The day dawned perfectly for battle. Each army gathered in the woods beside the open field. The captain gave a stirring martial speech to prepare his soldiers for battle against their foes. “Listen, everyone,” he said. “We have to be vigilant to succeed today, so watch carefully and keep your eyes open. The enemy is sly and full of insidious tricks---don’t let them sneak up on you. We must not allow them to cross the field. Our side must remain inviolate! Remember, we are patriots and guardians of freedom! No one can defect us. We are invincible!”

The soldiers nodded, except for Nathaniel, who didn’t like what he’d heard. He said, “That may sound good, Captain, but it does not agree with my experience of the last few battles. Actually, we were beaten last time. I think that we should retreat and return with a bigger force.”

The captain glared at Nathaniel. “What a cowardly thing to say! I don’t think anything can extenuate what you said. Why don’t you go join the other side?”

Angered, Nathaniel stood up, but knowing he would be disciplined for open revolt, said nothing. He started to back away, but tripped over a tree root, rolled and landed face up on the hard dirt. “Ouch!” Nathaniel moaned, as his nose began to bleed. The Captain helped him up.

“You are a good soldier, Nathaniel, and we need your strength,” said the Captain, offering him a handkerchief to wipe his nose clean with. “Are you going to lie there supinely, or will you join the fight?”

  1. ______intact5. ______unbeatable
  2. ______warlike6. ______treacherous
  3. ______lying face up7. ______make less serious
  4. ______alert

A. Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct word from above.

1. Karin felt a great ______with nature when she went hiking.

2. The flavor of the stew was dull and ______

3. The results of the experiment were ______so the scientist ran it again.

4. Juanita showed ______when her sister was injured.

5. The dog showed great ______as it hunted for the bone.

6. After a few days, Jason felt an ______of his flu symptoms.

7. Mark dismissed his fear of heights as a ______with no basis in reality.

8. The speaker spent an ______amount of time clearing his throat.

9. Snowstorms in August are an ______in this area.

10. Amelia’s ______was angry and unforgiving.