence of an uncaused First Cause?

“The universe is a true trinity, not a triad.” What are the three phenomena used to describe the universe?

What are the three dimensions of space?

What are the three characteristics of time?

What are the three characteristics of matter?

How does God as Triune Being correlate to the characteristics of the universe?

“Being present everywhere, He could never be heard or sensed anywhere . . . He must paradoxically be both source and manifestation, both Father and Son.” Explain.

To be able to understand the divine nature or Godhead (KJV), it makes sense that the structure of the creation should resemble that divine nature in fundamental ways. How is this statement supported?

Morris describes the created realm as the “tri-universe.” Why?

Look up the word “paradox.” How does it differ in meaning from “contradiction?”

Space is both finite and infinite; time is both temporal and eternal. What does this mean? Why is it important to recognize the dual nature of these facets of reality?

E=mc2 is a famous formula that relates the measurement of energy (E) to mass (m) and to the speed of light (c) squared. The only (believed) constant in this equation is the speed of light (approximately 186,000 miles per second). Mass changes with the size of the thing being considered. Energy (the force required to move it) is relative to mass-light speed product. This makes the force that is manifested in light the foundation of our understanding of the relationship between matter and energy. How is this fact predicted in the Bible?

How does the dual physical nature of light predict that paradox is an essential attribute of all creation?

How is the dual nature of Christ (the hypostatic union) such a stumbling block for so many?

What are some other paradoxes we encounter in Scripture?

An example of a paradox would be that you are both mind (immaterial) and body (material), and that your mind can affect your body, and your body can affect your mind. But how?

Morris claims we can tell from nature both that God is good, and that there is something that has gone wrong. How does he use the following Scriptures to support that claim?

Acts 14:15-17

Gen. 3:17

Rom. 8:21-22

John 9:4

How does Psalm 22:6 provide us a lesson from creation about the way redemption for humanity would occur?

How is childbirth used as a metaphor, in Gen. 3:16, Isa. 53:11, and Rom. 8:21-22?

Christopher Ullman, Instructor

