Welcome to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command! Below, you will find some helpful points that will ensure your smooth transition into the Naval Nuclear Power School.


  1. Coordinate with your detaching command to ensure you hold a security clearance before departure.
  1. It is highly recommended to secure housing relatively close to NNPTC to preclude long transit times. The on-base housing phone number is (843) 794-7218/7219.


  1. Make sure to arrive by 0800 on the no later than (NLT) date listed on your orders! Checking in a day or two early is recommended in order to facilitate travel claim processing, etc. Do not schedule any other appointments that day. The check-in process will take a few hours.
  1. Naval Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC) is a part of Joint Base Charleston. A Common Access Card (CAC) is required to access the site.
  1. Arrive to NNPTC with your original orders (stamped from last command), Oath of Office, DD214 (if applicable), all FITREPs (if applicable), SWO letter (if applicable), marriage certificate (if applicable),complete service record,promotion letter (if applicable), travel receipts (any flight itinerary if applicable during travel period) and medical and dental records.
  1. To ensure your check-in process is completed in a timely manner, please have everything ready on your check-in date. Attached (last page) is a checklist of required check-in documents.
  1. Be sure to leave any electronic devices in your car (cell phone, smart phone, PDA, personal electronic device, FITBIT, etc.). They are not permitted in Rickover Center.
  1. Normal check-ins will be processed Monday through Friday between 0800 and 1400 (if after 1400 have the staff duty section, located on the Quarterdeck, stampyour orders and report to P-312 at 0800 on the following business day. The watchteam will escort you to P-312 (ADOD Office) for your check-in process upon arrival.
  1. Following administrative processing, you will provide the medical and dental office with yourrecords. The medical and dental offices arelocated in the vicinity of the NNPTC building due east.
  1. When your check-in process is complete and you have your student badge,report to the Master at Armsand presentyour license plate number and vehicle year, make and model, registration and proof of insurance in order to acquire a parking pass.


  1. A two and a half hour Diagnostics Examination will be administered to all students prior to starting class.
  1. Non-Graphic and non-Algebra calculators that do not contain memory may be used during this examination.
  1. The results of this examination will be used to determine class placement and identify the need to attend Pre-School (if not already in orders).


  1. You are required to physically muster each work day at 0800 in room P312 with the Officer Department yeoman prior to the start of classes. Phone musters are permitted on a case-by-case basisfor specific days[(843) 794-8113/8299/8115]. All failures to muster will be classified as an unauthorized absence.
  1. Plan accordingly to allow for housing and moving arrangements to be complete prior to commencement of classes. The WPNSTA Charleston Personnel Property Office inbound shipment phonenumber is (843) 794-4180/7575.
  1. The Navy Federal Credit Union has a branch 7 miles from WPNSTA Charleston located at 7255 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston or in Summerville located at 113 Grandview Dr. The phone number is (843) 863-8772. There is a Navy Federal Credit Union ATM on base outside of the NEX.
  1. Uniform of the day is NWUs Monday thru Thursday and on Fridays it is the dress uniform. On your report date, be in dress uniform (Service Dress Blue from November through March and Summer Whites from April through October).
  1. A checklist of the required information and documentation is provided on the lastpage of this document.


  1. All areas not specifically designated as authorized parking areas are to be considered NO PARKING areas. Only in an emergency situation should vehicles park in any areas except those which are officially recognized as authorized parking areas. Privately owned vehicles shall not be parked or left unattended in the following places at any time:
  1. On the shoulders of roads in front of barracks or any other buildings, unless the areas are clearly designated as parking areas.
  2. Within 15 feet of any building, to minimize danger in the event of a fire or explosion.
  3. Across or in front of any walkway, roadway, ladder or doorway areas.
  4. In any of the fire lanes or service access roads for the various buildings. Roadways leading up to the barracks are fire lanes.
  5. On the perimeter road around the NNPTC complex.
  1. Authorized Parking Areas. When parking for initial check-in, continue along NNPTC Circle and look for the “Guest” parking sign (on your right past the Medical Center and Staff lots). Normal student parking areas are:
  1. Parking lots 1 & 2, located south of the BEQs and south west of Building 206.
  2. Parking lots 5 &6, located north of Activity Complex.
  3. A portion of parking lot 4, located north of Rickover Center, will be designated for commuting students who are not assigned a BEQ room.
  1. Staff parking is located in the front of the Rickover Center and the first 8 rows of parking on the side of the Rickover Center (it is clearly marked with signs).Do not park in Staff parking spaces.
  1. Parking sticker. You must have a parking sticker on the back window of your car. You will get a parking sticker from the Master at Arms Office (Room D114)after you check-in (see check list on last page).


  1. Plan when and where you are going to study and how much time you willspend on each subject. Write down your plan and adhere to it. You should re-evaluate this plan periodically, in light of your academic performance. Discuss your findings with your academic advisor, incorporating into your plan any suggestions made.
  1. Schedule extra instruction early in the week with your instructor to take place during your study halls. Check the Night Duty Instructor (NDI) Watch Bill to determine additional times your instructor may be available.
  1. Study your weakest subject first, during the day, so that you can consult with your instructor when you have problems.
  1. During lectures, try to associate the new information being presented with your previous knowledge from the subject, other Nuclear Power School subjects, or from your previous experience. Look for fundamental principles. Do not concentrate on memorizing isolated facts and formulas. You cannot expect to obtain an adequate understanding of the subject material unless you actively engage your mind during lectures. This must be a continuous, conscious effort. Start from the beginning to form good listening habits and do not let yourself fall behind.


  1. In this fast-paced, rigorous academic environment, cramming for exams rarely leads to success. To avoid starting on the wrong foot, review and apply the following tips for effective study and completing homework:
  1. Take a good set of class notes.
  2. Peruse the reading assignment for the next day.
  3. DO NOT GET BEHIND!Do not put off other subjects to cram for an exam. Get help on material you do not understand as soon as possible.
  4. Utilize the Topical Guide Objectives to determine how the material can be used or tested upon.
  5. Before and at the end of a topic, review the Topical Guide Objectives.
  6. Work several homework problems to determine the different ways a question can be asked and determine the time it takes to complete the question. Time management on examinations is very important.
  7. Practice sketching diagrams presented in class.
  8. Look for areas where material learned in one subject applies to another subject.
  9. Engage in a round-robin style of questions and answers with other students using your notes to check answers.
  10. Study the whole topic to obtain the overview as well as the details.


  1. The following general habits have been found to be useful at NPS:
  1. Before attempting to work homework problems, review your notes to understand the concepts.
  2. Attempt the assigned homework problems without the aid of notes or reference materials. This will give you a daily quiz on the material covered in class. Watch the clock.
  3. If you are unable to work the problem, return to your notes and determine how the concepts apply to the problem and continue from there. Flag the area of your notes for future review. Utilize the NDI to address issues.
  4. Try to balance the time spent on each subjecteach night.
  5. Memorize equations which are needed for homework by writing them several times without looking at the equation or use other methods which you are accustomed.
  6. Practice laying out your work clearly and logically. Follow procedures outlined by your instructor. Your work should stand alone.
  7. Try every problem, but do not let other subjects suffer by spending too much time on one or two homework problems.
  8. If you do not understand something, ask your instructor or the Night Duty Instructor.
  9. Look for fundamental principles. If you understand problems that are presented in class but cannot solve similar problems on your own, additional time with the instructor is required.
  10. Do not neglect computational proficiency.
  11. Keep a file of corrected homework for review purposes.


  1. Sick call hours for Medical are 0530 – 0730.
  2. Sick call hours for Dental are 0700 – 1100 and 1300 – 1430.


  1. Assistant Director, Officer Department (0800-1500 EST) (843) 794 – 8299/8115
  2. NNPTC Quarterdeck (24/7) (843) 794-8000
  3. Housing Office (843) 794 – 7218/7219.


Documentation Requirements for Acquiring NNPTC Parking/Vehicle Decal
Vehicle registration
Proof of Insurance
Driver's License
Documentation Requirements for NNPTC Check-In in Room P312
Original Orders (stamped from last command or with loss document)
Oath of Office
DD214 (if applicable)
All Previous Fitreps (if applicable)
SWO Letter (if applicable)
Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
Service Record (in case of documentation misplacement)
An Updated PG2 Form (Emergency Contact Form) Regardless of Prior Completion (make sure to have SSN, DOB, address, phone number for any dependents)
License Plate (for Dislocation Allowance)
Travel Receipts (bring flight itinerary if flying anytime during travel period)
Promotion Letter
Medical and Dental Records