Caleb Welch

1 Green Wave Drive

Newark, OH 43055


Home Phone: (740) 344-3594

Cell Phone: (740) 344-0421

Colleges I am considering:

Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, Capital University

Major(s) I am considering:

Education (secondary in math), nursing, materials science engineering

Academic Achievements

·  First Honors – honored for all “A’s” on the grade card, 3 grading periods (10th, 11th, 12th)

·  Second Honors – honored for “B’s” or above on the grade card, 10 grading periods (10th, 11th, 12th)

·  GPA: 3.782

Work Experience

·  Newspaper Delivery – delivered daily newspapers to customers, collected payments (2009-2011)

·  Stock boy at Kroger – stocked shelves and assisted customers (2011 – present)

Leadership Experience

·  President of Key Club – organized and led meetings, developed service projects (Senior year)

·  Treasurer of Church Youth Group – recorded financial information for the group (Sophomore year)

Church and Community Involvement

·  Church Youth Group – attended meetings and retreats (Freshman year – present)

·  4-H Club – raised a goat for the fair, placed 3rd in class at the Hartford Fair (Senior year)

Volunteer Experience

·  Activities Department, Arlington Nursing Home – volunteer 2-3 hours per week as an assistant in the activities department, help seniors with everyday tasks, read to the seniors (60 hours between 2011 and present)


·  NCHS Cross Country Team – participate in the practices and meets (Sophomore – Senior Year)

·  NCHS Baseball Team – 2 years on varsity (Junior – Senior year)

Other Relevant Information

·  I travel frequently with my family. I have traveled to New York City, Florida, Washington D.C., Italy, and St. Lucia.

·  I enjoy music and play the piano, guitar, and drums.

Full Name


City, OH Zip


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Colleges I am considering:

Major(s) I am considering:

Academic Achievements

Work Experience

Leadership Experience


Church and Community Involvement



Volunteer Experience






Other Relevant Information

