ANOVA of RSM models.

response / variation source / SSa / DFb / MSc / F-value / Prob-F
kNa+ / Model / 5.1103 / 5 / 1.0221 / 270.288 / <0.0001
Residual / 0.0340 / 9 / 0.0038
Lack of fit / 0.0334 / 7 / 0.0048 / 15.820 / 0.0607
Pure error / 0.0006 / 2 / 0.0003
Total / 0.5144 / 14 / 0.0614
kK+ / Model / 13.492 / 5 / 2.6985 / 225.724 / <0.0001
Residual / 0.1076 / 9 / 0.0119
Lack of fit / 0.1051 / 7 / 0.0150 / 11.893 / 0.0797
Pure error / 0.0025 / 2 / 0.0012
Total / 13.600 / 14 / 0.1093
k NH4+ / Model / 6.5041 / 5 / 1.3008 / 163.314 / <0.0001
Residual / 0.0717 / 9 / 0.0080
Lack of fit / 0.0704 / 7 / 0.0101 / 15.641 / 0.0614
Pure error / 0.0013 / 2 / 0.0006
Total / 6.5758 / 14 / 0.0892
kMg++ / Model / 94.287 / 5 / 18.857 / 58.661 / <0.0001
Residual / 2.8932 / 9 / 0.3215
Lack of fit / 2.8254 / 7 / 0.4036 / 11.906 / 0.0796
Pure error / 0.0678 / 2 / 0.0339
Total / 97.180 / 14 / 0.5670
kCa++ / Model / 108.562 / 4 / 27.1405 / 17.4812 / 0.0002
Residual / 15.525 / 10 / 1.5526
Lack of fit / 11.659 / 4 / 2.9148 / 4.5237 / 0.0502
Pure error / 3.866 / 2 / 0.6443
Total / 124.087 / 14 / 1.2460
RT / Model / 9.685 / 6 / 1.614 / 25.1007 / <0.0001
Residual / 0.514 / 8 / 0.064
Lack of fit / 0.470 / 6 / 0.078 / 3.5583 / 0.2356
Pure error / 0.044 / 2 / 0.022
Total / 10.199 / 14 / 0.728

a Sum of squares,b degrees of freedom,c media of the squares