Fr James Smith Tel. 01875 610232
Parish Priest Email:
St Martin of Tours Catholic Church
High Street, Tranent, EH33 1HJ 1st October 2017
St Gabriel’s is a parish of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh,
a charity registered in Scotland – number SC008540
Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year (Year A)
Church Services / Mass Times / Intentions
Monday 2nd / The Holy Guardian Angels
10.00am St Gabriel’s
9.00am St Martin’s
/ Eucharistic Service
Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 3rd / 10.00am St Gabriel’s
7.00pm St Martin’s Mass
/ Eucharistic Service
Buckley family
Wednesday 4th / Memorial of St Frances of Assisi
10.00am St Martin’s
7.00pm St Gabriel’s Mass / Eucharistic Service
George Blair
Thursday 5th / 10.00am St Martin’s Mass
10.00am St Gabriel’s / Ricky King
Eucharistic Service
Friday 6th /
10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass
10.00am St Martin’s / Iain Naysmith
Eucharistic Service
Saturday 7th / Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary
10.00am St Gabriel’s
6.00pm St Gabriel’s Vigil Mass / Eucharistic Service
Frances McGowan
Sunday 8th / Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year
9.30 am St Martin’s Mass
11.30 am St Gabriel’s Mass
/ People of the Parish
People of the Parish
There will be confessions in St Gabriel’s before the Saturday Vigil Mass from 5.15pm – 5.45pm
There will also be confessions before Sunday Mass in St Martin’s from 8.45 am - 9.15 am
Parish Announcements
Offertory Collection - £628.14. Thank you for your kind generosity.
Whether you come for one visit or many, you are very welcome to worship with us at Mass on Sunday or any of our weekday services in this church. There is a wheelchair in the Sacristy if one is needed. We would be grateful if it could be returned after use. Thank you.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY - will next take place this Sunday at 11.30 am mass.
SACRAMENTS - Please give plenty of notice for the
Celebration of Marriage------6 months usually.
Baptism ------3 months.
READERS - new lists are now available for collection from the Sacristy.
The group will meet again in the Side Chapel Room on Thursday 12th October at 7pm on the second part of their journey in faith. Last Thursday our discussions centred on ‘Revelation’ – about how God reveals himself to us in this world and in all of our daily lives. Please keep the group in your prayers at all times.
Please remember to add your name to the ‘GIFTS of BREAD and WINE AT MASS’ sign-up sheet which covers a period of one month. Please print your name on the appropriate date (once per month only). The new sheet for October is now available. Can’t find it? Ask a passkeeper.
EVENTS TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE HALL - When the hall is finally refurbished and the opening takes place, Fr Jim is planning to have a week or two of events; to encourage parishioners to come along and experience what the new hall will have to offer. To this end it is hoped to compile a list of ideas for events to take place in the hall during its first couple of weeks. Parishioners are encouraged, that when creating their idea to take ownership of it. Many of you have had ideas in the past, so here is an opportunity to let your ‘light’ shine brightly for the good of all the community. Having had a couple of weeks to gather your thoughts on the subject, you will find the IDEAS SHEET now available on the table at the back of the church.
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES OF MARY- Please cut used stamps from the envelopes, leaving a small, paper border around the stamp and place them in the box on the table at the back of the church. When sold in bulk, the proceeds will go to the Medical Missionaries of Mary to provide aid for the work that they do.
CHOIR- We are always looking for more singers to join us. Practice is on a Sunday before Mass.
TOTE NUMBERS – last week’s numbers – 24 & 31 – three winners; this week - 6 & 40 – one winner.
FILM SUNDAY- tonight in St Martin’s Hall at 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm – “The Finest” In 1940, a married woman (Gemma Arterton) and a screenwriter (Sam Claflin) develop a growing attraction while working together on a propaganda film about the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France. Age 12.
REPOSITORY- Newspapers, books, cards and sacramental gifts are available from the repository. CTS booklets, which help to develop your personal prayer and give more insight to your Faith, are available from the CTS stand inside the repository itself. The Archdiocesan Directory can be purchased from the back of the church. Advent calendars, advent candles, Christmas cards, 2018 calendars, diaries etc are now on sale in the repository.
1. The Parish Newsletter: available at Mass on Saturday evening/Sunday.
2. The Parish Facebook Page:-
3. The Parish Website:-
4. Noticeboards: at the back of the church and the porch.
THE BOOK FOR YOUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION - remains at the back of church. Please feel welcome to use it. Your prayers will be included at Mass on Wednesday evenings.
To all of you at the Vigil Mass and theSunday morningmass who sampled the Fair Trade biscuits, chocolate ,coffee and tea and who gave us good feedback. We are also delighted that you liked them so much that you decided to buy them from our Fair Trade Stall. The mighty£238.25 from Fair Trade products you boughtwill ensure that producers of all of these goods will receive a minimum fair wage to feed and look after their families, a wage equal to their work.That producers will have a say in how premiums are spent and that big businesses do not have all the power which can lead to profit margins being more important than producers and their families. We are sure you will have enjoyed the foodstuffs and crafts you boughtbut long after the wonderful tastes of ,for example , chocolate have gone ,the good that you will have done for those hardworking producers ,will remain. Again ,on their behalf, weTHANK YOU ,the parishioners of St Gabriel's for working together for the good of others.
Please provide the contact details of any family member or friend, who is sick or housebound and
who has requested a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, to bring them Holy Communion at home. Forms have been placed on the table at the back of the church for this purpose.
We pray for the sick and those who care for them:Peter Aitken; Fred Carson; Jackie Fitzgerald; Aileen Lothian; Emily McNichol; Nicholas Morrison; Rose Paxton.
We remember…and we pray for all who have recently died and for those who mourn.
Also those, whose anniversaries occurred last week: Catherine Halliday 24th (2002); Thomas Tracey 25th (1995); Archie Thomson 26th (1994); John Hogg 26th (2004); Jeannette Murray 28th (1997); Sarah Boyle 28th (1984); Bridget Cairney 30th (1947); John Gallacher 30th(1993); Robert Connachan 30th (2005).
and for those, whose anniversaries occur this week: Maura Sampey 1st (2005); James Johnston 1st (2007); Elizabeth O’Brien 2nd (2000); Kara & Elise Rochford 3rd (1987); Michael Boyle 4th (1996); Ann Hogan 4th (1999); Michael P. Delaney 5th (1984); John McGinn 5th (1988); Ian Govan 5th (2015); Cathie C Baillie 6th (2001);
+Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord+
CHURCHES AND SCIENCE WORKING TOGETHER - “More Slaves Today than at any Time in Human History” - The Centre for Theology and Public Issues, in partnership with the Anti Human Trafficking Group and the Albertus Institute, will co-host a day conference on Saturday 7th October 2017 at 10am in the Martin Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh, Mound Place, EH1 2LX. There will be papers and presentations from academics, postgraduates and support organisations as well and input from representatives of the justice, research and policy sectors in Scotland and beyond. For more information and free registration, please visit
LEGION OF MARY – During Lent the Legion of Mary started a Praesidium (group) in Our Lady of Loretto, Musselburgh. Now that they have been going for a few months, they would like to extend an invitation to other Parishes in the Deanery to join in their apostolate. They meet on Mondays at 2pm in the Hall of Our Lady of Loretto to pray the Rosary, report on work (visiting etc) which they have done and discuss any other business. They love this apostolate, working with the Holy Spirit and Our Lady and would be delighted to have others join them. If you are interested, please go along any Monday to see what they do. If you have any questions, please phone Maria Igoe on 0131 669 0247.
Reflection The three sons
A father had three sons. One day he said to them, “Go and work in the vineyard today. The first said, “Sure Dad,” But he didn’t go.
The second said, “I won’t go.” However later in the day he changed his mind and went grudgingly.
The third said, “Sure, Dad.”
And he went immediately and willingly.
Which of the sons will feel closest to the father at the end of the day?
The third, of course.
The more we do the will of God out of love, the more we will appreciate his love for us.
Lord, save us from the darkness of broken promises, and help us to walk in the light of faithfulness.
Joke of the week
The woman was making the family’s traditional Easter ham, just as her mother and her grandmother had done for generations. Her young daughter, eager to understand the family traditions, watched as her mother slices off the ends of the ham before placing it in the roasting pan.
“Mum,” asked the girl, “why are you doing that?”
Her mother paused for a moment and then said, “You know, I’m not sure. But this is the way I always saw my mother make a ham. Let’s call Grandma and ask her.”
So, she phoned her mother and asked why they always slice the ends of the ham before baking it.
The grandmother pondered for a moment and said, “You know, I’m not sure why, but this is how my mother always made it.”
Now everyone was curious. So off they all went to visit Great-grandmother in the nursing home.
They asked her, “Grandma, you know we make an Easter ham we always slice off the ends before baking it. Why is that?”
Grandma laughed out loud and said;” You young ones of today with your big fancy ovens carry things on unthinkingly – I had to do it as I had a tiny oven.”