Sunday 15 July 2018


TEXT: Job 42:1-6


Loss has been a constant foe of human beings since the fall.

In fact, man started losing things since he lost his position with God.

It comes in different forms

- It could be a loss of children not walking with Jesus.

- It could be the loss of a loving marriage.

- It could be the loss of vital health organs

- It could be the loss of a dear one in the family to death.

- It could be the loss of opportunities or valuables.


- In a period of about nine months, Job experienced the loss of everythinghe had, in spite of unfailing attempts to be righteous.

Job 1:1, 4-5.John 9:1. Job 1:8-11

1. All he owned were taken away in one day. Job 1:14-18.

2. His sons and daughters all died in one day, a devastating death. Job1:18-19

3. He was also afflicted by a cruel skin disease. Job 2:7-8.

4. His wife who was supposed to comfort him turned against him, asking himto curse God and die. Job 2:9.

5. His friends who came turned out to be miserable comforters and tormentedhim verbally for nine months. Job 2:11-13; 16:1.


1. He praised God. Job 1:21-22; 2:10c.

2. He acknowledged God's sovereign rule over all creation. Job 2:10.

3. He mourned his loss, suffering and heartbreak by saying a lot of things

- foolish things. Job 1:1-

4. He questioned God, wishing He would just finish him off instead of theseharrowing experiences. Job 10:1-2.

5. He still trusted God when there was no reason to do so, and it didn'tmake sense to trust him. Job 13:15; 14:13-15.

6. He repented before God. Job 42:6


As he came through the fires of loss, he cameto know and see God more fully.

Job 42:1-6.

a). When the chips are down, you're all alone with God.

b). The life of a man does not consist in the abundance of hispossession. Luke 12:15

c). We are just ordinary heathen vessel, occupied by the Treasure.2Corinthians 4:7

d). With God in us, we can withstand any stress. Isaiah 43:1

e). He discovered some things about himself:

> He could be mean

> He could be boastful

““But no longer. Now I’m the butt of their jokes— young ruffians!Whippersnappers! Why, I considered their fathers mere inexperienced pups.But they are worse than dogs—good for nothing, stray, mangy animals, half-starved, scavenging the back alleys, howling at the moon; homelessguttersnipes chewing on old bones and licking old tin cans; Outcasts fromthe community, cursed as dangerous delinquents. Nobody would put up withthem; they were driven from the neighborhood. You could hear them out thereat the edge of town, yelping and barking, huddled in junkyards, a gang ofbeggars and no-names, thrown out on their ears.” Job 30:1-8 MSG

> He could be defensive.

> He could be self righteous, not depending on God's righteousness.

> He didn't know God at all. He was shallow.

The more we know...

You don't know God and go about boasting, or making noise allover the place.

> He had depended on hearsay. Many of us do about God...

“And now, finally, GOD answered Job from the eye of a violent storm. Hesaid: “Why do you confuse the issue? Why do you talk without knowing whatyou’re talking about? Pull yourself together, Job! Up on your feet! Standtall! I have some questions for you, and I want some straight answers.Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me, since you know somuch...... ’”Job 38:1-11 MSG

“Then the Lord spoke to Job from a whirlwind and said, “Who is thisignorant person saying these foolish things?” Job 38:1-2 ERV

f). He discovered God loves him.


Finally, God restored his fortune, on condition that he forgives and prayfor those who added to his sorrow.

1. God ACCEPTED Job, because he REPENTED, though wounded and offended. Job42:6, 9c.

2. God turned his captivity, AFTER he FORGAVE and PRAYED for his friends.Job 42:10.

3. God blessed his later end than his beginning.

- Gifts from family and friends. Job 42:11. Where were they before?

- Double the number of animals. V. 10, 12.

- The same number of children. V.13-15.


Who gave birth to these children?

The same woman!

Whosaid marriage crisis cannot end?

4. God gave him a full quota of life. V.16-17.

Rev. DiranAdeleke

Oritamefa Baptist Church, Ibadan.