BMF Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2016

Attendees: Nicole Poore, Heather Bermender, Chris Weller, Bill Duffy, Tim Cupitt, Steve Beatty, Maryann Angstadt, Kristi Beltz, Karen Kazmorck, Tamara Young, Jamie Tritz, George Parkinson, Steve Pangburn

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm

Waive the reading of the Jan. 2016 minutes (1. Karen Kazmorck, 2. MaryAnn Angstadt)

Officers Reports:

·  Commissioner’s Report – Chris Weller

o  Registration Dates

§  March 23rd, 6:00 - 7:30 (8:00)

§  March 30th, 6:00 - 7:30 (8:00)

§  April 16th 9:00 – 11:30 (12:00)

o  Players and Cheerleaders should bring pink and blue socks to registration to show they still have them so they don’t need to order them. Cheerleaders only have pink socks. - The option to add socks (and size) needs to be added to registration site.

o  First day of football practice is August 9, 10, 11 – no pads.

o  Cheerleading starts 8/2.

o  Football Scrimmage 8/21 and 8/28

o  Equipment hand out dates – 7/27 and 8/3 (6:00 - 8:00)

o  Football and Cheer budgets are complete.

o  Photographer – will keep Youth Sports Photos.

o  Volunteer Cost

§  $40 will be due per family. The $40 will be collected at registration.

§  $40 will be given back if they volunteer during the season; will be required to sign off on their receipt of the refund

§  There will also be a $50 volunteer buyout

§  Tim will handle the money; Chris will handle the sign-up sheet

§  We will still do the team set up; if you can’t make that time you can ask to switch. There will be many opportunities to volunteer (car wash, pool party, chains, committees, etc. and not just the snack bar)

§  Coaches will not pay.

o  Arena football – practices are going well. They are looking forward to the season starting, however they need practice space. New logo designed. New stickers cost $6.50/helmet. Uniforms are ordered (from Assist to Score). The parents paid for the uniforms.

o  Coaches’ mandatory certifications – Pa153 background checks on the website

o  Union Township field – File the paperwork and start going to the field to practice.

o  High School Scholarship

§  3 at $500 - $1500 total. The school has our information on file; they had to have played/cheered for BMF. Steve to go and pick up the names from the High School

·  Football Commissioner Report – Steve Beatty

o  Arena games start 3/12; game at 3:00.

o  Working on a Beef-n-Beer to (hopefully) generate $5-$6K;

o  Would like buy new football pants/update uniform.

o  This is the last year for the jersey; next year (2017) will be a new jersey. Parents will be notified at this year’s registration.

o  Coaches’ clinic up in Wilkes-Barre – Conclave – registration fee $35/each; room cost $63 + tax – approval to pay cover up to $1000; everything else will be split by number of coaches. Thursday-Saturday.

o  Football needs – relook at lights (would ultimately save us money).

·  Cheerleading Co-Commissioner’s Report – Heather

o  Working on facility usage forms.

o  Coaches are aware of the registration dates.

o  New uniform committee members need to get clearances.

o  Heather to reach out to Jeff at JD Sport.

o  Reached to the HS Coach to let them know that they can come to registration.

o  Would like to consider doing a Designer Purse Bingo (looking at June 5).

·  Treasurer Report – Tim Cupitt

o  $31,633.76 Cash on hand.

o  $644.19 is allocated to arena.

o  IRS has waived our penalty 2012 and 2013 returns.

o  2015 returns are done; need approval to submit them (board approves)

o  Fundraising – received money from Bonnie Eckstein $153 (Bracelet); Reading Phillies and Boyers checks also came in.

o  Registration – need to add a fee for Credit Cards (you can pay online using your CC; there is a fee 2.6% for every card used).

o  USA Football Heads Up – need a UN/PW – they give out grants for AEDs and football equipment – Steve to look into it.

o  Sales Tax exempt form needs to go in – needs to be done.

o  Need to register with PA bureau of charitable organization – Tim to fill it out and send it in.

·  Secretary Report – Nicole Poore

o  No report

Committee Managers Updates:

·  Concessions

o  Trailer – maintenance will be needed (roof issues, exhaust fan, shelves)

·  Registration - Bill

o  Dates are set; site is ready; Bill needs to finish the flyer, flyer will need to go in Tuesday folder on 3/8; Registration signs need to go out; ask My Dad’s Flooring, Italian Delite, Island Pizza to put information on their electronic billboards

·  Spirit Wear - Karen

o  Would like to get a jump start on spirit wear for registration, bin of leftover spirit wear in the shed needs to be brought to registration; would like to put together a package for cheer and football. Put a contest on the website to come up with a new saying for a t-shirt. Karen will take care of coaches’ shirts. Karen will also look to find a new cheer coaches’ shirts.

·  Fundraising - Lisa

o  Pool Party – need donation items for raffles, Friday, August 26.

o  Car Wash – Saturday, August 13.

o  Purse Bingo.

o  Beef-n-Beer.

o  5K – Karen.

·  Cheerleading Equipment – Jamie Tritz and Tamara Young (co-commissioners)

o  Uniforms are in the shed; Heather has the shed key; Maryann to make labels for uniform bags.

·  Football Equipment – Ron

o  N 7 Midgets that are buying Xeneith helmets; they cannot take them to the MS; BMF will purchase them back for $25 off per year used.

·  Football Operations – Bill

o  No report

·  Cheerleading Operations - Nicole

o  No report

·  Parents Day - Mary Ann & Nicole

o  No report - will inventory before we place any orders.

·  First Aide – Heather

o  Will need to replenish supplies.

·  League Representatives

o  Cheerleading – Lori & Heather

§  Organization is in flux and they are trying to get themselves organized.

o  Football – Scott Ziegler

§  Championships to be hosted by Conrad Weiser (hopefully to be played at Albright), League trying to clear up an OT issue.

·  Communications - Bill

o  New website is up and running.

·  Flag Football Commissioner - George

o  Need draft template from Bill; Flag games will start the weekend after Labor Day; need new flags and cones

·  Coaches Updates:

o  Football

§  Mighty Mites (Dan Welker) - No report. No end of year party planned ( 2015)

§  Mites (Jason Meyer) - No report.

§  Midgets (Steve Pangburn) - party money to be donated to the family of the father who passed away (Tim needs to figure out how much)

o  Cheerleading

§  Flag – No report.

§  2nd – Melissa - No report.

§  3rd – Lisa – Need to find a co-head coach.

§  4th – Kristi – (Taylor will come and help before college); assistant coaches are coming back

§  5th – Lori – No report.

§  6th7th – Mary Ann – Tara Myers will be assistant coach; Brianna Myers and Alexis Stein will help out

New Business:

·  Bylaws Update read for Sales Tax Exempt application – second reading of 3 readings

·  An unincorporated institution must provide a copy of the bylaws or any governing document specifically including a provision prohibiting the use of any surplus funds for private inurement to any person in the event of a sale for dissolution of the institution.

Meeting adjourned 8:58 pm

Next meeting: Sunday, Marc 20, 2016.

BMF Meeting Minutes 2/21/2016 Page 1