Chair: Ciara EastellCommittee support:Helen Drakard
Date/ Time:Wednesday 20th Jan 201610am – 3.30pm
Location:Wellcome Trust, Euston Road, London - meeting room Mendel 2
Present: Ciara Eastell, Neil MacInnes, Simon May, JayneWilkins, Fiona Williams, Bev Rice, AlisonWheeler, Mark Freeman, AndrewBignell, Carol Boswarthack, Marie Brett, Julie Spencer, Lesley Sim, Medi Bernard, Barry Clark, Carol Stump, Sarah Mears, Rob Clayton, Helen Drakard, Elizabeth Elford.
Apologies:Ayub Khan, Peter Gaw, Janene Cox, Helen Osborn, Nick Stopforth, Steve Hardman, Jane Sellwood.
Item / Subject1 / Workshop session for Exec members with Kathy Settle on 'Ambition'
Kathy introduced the plan for developing a shared ambition for libraries as part of the Taskforce’s planned work for the next 6 months.
The main aims of the Ambition outlined by the presentation were:
- Clear articulation of government and other Taskforce member organisations support forpublic libraries
- Reminder of the statutory framework and a description of the context in which libraries are operating
- Reminder about why people value libraries
- Confirmation of how libraries support and add value to a range of policy priorities
- Practical examples of good practice
- Options for achieving better value for money
- A roadmap for delivery
Planned timetable
- March – launch of consultation
- March to May – stakeholder forums
- Spring/Summer - consultation close and analysis
- Summer – document revised
- Summer – document published
- The Taskforce plan to run at least one roadshow per region and will consider more if required.
- The roadshows are aimed at a wide audience - library staff, friends groups, frontline users, partner organisations, campaigners, portfolio holders, etc.
- Regions and Heads of Service can provide additional suggestions of who they think should be invited.
- Purdah may mean that Councillors are unable to attend.
- Regional Chairs keen to promote in their areas to make sure there is a good library representation.
- Roadshow should be planned to ensure every group’s voice is heard in a proportionate way.
The Libraries Shaping the Future: Good Practice Toolkit published in December 2015 already contains information on some of the topics above and can be used for reference in advance of the Ambition being published. Kathy suggested that SCL colleagues have a look and feedback on the Toolkit.
2 / Assisted digital / digital inclusion tender - John Weston Commercial in Confidence
Ciara introduced John Weston and Jodie Hill from Westhill Commercial.
John thanked everyone who contributed to the bid and responded to his emails.
3 / Universal Offers:
Universal Offers funding:
Ciara updated the Exec on conversations she and Neilhave had with Brian Ashley from Arts Council England regarding ACE funding for the Universal Offers in 2016/17 and 2017/18.
It was agreed that Exec members spend half a day at their next meeting in March looking at the future development and purpose of SCLin the light of ACE discussions, the implications of the AD/DI tender and wider developments within the library sector.
Key issues from the recentUniversal Offer leads meeting on 11th Jan:
- Workforce development – e-learning, leadership, internships etc.
- Capacity of SCL and future approach to developing the UOs (eg combination of internal project management and external commissioning/expertise).
- Overlap of UOs.
- Finances show that SCL hassubsidised the UOs.
- Need to work on advocacy and sharing the positives that are coming from the UOs.
- Ideas to grow the offers.
Ciara explained that SCL had received a request from a community managed library who wished to take advantage of the Universal Offers. After a discussion it was agreed that community-led libraries need to liaise with their relevant library service around potential involvement in the Universal Offers locally.
Universal Offer Roadshows
Ciara summarised the discussion about this from the Universal Offer Leads (UOL) meeting. It was agreed that a planning meeting with Regional Chairs should place in February to confirm the programme and arrangements for the roadshows.
Elizabeth explained that the template from the Learning Offer brochure will be used to create a universal offer brochure aimed at library staff and stakeholders. The brochure will be launched at the roadshows and will be able to be downloaded or printed centrally.
Ciara explained that there were a number of e-learning modules due to be released this year and after discussion at the UOLs meeting a schedule had been agreed and paper written explaining who the training was intended for and when it should take place. Alison asked that the Code Green link be added. It was agreed that the paper would be updated and circulated to all SCL members via the regional leads.
- There will be a half day at next Exec to talk about SCL in more detail.
- Helen to circulate a date to the regional chairs for a meeting to plan the roadshows.
- Elizabeth, Helen and Ciara to draft and circulate some wording for regions to use to advertise their roadshows.
- Helen to circulate dates of the roadshows to Brian Ashley and invite him to attend any he wishes.
- Alison to send Helen some wording about Code Green to add to the e-learning paper.
- Helen to circulate the updated E-learning paper to Regional Chairs for them to share with their regions.
Learning Offer Update
In December ACE awarded additional funding to do some work on a Micro:bits pilot, develop more strategic partnerships and continue the work with Future Learn on MOOCs.
It will be difficult for us to complete the Micro:bit pilots by the end of the year but there is important work that can be undertaken to develop library capacity and partnerships with tech partners in preparation for the Micro:bit pilots and roll out in schools within this financial year. We have therefore revised our project plan to include:
- Capacity building training for libraries to enable them to move swiftly to capitalise on the opportunities offered by the Micro:bit roll out when that occurs.
- Working towards ensuring that every library service has some kind of digital making offer.
- Developing strategic national partnerships with third sector and public sector organisations to support the development of digital making offers in library services across the country (e.g. with Raspberry Pi Foundation, Code Club, Coder Dojo etc)
- Expand the event originally planned to publicise the MOOC partnerships into a broader digital making and partnership development event, to which a broad cross-section of tech companies, third sector providers, bridge organisations and HE organisations will be invited to help library services understand, shape and develop their digital making offers.
- We also propose that this event could pilot a learning approach that could form the template for other events in other locations across the country later in 2016 by using interactive learning and exploration, workshopping of ideas, case studies and library ‘flash talks’ to share information and partnership ‘speed dating’ to develop digital making services.
- Develop a suite of online resources that can be used to help libraries develop their physical computing offer and partnerships with schools in advance of the Micro:bit roll out and be adapted once the roll out takes place so that they are easily used by authorities piloting the use of micro:bits in the library
- Carry out partnership development work with a number of national organisations to build national agreements that will support the development of digital making in libraries across the country
Attendees will have the opportunity to shape the agenda by stating what topics they wish to hear more about when they sign up and to contribute to flash talks about great ideas or work already going on in their library service that they would like to share.
Reading Offer Update
- In November the BBC launched Get Reading a campaign designed to get more people reading more in 2016. The year will begin with the BBC Shakespeare Festival; ASCEL, SCL and The reading Agency are all working together with the Shakespeare BirthPlace Trust to support Shakespeare week in March. In the summer, the campaign will focus on Children's Books, celebrating Roald Dahl's centenary and many of our greatest living children’s authors and in the Autumn it will be focusing on The Books That Inspired Britain. There will be a programme on BBC Two about authors taking their own favourite books into schools and in November the BBC will launch the Get Reading Weekend. The Books and Reading group are planning engagement around these three key spikes and SCL and TRA are on the group the BBC has convened to help deliver the ambitions of this year.
- In 2016 TRA are working with The Roald Dahl Literary Estate to celebrate Roald Dahl 100. The theme for The Summer Reading Challenge 2016 is The Big Friendly Read. It will feature some of Roald Dahl’s best-loved characters and the amazing artwork of his principal illustrator, Sir Quentin Blake. The official start date for the 2016 Challenge in England and Wales is Saturday, 16 July with MPs engagement events happening in the week of 11-14 July and the stakeholder launch on July 14 at The House of Illustration, early evening.
- On Tuesday 17th November, Reading Hack (which is now part of the Books and reading offer) was showcased to over 120 invited stakeholders from libraries, publishing, education, culture and the arts, with special guests Paul Hamlyn Foundation who have funded the programme. The event demonstrated the excellent work that has been happening across 53 pilot authorities since April.
- The 2016 Quick reads titles will be published on Thursday 4th Feb 2016. The 2016 PR campaign which is run by Freud’s on behalf of Galaxy has 3 main elements: a news story led by specially commissioned research on “The untold power of the book”; the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Quick Reads as well as the six 2016 titles and a stakeholder event at Houses of Parliament (Mon 7th March 2016).
- The Books and Reading Group are in the process of finalising the Advocacy/key messages PowerPoint which will support the Books and Reading Offer.
- On the 26/1/16 a further e. Lending meeting is due to take place – chaired by Kathy Settle - all of the key stakeholders will come together to review progress- we will focus upon conversations with Publishers re: opening up their catalogues to libraries, EU legislation and copyright and e. Lending data collection/statistics. SCL are also contributing to an IFLA publication and Catherine Mills from Derbyshire is leading on our input to this. Catherine will also represent SCL on the IFLA working group going forward.
- Celebrating Shakespeare 2016- the bid has been successfully re-submitted and £95,500 has been awarded. This will fund activity to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and will focus upon the following key dates: March 14-20th(Shakespeare Week), April 22-24th (Anniversary Weekend) and a programme of regional events throughout May- October. We are supported by a range of partners and will work with them to create and deliver a range of activity which will bring Shakespeare to a wider audience.
- Halifax partnershiphas been announced
- The BiblioCommons report has been released. Ciara explained that she a steering group is currently being set up to take forward the recommendations and seek funding.
- The third cohort of the digital Leadership course has started.
- Shared Intelligence has been awarded a tender to find a way to sustain a network of digital leaders. Neil will be overseeing for SCL.
- The Children and Young People’s Books on Prescription list is now available to order.
- The E-learning health module for staff will soon be ready to launch
- Julie and Debbie Hicks continue to be asked to speak about the Books on Prescription scheme at conferences and events. They will be giving several presentations including at the LGA Directors of Public Health annual conference in February.
- The Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health list is moving forward with project management from Katie Pekacar
Information Offer Update
- Work is continuing on the Assisted Digital & Digital Inclusion framework bid (see item 2).
Sarah explained that ROGO are working on a new governance structure. They have released a list of‘moments’they plan to promote this year and their strategy will be launched soon.
Sarah updated Exec members on her meeting with the National Literacy Trust where they had talked about a strategic partnership between SCL and NLT and how we could work together to createshared messages and a powerful evidence base for libraries. NLT is doing a lot of place based work to support these areas and Sarah had let them know that SCL were keen to become more involved in this work.
Six Steps Update
Mark updated Exec members on the updated Six Steps promise and asked for agreement so that it could be relaunched in March. The re-launch will ask library services to reaffirm their support for the promise.
Exec members agreed they were happy with the updated promise and for the re-launch to go ahead in March.
Mark explained that there are also plans to launch an e-learning module later in the year.
- The moments ROGO are planning this year were circulated to Exec members
4 / Book Trust programme developments - Diana Gerald
Diana updated Exec members on the work of Book Trust and offered to share their strategic plan at next Exec in March.
Diana explained that she is keen for Book Trust to develop a closer relationship with SCL so they can ensure shared aims are met efficiently and effectively. Book Trust’s main aim is to support children’s reading for pleasure.
- Read for My School – launched yesterday. This is a tool for schools and a competition for children aiming to encourage them to read as many books as possible but also and rewarding those who aren’t yet confident readers.
- Phil Earle Book Trust’s writer in residence will be blogging with a focus on 7-12 year olds.
- Letter Box club programme which offers a book pack for children in foster care has grown this year with over 10,000 signups.
- Spending Review – Book Trust were pleased that ACE funding was protected but very aware that Local authorities’ funding isn’t. Book Trust is therefore looking at how it can support libraries in the future.
- Book Trust’s strategic library offer is a based around a book called ‘Bear’s Reading Adventure’ it has been released to libraries in a pilot with 80,000 copies printed. The offer is a free reading book which can be given out to children in the library. Children are then encouraged to bring it with them each visit and collect stickers.
- The partnership agreement with public library serviceswill be coming out in the next 2-3 weeks. It will be a 1 year agreement as usual despite Book Trust having secured 2 years of funding.
5 / Overview of SCL finances
Simon updated Exec members on the SCL finances highlighting issues around sustainability and the current capacity.
Simon proposed the following solutions:
- Short term look at subscription rise
- Long-term look at operating model
Action: Simon and Ciara to prepare a briefing paper with a recommendation for a modest increase to SCL subscriptions for regional chairs to discuss ahead of SCL AGM in June.
6 / Communication Update – deferred - a paper to be circulated after the meeting.
7 / External Environment
- Update from Taskforce Workshop on Data – discussed in item 1
- ACE research paper on Jobs and skills - deferred
- Update from Taskforce Automatic Library Membership- deferred
8 / AOB
My Library by Right Campaign - Exec discussed the campaign and agreed that SCL was not in a position to support it.
9 / CILIP consultation - Nick Poole
Nick presented an overview of CILIP’s priorities to the Exec members.
Health libraries will be major campaign for the year ahead and by the time of the next election CILIP want to have developed a body of evidence for all library sectors.
The main points of the discussion were:
- Workforce development was highlighted as an area where CILIP and SCL could work together.
- There was full agreement on alignment of values between SCL and CILIP.
- It was suggested that further discussion between Ciara and Nickshould take place to form an ‘ask’ to government.
- Horizon scanning to calculate what skills will be need in the future.
Ciara thanked Nick for attending and reaffirmed a commitment to further discussions between SCL and CILIP.
- Neil, Ciara and Nick to discuss the ‘ask’ to government.
- SCL to put a statement out about the ‘My Library by Right’ campaign.
Dates of Future Meetings:
23rd Mar 2016 – Jisc Offices
8th June 2016
14th Sept 2016
23rd Nov 2016
Page 1 of 8Author: Helen Drakard