To Pupils, Parents/Carers, Staff, Governors & Stakeholders18th September 2017
Kent County Council and the Governing Body of the Cedar Federationareproposing to expand the age range of the Nursery located on the Kings Farm Primary School, Cedar Ave, Gravesend DA12 5JT site to include provision for 2 year olds.
1.Why do we need to expand the age range of Kings Farm Primary Nursery?
The governing body and Kent County Council would like to expandthe age range of the Kings Farm Primary Nursery to help provide more places for local children, including those eligible for Free for Two funding. Gravesend is experiencing a shortfall of Nursery places due to an increase in population. Kent County Council has a statutory duty to ensure sufficientNursery places are available for eligible families and is supporting the Cedar Federationto provide 2 year old places by expanding the provision from a provision for 3 and 4 year olds to a provision for 2 to 4 year olds.
The Nursery has trialled accepting two year olds since September and would like to now make it a permanent change, as it has proved a popular service with the families it serves.
The Nursery is popular and successful,with particular emphasis placed on being inclusive through admitting children with additional needs. The setting is able to do this due to the strong links between Kings Farm Primary School and Ifield Special School.
The two years olds who enter the setting will often come from deprived backgrounds and have very poor speech and language skills. Being in the print rich environment the Nursery offers, and being surrounded by adults who constantly model the correct language to use, benefits two year olds enormously. The two year olds in the setting will be offered many real life experiences such as cooking, swimming and regular visits to the woods that they may not experience at home. These experiences offer the children something to get excited about, something to talk about and in years to come will be something to write about.
2.Are there plans to show how this expansionwill be delivered on site?
Initial scoping of the site has shown there is sufficient space to accommodate the increased age range within the existing provision on site.
3.How will the Nursery and Primary School deal with any possible increased traffic and congestion?
It is unlikely any additional traffic will be generated from this proposal as it is anticipated that the Nursery will be attended by local children, many of whom will already have siblings in Kings Farm Primary
4.How will the change in age range happen and how many children will there be at the Nursery?
Currently, the maximum number of early year’s children taken in nursery is 32 at any one time. There is a maximum of 9 Free for Two places (2 year olds) being offered with the remaining places being a blend of 3&4 year olds.
5.The consultation process – indicative timeline
Date / Activity25thSeptember2017 / Public Consultation Period lasting for six weeks.
5th October 2017 / Drop in session at the school
6th November2017 / Public consultation closes
December 2017 / The proposal will be referred to the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee for consideration.
January 2018 / Statutory Public Notice Issued
February 2018 / Formal decision made
1st January 2018 / Permanent change of age range
6.How can I give my views?
There are a number of ways to give us your views on this proposal:
- By sending the response form to Ian Watts at West 11, Worrall House, 30 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, Kent ME19 4AE
- Hand your response form in at the school office. All written responses need to be received by midday on 6th November 2017.
- By emailing:
7.What happens next?
This consultation stage closes on 6th November 2017. A report summarising the responses received during the consultation period will be prepared. This will be presented to the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committeewho will recommend the future direction of the proposal.
If the decision is to progress the proposal, KCC will publish a statutory public notice in accordance with current legislation.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Watts
Area Education Officer, North Kent
RESPONSE FORM – Kings Farm Nursery
Please complete this response and return:
•by sending to Ian Watts, Worrall House, 30 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, Kent ME19 4AE
•to the school office. All written responses need to be received by midday on 6th November 2017.
•by emailing your response to .
Do you agree with the plan to expand
theNursery provision age range to
include 2 year olds?
Yes No Undecided
Which of the following best describes you?
Please delete or circle as appropriate
Parent/Carer / Member of Staff / Governor / Pupil / Neighbour / Other
If‘Other’, please state interest……………………..…………………………………………….……
Name …………………………………………………………………….………………………………
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
KCC has completed an Equality Impact Assessment to see if the proposal could affect anyone unfairly. We welcome your views on the assumptions we have made and the conclusions we have drawn. To view the document, go to
Please provide your comments below: