Spanish 1 introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicativeskills in all 3 modes of communication and cross-cultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture, connections, comparisons, and communities
By the end of your first year, you will be able to understand and say a lot. You willbe able to perform such tasks as:
- read and write in the language
- confidently give personal information about yourself, as well as information about others
- tell about your likes and dislikes, your preferences and you needs
You will begin to use the language for some daily functions, like
- asking for or giving directions
- Buying things like food or clothing.
- Answer questions for an interview.
You will also acquire some knowledge of the different cultures of the Hispanic world.
How Will You Learn?
You will probably make some mistakes when you communicate, but you should keep in mind that these mistakes are a natural part of learning a new language. Just pay attention to them to see if you can begin to eliminate them. To achieve this, it is essential that you do the following:
- Participate fully in all classroom activities
- Learn all assigned vocabulary both by repetition and memorization.
- Master all grammatical concepts presented at this level.
- Complete all assigned homework
- Practice as much as possible.
So, at the end of Spanish I will be able to …
Speak and write in Spanish.
You can tell about yourself and others, using words, phrases or short sentences-sometimes even several sentences-as needed. You can provide this information as answers to questions or simply as descriptions of yourself, others, your daily life and your interests. You can also ask simple questions to get information that you need or want. You can make lists, fill in forms, write notes and use web-based communication.
Understand what you hear in Spanish.
You will understand most of what your teacher and your classmates say. You will even be able to understand some things that native speakers say. In general when you listen, you will get the main idea of what is being said and maybe even a few details. You might have to hear questions more than once, but you will probably be able to figure out what is being asked and how to respond.
Read in Spanish.
You will get the main ideas and some of the details when reading things like class schedules, personal profiles, menus, invitations, headlines, picture captions and other short passages.
Lección Preliminar: ¡Hola!Unidad 4: En el centro
Unidad 1: Un rato con los amigosUnidad 5: ¡Bienvenido a nuestra casa!
Unidad 2: ¡Vamos a la escuela!Unidad 6: Mantener un cuerpo sano
Unidad 3: Comer en familiaUnidad 7: En el cibercafé
Unidad 8: Una rutinadiferente
For more details on the Spanish I and II curriculum for Lake County, please visit the following websites.
- Your Spanish I Schoology course webpage. Can be accessed through your student portal.
- Florida Next Generation World Language Standards:
- Cpalms Standards for Spanish I:
- Lake County School District Curriculum Blueprint for Foreign Language:
- (this will be used for a homework grade)
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: To make the classroom a positive learning environment, Please follow all SOP that are posted and discussed for the common requests.
- Absent work can be picked up from the file in the back of the classroom and by accessing the schoology page. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missing work and assignments.
- Turn in all assignments when collected by the teacher on the day it is due.
- Student requests to leave the classroom to report to another teacher must be approved by both teachers in writing in advance.
- Please use the restroom facilities during the 5 minutes between class periods or during lunch. Bathroom passes are only issued for emergencies. Requests for passes should be made before or after teacher direct instruction.
CLASSROOM RULES: Students will follow the rules according to Lake County Student Code of Conduct as well as the posted rules for the classroom.
- Come to Class-Do not expect a passing gradeif you have excessive absences. Make up notes/work will not effectively teach you the material you have missed and you disrupt the learning of others when are absent for group projects and dialogues.
- Conduct yourself respectfully- Your attitude and behavior that you display in the classroom should always help you and your classmates perform better academically.
- Come to class prepared and ready to participate appropriately- keep yourself up with the class and turn your work on time. I will not accept late work. Always strive to put forth your best effort.
- Be responsible- Do you own work efficiently and effectively. In the event you are absent, you are responsible to obtain and then to make-up any missed work within the allotted amount of time.
- Follow directions- We will alternate between a variety of activities and students must follow directions given the first time for all the activities.
- Students are to be attentive and actively engaged in their learning- No sleeping or resting heads on desks will be permitted. If you are sick, please ask to go to the clinic.
- Personal phones and electronic devices should not to be seen or heard
*The only exception is when specific permission is given by the teacher for the students to use for research purposes in completing assignments. This will not occur during lecture, or assessments. Any student using an electronic device during an assessment will receive a zero for cheating.
EXPECTATIONS: Be prompt. Daily attendance is required as mandated by the state. In the event that the student’s attendance is an issue, I will make personal phone calls to notify the parents of their child’s absence. Students will be responsible for following procedures in obtaining their own missed assignments.. I am available for tutoringweekdays until 3 p.m. after school.Assessments and presentations can be made up at this time. Students will be given5 days to make up missed work. Work that was due on the day they were absent is due on the day the student returns.
Consequences: If a student breaks a rule, expect the following consequence.
- Parent phone conference.
- Student will be given detention and notification of the student advocate will occur
- A parent and teacher conference will be made.
- A referral will be issued. Contact will be made with the parent.
- Severe Disruption (Including dress code violations)- Student will be removed from class by an office administrator.
You are expected to have the following materials as part of your daily grade.
- Notebook spiral bound for use as your portfolio for the course.
- $3.00 lab fee.
- earbuds (to use w/computer)
- Pencil or pen (blue or black ink only)
- Please bring your own electronic device that is capable to connect to the school’s wi-fi so that you may access the Spanish Schoology account. You are responsible to abide by the District’s Student Code of Conduct Acceptable Use Policy.
- Students will be issued “Avancemos 1” (Houghton Mifflin Hartcourt Publisher, 2013) textbook and a workbook for them to complete assignments. If the student loses the workbook or textbook, they will be responsible to pay for a replacement.
Grading Policy
Students will be graded daily and weekly on their proficiency in the world language modes of communication (interpretative listening, interpretative reading, interpersonal communication, presentational speaking, and presentational writing) and the culture standards.
Classwork: One lesson will be given daily. The students will have assignments in both workbook and textbook. The students should have 20 grades per marking period. All lessons and assignments will be posted on Schoology. For each activity I model the first or second in every exercise. To receive full credit, students must do the entire assignment according to the directions. Classwork is due on the day it is assigned.
Homework: Students have homework every day of the week. If no written assignment is given, the standing assignment is to practice the vocabulary for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. At times I will assign a “Duolingo” ( lesson to be completed as a homework or review. This can be a refresher or a new lesson. I will assign specific lessons to complete for credit.
Quizzes and Tests: Formative assessments will be given during the Unit which are aligned to the standards taught. These quizzes may be taken through the Schoology website or during the class period on paper. The quizzes will have speaking and listening components. Test grades will be given to unit projects. Rubricswill be used that are aligned to the Florida State Common Core Curriculum Standards and the Lake County School District.
Parents (and students) should monitor their student’s progress and view upcoming assignments and projects through the Spanish I course Schoology Account and the SkywardGrading system which is accessed through the school web site and their child’s outlook account provided by the school.
There will also be a summative Mid-termexam and a Final exam which will count for 20% of the student’s final course grade.
During the class period, the students will acquire the Spanish language by repetition and practice of the language by listening, presentational speaking, reading, and interpretive communication in the target language. They will also explore the diverse cultures that communicate in the Spanish language.
In order to evaluate their progress on these activities, they will be required to demonstrate their understanding through collaborative efforts in projects, demonstrations, and written assignments. All projects will be wortha test grade (100 points) and will assess the student’s progress in the objective of the course.
IMPORTNT class time is provided to complete the projects, however; if a student is absent (or off task) for more than 50% of the class time, he or she will be withdrawn from the group and will have to complete an individual alternative assignment. If a group member is absent the day the project is due for presentation, he or she will have to make up the oral presentation (or oral equivalent) after school during tutoring in order to receive credit for that objective.
By the end of each term, the students will have earned the following points:
Homework/classwork/notes @ 20 pts.400
4 formative assessments @ 50 pts.200
2 summative assessments at 100 pts (maybe in project form) 200
Term grade total 800
A 720-800B 640-719 C 560-639
Name ______Date: ______Period:______
Score ______/10 points
Dear Parents,
It is an honor to be given the opportunity to teach your son or daughter for this school year. I am looking forward to a successful year of academic achievement and personal growth while learning the Spanish language and culture.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. It is best if you email me as I monitor and respond to messages throughout the day.
I request that you read over the syllabus and discuss it with your child. Please sign and date this page to state that you have received, read, and understood the information in this Spanish course syllabus.
I am also requesting a lab fee of $3 per student to cover expenses such as a printer, paper, toner, markers, colored paper, index cards and similar materials that I give to the students to use in class activities and project. These materials are not provided by the school district. I would also gladly accept any donations of these materials in lieu of the $3 lab fee.
Mrs. Ann-Marie Ross
Spanish teacher
Parent or Guardian
______/ ______
(Print Name)(Sign Name)
Please provide a Contact email and or phone number: