The Manson A. Stewart Scholarships for 2013-2014
You have been nominated by your department or program for a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship; winners of the 2011-2012 competition will receive the scholarship during the 2013-2014 academic year. To be eligible for this $1000.00 scholarship (plus one year complimentary CAMWS membership), a student must:
(1) be a current sophomore or junior at a college or university in the CAMWS area;
(2) be a declared major (according to local practice) in Classics;
(3) agree to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek (normally at least one per quarter or semester) during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held.
If you meet these criteria, please fill out the application form below, provide the information and documentation requested, and note the instructions and deadline at the end of the application form.
College or University:
Current status (check one): sophomorejunior
Home address:
Address at school (if different from above):
Telephone: home:school:
E-mail: home:school:
1. On a separate sheet of paper provide the following information:
a. If you took courses in Latin, Greek, or Classics (e.g., ancient literature, history, art, archaeology, philosophy, drama, myth) before you entered college or university, list all of those courses, along with the name(s) of your school(s) and teacher(s).
b. List all of the Latin, Greek, and Classics courses that you have taken as a college or university student, along with the name(s) of your school(s) and teacher(s). Include the courses in which you are currently enrolled.
c. List all of the Latin, Greek, and Classics courses that you plan to take next year.
APPLICATION FORM (Manson A. Stewart Scholarship) -continued
d. List any relevant academic honors, prizes, or scholarships that you have won.
e. List any relevant extracurricular activities in which you have participated.
f. Describe briefly what you intend to do after you complete your undergraduate degree (e.g., attend graduate school, travel, begin a career).
2. In an essay of no more than 500 words address this question:
Many people in the contemporary world, including not a few in academia, maintain that study in the Humanities, and in the Classics in particular, is no longer relevant, is non-utilitarian, and is therefore largely a waste of time. How would you respond to such a statement?
3. Arrange to have your official college or university transcript sent directly to the chair of the Stewart Scholarship Committee (at the address printed below) or, if your institution permits, include a copy of your official transcript with this application.
4. List recommenders whom you have asked to write on your behalf. These may be secondary-school, college, or university teachers; at least one of them should be familiar with your recent work in Classics. Include both letters of recommendation with your application; each letter should be in a sealed envelope, signed by the recommender across the seal.
Please tell your recommenders that, in addition to verification of and elaboration on the candidate's academic performance, the selection committee welcomes comments about relevant extra-curricular activities and other factors that may make the candidate especially worthy of an award.
Name Position Institution
Telephone E-mail
Name Position Institution
Telephone E-mail
Applicant's Signature
IMPORTANT: Please be sure that all parts of your dossier (this application form, with additional pages and the two letters of recommendation, and your transcript) are sent to the chair of the Stewart Scholarship Committee with a RECEIPT DEADLINE of February 3, 2013.
Send dossier to:
Dr. Robert Sklenar
Department of Classics
1118 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996