Al-Qur’an-ul-Kareem: The Last Holy Book
Grade: 7
New Words
1. Al-Qur’an : the last and finale divine book of Allah
2. Al-Wahy : The divine message of Allah through angel jibreal to prophets
3. Surah : chapter of Quran
4. Suwar: chapters of Quran
5. As-Sab’ut-Tiwal: the first seven longest suwar of Quran excluding surah fatiha
Answer the following questions.
1. Define Al-Wahy, Al Quran. As Sunnah
Al Wahy: The divine message of Allah through angel jibreal to prophets
Al-Qur’an: the last and finale divine book of Allah
As –Sunnah: traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
2. Name the books that Allah sent to humanity before Al Quran.
Answer :Allah swt sent the following divine books to humanity before Al Quran.
1. As-Suhuf(Scrolls) to Prophet Ibraheem A-S
2. At-Tawrah to prophet Musa A-S
3. Az-Zaboor to prophet Dawood A-S
4. Al-Injeel to Prophet Isa A-S
5. Al-Quran to Prophet Muhammad PBUH
3. Over how many years was the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH until it was completed?
Answer :23 years 6 months and ten days
4. What are the main elements found in the message of Al Quran?
1. The reality and attributes of Allah
2. The spiritual world
3. Allah’s purpose for creating mankind
4. Allah’s rules for a righteous and happy life
5. Man’s responsibility toward Allah and the world.
6. The coming of the day of judgement
7. The hereafter
5. Name:
1. The masajid mentioned in Al Quran are Masjid ul Haram,Masjid ul nabwi and Masjid ul Quba
2. The only sahabi mentioned in Al Quran by name is Zaid bin Haritha
3. The only women named in Al Quran is Mariyam
4. The language of Al Quran is Arabic
Short History of Al-Quran
New words
1. Kuttab-ul-Wahy: The scribes of Wahy
2. Al-Mushaf Al-Uthmani: Seven identical copies of Al Quran Copied from the original text by the order of Uthman bin Affan(R.A)
3. Suwar Makkiyyah: Surahs revealed in Makah they are 87 in number
4. Suwar Madaniyyah: Surahs revealed in Medina .They are 27 in number
Study Questions
1. When was Al Quran first revealed and where?
Answer: the revelation of Al Quran started in the month of Ramadan during the year 610 AD. At that time Prophet Muhammad was in a cave d Ghar is located on the top of jabal-un-noor,or the Mount of Light near Makkah.
2. Who was the angel who brought the Quran from Allah to Prophet Muhammad? Describe his first visit to Rasoolullah PBUH).
Answer: Angel Jibraeel brought the Quran from Allah to Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
The revealation of Al Quran started in Ghar Hira near Makkah.Angel Jibraeel ordered the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying “IQRA”, or Read.”I can’t read’’ the Prophet Muhammmad PBUH replied. Jibreel repeated his order two times and received the same answer from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.Then Jibreel hugged Prophet Muhammad PBUH and revealed the first five ayaat of suratul Alaq.
3. Describe briefly how Al-Quran was collected in one collection after passing of Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
Answer: the original text of Al Quran we have today was collected shortly after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH during the time of Khaleefa Abu Bakr as Siddeeq and later copied and distributed by Khaleefa Uthman ibn Affan RA.This important manuscript was the master of all the Quranic copies we have now.
Second Term
Al-Qur’an-ul-Kareem:The Last Holy Book
New Words
1. Al-Qur’an : the last and finale divine book of Allah
2. Al-Wahy : The divine message of Allah through angel jibreal to prophets
3. Surah : chapter of Quran
4. Suwar: chapters of Quran
5. As-Sab’ut-Tiwal: the first seven longest suwar of Quran excluding surah fatiha
Answer the following questions.
1. Define Al-Wahy, Al Quran. As Sunnah
Al Wahy: The divine message of Allah through angel jibreal to prophets
Al-Qur’an: the last and finale divine book of Allah
As –Sunnah: traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
2. Name the books that Allah sent to humanity before Al Quran.
Answer :Allah swt sent the following divine books to humanity before Al Quran.
1. As-Suhuf(Scrolls) to Prophet Ibraheem A-S
2. At-Tawrah to prophet Musa A-S
3. Az-Zaboor to prophet Dawood A-S
4. Al-Injeel to Prophet Isa A-S
5. Al-Quran to Prophet Muhammad PBUH
3. Over how many years was the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH until it was completed?
Answer :23 years 6 months and ten days
4. What are the main elements found in the message of Al Quran?
1. The reality and attributes of Allah
2. The spiritual world
3. Allah’s purpose for creating mankind
4. Allah’s rules for a righteous and happy life
5. Man’s responsibility toward Allah and the world.
6. The coming of the day of judgement
7. The hereafter
5. Name:
1. The masajid mentioned in Al Quran are Masjid ul Haram,Masjid ul nabwi and Masjid ul Quba
2. The only sahabi mentioned in Al Quran by name is Zaid bin Haritha
3. The only women named in Al Quran is Mariyam
4. The language of Al Quran is Arabic