Exemplary (4) / Adequate (3) / Almost Acceptable (2) / Deficient (1)
(120 words or less) / Problem is clearly stated, includes specific details about response frame, procedures and methods. Major results and conclusions are sufficiently stated. / Problem is stated, includes adequate details about response frame, procedures and methods. Most results and conclusions are stated. / Problem is stated, includes some information about response frame, procedures and methods. Some results and conclusions are stated. / Problem might not be stated, includes limited information (if any) about response frame, procedures and methods. Results and conclusions are unclear or not stated.
Problem Statement / Problem statement is concise and informs the reader of the exact purpose of the study. / Problem statement informs the reader of the exact purpose of the study. / Problem statement provides the reader information regarding the purpose of the study, but it is not clearly stated. / Statement is missing or difficult to interpret.
Methodology / Rationale for measurement technique is clearly presented. Response frame is clearly described (how many and who the subjects were, how selected and any special characteristics of importance). A description of rating scale(s) or response format(s) is clearly outlined. Procedures are detailed enough that someone could replicate your study, and information is presented concisely. Model criteria clearly explained. Algebraic representation of the model(s) used and citation for primary developer(s) are included. Justification of choice and criteria related to fit statistics is clearly presented. / Rationale for measurement technique is presented. Response frame is described (how many and who the subjects were, how selected and any special characteristics of importance). A description of rating scale(s) or response format(s) is included. Procedures outline the process to replicate your study but are too wordy or confusing. Model criteria explained. Algebraic representation of the model(s) used and citation for primary developer(s) are included. Justification of choice and criteria related to fit statistics is included. / Rationale for measurement technique is mentioned or alluded to, but is unclear. Response frame is not described in detail. A vague or incomplete description of rating scale(s) or response format(s) is included. Procedures outlined are not clear, making it difficult for replication. Algebraic representation of the model(s) used, but is not complete or citations are not included. Justification of choice of criteria and related fit statistics is not sufficient. / Rationale for measurement technique is absent or incorrect. Response frame is not described or is unclear. Rating scale(s) or response format(s) are not described or incorrect. Procedure is vaguely, if at all, described, not allowing for replication. Algebraic representation of the model(s) used is incorrect or not included. Choice of fit statistics and the criteria employed are not included or are unjustified.
Results / Results are clearly described (appropriate descriptive statistics included, data tables are clearly introduced and explained in text.) / Data are analyzed with minor flaws. Results are clearly explained, but minor misunderstanding may be present. / Data are analyzed with some substantial flaws. Results are explained, but substantial misunderstanding may be present. / Data are analyzed with substantial flaws. Results may be completely misinterpreted.
APA Style / APA style is used throughout. / APA style is used throughout, with minor errors in usage. / APA style is used inconsistently, with many errors in usage. / Little, if no, evidence of knowledge of APA style.