1. How did slaves communicate along the Underground Railroad?
  2. How did Dorothea Dix help improve treatment of the mentally ill?
  3. What was the temperance movement?
  4. What reforms did Horace Mann make?
  5. How did both Northerners and Southerners react to abolition?
  6. Describe the role of the following people in the abolition movement:
  7. Harriet Tubman
  8. Frederick Douglass
  9. William Lloyd Garrison
  10. Sojourner Truth
  11. How did slaves resist slavery? What was the experience of a slave on the Underground Railroad?
  12. When and where did the suffrage movement begin? What role did Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott play in the movement?
  13. Describe immigration to the U.S. during the 1800s? What impact did immigration have on the nation?
  14. What is transcendentalism?
  15. Review the significance of the following American writers:
  16. Emily Dickinson
  17. Henry David Thoreau
  18. Edgar Allen Poe
  19. Walt Whitman

Chapter 15: Causes of the Civil War

  1. What was the Missouri Compromise? What was its purpose? Who wrote it?
  2. Why did the Free Soil Party form?
  3. What were the main parts of the Compromise of 1850? What was the result?
  4. Why was Stephen Douglas important to the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
  5. What was the Northern and Southern response to the Fugitive Slave Act?
  6. Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? What was the impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
  7. What were the provisions and the effects of Kansas-Nebraska Act? What is Popular Sovereignty?
  8. What was John Brown’s involvement in Bleeding Kansas and Harpers Ferry? What did the North think of him, what did the South think of him? What is a martyr?
  9. Why did the Republican Party form?
  10. What was the ruling in the Dred Scott case?
  11. What was the importance of the Lincoln/Douglas Debates? Who won the Senate race between Lincoln and Douglas?
  12. Who won the election of 1860? What happened as a result?
  13. What is the Confederate States of America? Who was its President?
  14. Where/how did the Civil War begin? (Who fired first?)

Chapters 16 & 17: THE CIVIL WAR

  1. Describe the importance of the following battles or locations
  • Fort Sumter
  • Bull Run
  • Richmond
  • Washington, DC
  • Shiloh
  • Antietam
  • Gettysburg
  • Vicksburg
  • Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky and Delaware
  1. Describe the importance of the following individuals to the war effort
  2. Ulysses S. Grant
  3. George C. McClellan
  4. William Tecumseh Sherman
  5. Abraham Lincoln
  6. Jefferson Davis
  7. Robert E. Lee
  8. “Stonewall” Jackson
  9. What was the South’s strategy for winning the war?The North’s strategy?
  10. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the North?Strengths and weaknesses of the South?
  11. What new technologies affected the outcome of the war?
  12. Why was each side fighting the war?
  13. What was army life like?
  14. How did African Americans contribute to the war effort?
  15. How did women contribute to the war effort? Who were some of these women?
  16. What were the terms and the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?
  17. How did each side finance the war? What was the effect of these efforts?
  18. Compare the Unions’ and the Confederacy’s Draft laws. How could a man get out of the draft?
  19. How did the war end?