Submitted by the WLTPSecretaryDrafting Group
--- ACEA Proposal --- / Working paper No.WLTP-03-xx
(3rd WLTP meeting, 10June, 2009)

Proposed Roadmap on WLTP

(Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Test Procedure)


I.Objectives...... p2

II.Scope of Work...... p3

III.Overall Schedule...... p4

IV.Phase I Works...... p4

1.Organization for Phase I

2.Phase I Schedule

3.Worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle

4.Test procedure development

5.Off cycle

6.MAC (mobile air conditioning)

7.Validation tests

8.Confirmation tests

9.Round robin tests

10.Development of gtr text for Phase I

V.PhaseII Works...... p11

1.Organization for PhaseII

2.Phase II Schedule

3.Low ambient temperature / high altitude


5.In-service conformityOBD

6.Development of gtr text for Phase II

VI.PhaseIII works...... p12

  1. Reference fuel specifications
  2. Correlation
  3. Definition of emission limits and OBD thresholds
  4. Development of gtr text for Phase III

VII.Reporting and Decision Points...... pxx


Project schedule and estimated resources

This proposed roadmap was developed during the WLTP drafting group meeting hosted by European Commission on 19 March and 27&28 April 2009. Participating contracting parties and organizations are European Commission, Japan, UK, Germany, France, NL, Sweden, India, USA, FIA, AECC, OICA and WLTP Technical Secretary.


In its November 2007 sessions, WP.29 decided to set up an informal group under GRPE to prepare, within the next 2 years, a roadmap for the development of the worldwide harmonized light-duty test procedure (WLTP).

During two(2) informal group meetings on WLTP (4th Jun. 2008 and 14thJan. 2009), the following was agreed by the contracting parties and related organizations:

the roadmap is expected to be proposed by Jun. 2009 to accelerate the WLTP gtr development

the deadline for the gtr development (PhaseI works) was set by the end of 2013

decided the concrete items to be included or excluded in WLTP work frame

As agreed in previous discussions during WP.29 and WLTP informal group meetings, the objectives of this roadmap are

to define the scope of work to develop a gtr

to clarify time scheduleand to make the time frame of each work element clear

to provide a plan for future work

to estimate the expected resources (manpower and budget)

II. Scope of work

The following was agreed during the 2ndWLTP informal group meeting (14th Jan. 2009):

the impact of MAC (mobile air conditioning) use should beaccounted for in the procedure

broad power sources (LPG, CNG, FFV, H2, HEV, EV) should be included

type approval / certification procedures should be excluded but must be clearly defined

OBD issues should be addressed either at a later stage by the WLTP gtr or in a separate gtr

During 148thWP.29/AC.3 meeting (Jun. 2009)it will be decided to include or to exclude the following work elements, however, they will be included in this roadmap in case WP.29 accepts.


in-service conformity

This work is divided into three (3) phases to complete the Phase I works by the end of 2013. During each phase, the following work elements are executed.

1. Phase I :

develop worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle and associated test procedure for common measure of pollutants, CO2 and fuel consumption and compatible for OBD demonstration

off-cycle test procedure

MAC (mobile air conditioning) test procedure

  1. Phase II :

low temperature / high altitude test procedure


in-service conformity


3. PhaseIII :

emission limit values and OBD thresholds

reference fuel properties

correlation with existing regional cycles

III. Overall Schedule

  1. Phase I : propose a gtr to 161stWP.29/AC.3 (Nov. 2013)
  2. PhaseIII : propose a gtr to 170thWP.29/AC.3 (Nov. 2016)
  3. PhaseIII : start its activities from 2017

For more detail, please refer to Appendix I.

IV. Phase IWorks

1.Organisation for Phase I

For organisational reasons, it was agreed to set upfour (4) sub-groups which report to WLTP informal group. In addition to these technical sub-groups, the text drafting group works for gtr text development.

WLTP informal group

  • chaired by Mr. Gauvin
  • secretary : Mr. Ichikawa

Technical groupsfor Phase I

DHC (development of worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle)

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle

DTP (development of test procedure)

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop worldwide harmonized light duty test procedure

OCE (off-cycle emission)

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop off cycle test procedure

MAC (mobile air conditioning)

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop MAC test procedure

text drafting group

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop WLTP gtr

2.Phase I schedule

Please refer to Appendix I.

3.Development of worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle: each work element is executed by DHC group. Due to tight schedule, this work should start inJun. 2009 just after WP.29 approval in its 148th meeting.

A.In-use data collection [1.1.1.]

Five(5) contracting parties (European Commission, China, India, Japan and USA) have committed to participate in the in-use data collection program. Data from industry will also be taken into account. FIAFoundation volunteered to finance data sampling in South America, and data from industry has to be taken into account.

Vehicle classes and road categories will be defined before data collection. Each region decides on typical vehicle and route composition for each class.

a.Preparation []

The following elements need to be fixed prior to data collection:

review currently available data []

definition/selection of test vehicles (consider also hybrid / electric / gas vehicles etc.) []

definition/selection of area, road types,test conditions & route []

planning of data collection (e.g. What data? What frequency? Chase car vs. instrumented vehicle etc.…) []

statistical data []

  • the number of vehicles
  • total annual mileage
  • characteristic use per type of road

b.Data collection []

Execute the data collection in Europe, China, India, Japan,USAand South Americawith support of DHC group. Data collection should cover extreme conditions, MAC usage and “off cycle” usage, even when these items are in Phase II.

c.Data check and review []

DHC group check and review the collected data and if necessary, request the particular contracting parties to conduct additional data collection.

B.Data analysis methodology [1.1.3.]

This is one of the key elements to develop the worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle. Based on previous experiences in WHDC, WMTC and other cycle developments(LA#4, JC08 ETC), DHC group should develop the methodology and propose it to WLTP informal group for acceptance. []The following elements are examples to be considered:

what constitutesdefinition of “representative”?

weighting factor (urban/rural/motorway)

weighting factor (regions)

parts classification (speed? area?)

driving / idling profile

short trip profile (average speed/acceleration/...)

4 mode analysis (stop, acceleration, deceleration, cruise)

total mode duration (urban/rural/motorway)

number of short trip/idling

extract appropriate short trip(chi-squared based analysis, others)

cold / hot start

gear shift point


C.Worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle development

This work consists of two major steps. First step is to develop the initial driving cycle based on in-use data collection and data analysis methodology [1.1.3.]. Further iterations of the cycle would be necessary before the second step which would finalize the driving cycle based on the validation [1.1.5.], confirmation [] and round robin [] test results. The following elements should be considered in each step:

mode structure []

mode duration []

weighting factor (urban/rural/motorway) []

number of short trip / idling []

gear shift points[]

arrangement of short trip / idling []

cold / hot start weighting factor []

OBD impact []

4.Test procedure development [1.2.2.]

This work element is executed by DTP group. ISO should be mandated to developtasked with developing a standard for the test procedure in consultation with GRPE. In a preliminary step a common terminology has to be defined [1.2.1.]. Then the following elements should be considered:

Test procedure [1.2.2.]

  • emission constituent []
  • energy consumption []
  • IW class (including vehicle masses) []
  • road-load measurement []
  • electric load []
  • pre-conditioning/state of charge []

evaporative emission []

  • calculation formula []
  • hybrid vehicle (HEV, PHEV, ….) []
  • electric vehicle (BEV, FCV, …..) []
  • flex fuel vehicle []
  • gas fuelled vehicle (CNG, LPG, H2, ….) []

OBD demonstration []

  • List of required reference fuels []

test equipments [1.2.3.]

  • chassis dynamometer []
  • analyzer / CVS / dilution tunnel []
  • others (fan, cylinder gas, SHED,....) []
  • economic consequences []

final modifications [1.2.4.]

5.Off cycle test requirements [1.3.]

Each work element is executed by OCE group. OCE group develops the methodology of off cycle test requirements including the definition of off cycle [1.3.1.]. OCE group should have a close link with DHC group for in-use data collection and off cycle development, if applicable. The following elements should be considered:

develop OCE methodology anddevelop candidate for off cycle mode [1.3.1.]

  • defeat device strategyOCE methodology []
  • OCE mode (extra driving cycle, NTE, PEMS, …) []

evaluation of OCE candidate mode [1.3.2.]

  • defeat device strategy []
  • deficiencies []
  • exemption area []
  • extreme ambient conditions []
  • driver selectable switch []

test method [1.3.3.]

  • driving mode []
  • engine mapping []

develop test procedure [1.3.4.]

OBD impact [1.3.5.]

Validation test [1.3.6.]

  • test vehicle selection []
  • procure vehicles []
  • testing []

economic impact

6.MAC (mobile air conditioning) [1.4.]

This work element is executed by MAC group. Currently only one test procedure (SC03 in USA) exists in the regulation and several methods are in the process of study [1.4.1.]. In consideration of repeatability, vehicle size, test ambient conditions and reliability of test results, the following elements should be considered:

influence on exhaust gas emissions and fuel consumption / CO2

comparison of test methods []

  • usage of full vehicle environmental cell []
  • usage of test bench AC component [] and AC system testing []
  • apply MAC load in the worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle []
  • separate MAC test cycle []
  • simulation method []

develop the MAC test procedure []

economic impact and validation test []

OBD impact []

7.Validation tests [1.1.5.]

This work element is executed by DHC group. DTP group should be involved to provide a new test procedure. This work consists of three steps. First step is a preparation phase [] with following steps:

  • definition of test items []
  • definition of test vehicle matrix []
  • procure test vehicles []
  • test site preparation []

The second step [] is a preliminary check on the newly developed driving cycle under the current test procedure. The third step [] is a precise check under the proposed new test procedure. The following elements should be considered in each step:

test items / test vehicle matrix

test site preparation


  • smooth throttle operation
  • appropriate shift point
  • clutch off point
  • mode traceability, slip


OBDcompatability & demonstration principle, check that the drive cycle does not force changes to a system that would function “in the real world”functionality

According to validation test results and conclusions from these, the newly developed driving cycle might be modified.

8.Confirmation tests []

Purpose of confirmation tests is whether the new test procedure (including new driving cycles) can be conducted with existing current test equipments in specificlaboratories or not. After completion of first step of validation tests, this work element is executed by DHC group, participating contracting parties, independent and industry emission laboratories and NGO laboratories. The following elements should be considered:

test items / test vehicle matrix []

procure test vehicles []

test site preparation []

perform a series of test procedures []

confirm practicability and reproducibility []

The result of these activities can lead to small modifications of the driving cycle [].

9.Round robin tests []

In parallel to confirmation tests, round robin tests are conducted to check the correlation between laboratories under the new test procedure. This work element is executed by DHC group, participating contracting parties, independent and industry emission laboratories and NGO laboratories. It is necessary to reduce the test duration so that test results should reflect on newly developed driving cycles. The following elements should be considered:

test items / test vehicle matrix []

procure test vehicles []

perform a series of test procedures [.]

confirm practicability and reproducibility []

correlation check between laboratories []

10.Development of gtr text [1.5.]

This work element is executed by the text drafting group with close link to technical groups. The following elements should be considered:

generate overall gtr structure

combine all technical group works

develop gtr text and legal document demanded by WP.29 agreement

editorial check

impact assessment [1.5.2.]

V. PhaseII Works

1.Organization during Phase II

WLTP informal group

  • chaired by Mr. Gauvin
  • secretary : Mr. Ichikawa

technical groups

durability conformity group

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop test procedures for durability demonstration, CoP and ISCas necessary

OBD group

  • chaired by
  • mandate: develop OBD test procedure

text drafting group

  • chaired by
  • mandate : develop WLTP gtr extension/OBD gtr text (if necessary)

2.Phase II schedule

Please refer to Appendix I.

3.Low ambient temperature [2.2.] / high altitude [2.3.]

This work element is executed by mainly DTP group. DHC group may be involved if particular driving cycle will be required. The following elements should be considered:

Particular test cycle (DHC group) : The worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle is a base cycle under these conditions. However, it might be necessary to develop a particular driving cycle if validation tests indicate the critical problem. Therefore this work is part of Phase II.

Test conditions (DTP group) [2.2.1./2.3.1.] :

  • set test conditions (temperature, humidity, pressure, ETC)
  • modify target road-load based on air density difference

The definition of specific fuels must be investigated [2.2.2./2.3.2.]

optional requirement: it is up to each contracting party to adopt this requirement due to its circumstances.


4.1.Durability [2.4.]

This work element is executed by the durability group. In an initial step it has to be considered if all of the following elements are needed: durability demonstration tests, conformity of production (CoP), road worthiness test, and in-service conformity test (ISC).

Currently three(3) methods exist for the durability test procedure. The following elements should be considered:

a. whole vehicle durability test [2.4.1.]

review current andnewWLTP cycle []

(develop durability driving cycle, if necessary) []

test points []

test fuel []

b. bench aging test [2.4.2.]

define emission control parts []

develop bench aging method []

test fuel []

c. assigned deterioration factors [2.4.4.]

d. development of the test procedure [2.4.3./2.4.5.]

4.2.For cConformity of production and in-service conformity[2.5.]

The following elements should be considered:

a. Vehicle selection criteria [2.5.1.]

define engine family []

rejection criteria []

number of test vehicles []

odometer criteria []

b. In-service testing [2.5.2.]

as-received condition []

OBD information []

conduct maintenance if necessary []

second test if necessary []

measured emission constituents []

(exhaust, CO2, evaporative, ...)

test fuels []

c. Pass/fail judgment [2.5.3.]

number of samples []

pass/fail methodology []

engine family []

d. final text [2.6.]

5.OBD [2.1.]

This work element is executed by the OBD Group. Basis for the harmonization are existing OBD regulations [2.1.1.] such as:

  • US California Regulation
  • US Federal Regulation
  • EU Regulation
  • Japanese Regulation

The following elements should be considered:

OBD specific definitions (e.g. drive cycle, warm up, etc) []

purpose and limitations []

monitoring requirements []

-malfunction criteria determination

-monitoring conditions, monitoring cycle, off-cycle

demonstration []

-fuel impact

-test procedure

- demonstration cycle, preconditioning cycle

- in-use performance

information []

- driver information

- data storage and transmission

- standardization

- documentation

- production vehicle evaluation

- exeptions, deficiencies

The text development [2.1.2.] is supported by validation tests [2.1.3.] with following steps:

  • procure test vehicles []
  • validation on a test bench []
  • in-field validation tests []

56.Development of gtr text for Phase II [2.6.]

This work element is executed by the text drafting group with close link to technical groups. The following elements should be considered:

generate overall gtr structure [2.6.1.]

combine all technical group works

develop gtr text and legal document demanded by WP.29 agreement

editorial check

impact assessment [2.6.3.]

VI. PhaseIII Works

It was agreed during the WLTP drafting group meeting to consider the emission limits with conjunction of fuel properties in PhaseIII. An essential element for this phase is a technical correlation study (comparison of emission results vehicles measured following R83 current regional requirements and the new gtr).

Therefore following steps are planned for Phase III:

  • definition of reference fuel specifications [3.1.]
  • correlation testing [3.2.]

-test vehicles [3.1.1.]

-procure test vehicles [3.1.2.]

-comparative testing [3.1.3.]

  • definition of emission limits and OBD thresholds [3.3.]
  • development of final gtr text [3.4.]
  • impact assessment [3.5.]

VII. Reporting and Decision Points

Phase I Reports

Report I-10. Roadmap Making Phase58th GRPE

Report I- (data collection)59th GRPE development (data analysis)

Report I- collection60th GRPE (data analysis) check and review

Report I- of initial mode (drive cycle)Interim IG (validation test)Meeting

Report I- 1 (current testProcedure)63rd GRPE

Report I- (driving cycle)64th GRPE 2 (new test Procedure)

1.2.2.Test procedure

1.2.3.Test equipment (MAC procedure)

Report I- modification (driving cycle)65th GRPE

1.1.5.Confirmation tests

1.5.1.Informal gtr I text

Report I-81.1.7.Round robin66th GRPE

1.5.2.Formal gtr I text

Phase II Reports

Report II-12.4.3.Develop test procedure (durability)69th GRPE

2.5.3.Pass/fail judgement (ISC)

Report II-22.4.4.Modify (durability)70th GRPE (ISC)

Report II-32.6.1.Informal texts (emissions & OBD)71st GRPE

Report II-42.6.2.Formal texts (emissions & OBD)72nd GRPE

Phase III Reports

Report III-1Define reference fuel specifications73rd GRPE

Report III-2Correlation testing74th GRPE

Report III-3Definition of emission limits76th GRPE

/ OBD thresholds

Report III-4Final text77th GRPE
