Agenda and RecordThursday, November 21, 2002, 3 - 5 p.m.Boardroom, Trafalgar Campus


1. Chairperson
- Remarks/Announcements
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of 2002-10-17 Record / J. Travis / 3:00 - 3:05 p.m.
2. Vice President, Academic Update
- New Charter
- Brampton Funding Proposal
- Discussion Period / M. Callahan / 3:05 - 3:40 p.m.
3. Constituency Concerns
- Update: Tragic Response
- Other / P. Tretjack
C. Goodrow
All / 3:40 - 3:55 p.m.
3:55 - 4:10
4. Vivienne Sager Award / J.Shaw/J. Cox / 4:10 - 4:20 p.m.
5. Library / J. Travis/S. Platt / 4:20 - 4:30 p.m.
6. New/Other Business / All / 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.
7. Adjournment / All / 5:00 p.m.

Next meeting: Thursday, December 19, 2002 - B216 Davis Campus



Present Voting Members: Judy Travis, Chair, Leona Byrne, Jim Cox, Lenore Edmunds, Carol Goodrow,
Jim Greer, Bob Hundert, Mozammel Khan, Pat Knight, Gary MacMillan, Ben McEvoy, Debra McKay,
Carol Murray, Sharon Nelson, Susan Platt, Rafael Radovan, John Salisbury,Erik Service, Jo-Ann Shaw,
Paul Toms, Pat Tretjack

Regrets: John Bowman, Gabe Sara, Brian Smith, Ruth Taylor

Guests: Maureen Callahan

Absent: Mark Lundie

1. Chair's Opening Remarks, Approval of Agenda and 2002-10-17 Record / The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by B. McEvoy and seconded, "that the Agenda of 2002-11-21 be approved."
It was moved by C. Murray and seconded, "that the record of 2002-10-17 be approved as amended."
J. Travis reported that our meeting was being observed by students from Brock University who are doing a report on group dynamics.
J. Travis welcomed Leona Byrne to College Council / Motion Carried
Motion Carried
2. Vice President Academic Update / M. Callahan reported on the following:
New Charter
·  Universities have their own Charter and operate independent or together as they wish
·  Colleges are set up as crown agencies
·  commonalities relate to the region each college is located in, and there are differing sizes depending on location
·  the government is setting different framework for colleges
·  Vision 2000 raised issues around what colleges should be like in the year 2000 and beyond
·  the Portals & Pathways paper suggested greater difference between colleges and a greater degree of freedom
·  Ontario College of Applied Arts & Technology Act was passed on April 1, 2002 and has yet to be proclaimed. This set of regulations and binding policy directives would set out the policy around fees, governance, administrative procedures and standards, program credentials and program approval
·  the College Charter is a collection of documents which collectively covers a range of activities that the colleges can act on and will also define how the college operates
·  Accreditation of Programs
o  do we stay with 1 year certificate
o  difference between 2 and 3 year programs
o  applied degrees
o  post-diploma
o  consistent terminology across the system
·  all programs funded by the government must be approved by the Ministry
·  with the current system we approve the program and the government agrees or disagrees
·  auditing process is done by an external group that looks over the college's choice of programs
·  when the Charter is proclaimed the Board of Governors will have the responsibility for approving programs hence there must be a rigorous procedure in place for approving/disapproving programs before going to the government
·  Board of Governors would like to see an increased transferability between Colleges and Universities; an increase in the awareness of legitimacy of courses will be as important as the current model and is increasingly pressed to look at course-based learning
·  B.Hundert was concerned that the new educational formula had gaps that were not being addressed, eg. portability of marks between colleges
·  M.Callahan suggested that the system in Ontario is very different from any other province, eg. BC has set up a vocational and university transfer so there is no need to make university education more accessible
·  B.Hundert asked that if the graduates from the Applied Degrees programs would be able to work on further degrees
·  M.Callahan replied yes if they were credible degrees, and it would depend on how universities view the qualifications of our students
·  J.Cox asked if there would be an opportunity for some universities to see the Applied Degrees graduates as good candidates
·  M.Callahan said that Lakehead does well at that
·  M.Callahan indicated that we should hear from the Quality Assessment Board by the end of the month
·  the Board requires minimum standards for progression to the next level; they want to establish common program standards and admission; faculty must have 1 qualification higher than the one being granted and establish credibility of credentials
·  G.MacMillan suggested that even though most students won't go on to higher education, the schools are now placed in a position that they have to hire faculty with multi degrees to teach all College programs
·  M.Callahan replied that in the technical area students need theoretical concepts as well as the practical
·  J.Shaw wanted to know how Continuing Education will be affected by the new approval process
·  M.Callahan stated that all certificates must go through the approval process
Brampton Funding Proposal
·  Sheridan had been working with the City of Brampton for funding to expand 'C' wing and to build an additional building. The City of Brampton has agreed to donate to the College $2.5 million towards the expansion
·  the academic focus for Davis will be Justice, Manufacturing, English as a Second Language, and Allied Health
3. Constituency Concerns / Tragic Response
·  see draft handout of Sudden Death or Critical Illness off Campus
·  the handout was a result of a request on how to respond to the sudden death of a member of the Sheridan community
·  along with the draft was another handout Summary: Emergency Preparedness, Tragic Events & Critical Incident Response at Sheridan
·  B.Hundert asked how this information would be communicated to the College community and J. Travis replied through the President's Office
·  P.Toms wanted to know how to get to the web site
·  C.Goodrow replied through the HR web site
·  J.Cox asked if the Alumni office will be given the information so that they could report on the loss of alumni
·  E.Service hoped that College Council would let the Student Council know
Student Atmosphere
·  E.Service and B.McEvoy said that ICSC is trying to keep students on campus by improving the campus atmosphere by:
o  working on a communication plan
o  make the school more appealing
o  create seating, eg. couches/coffee areas where students could sit and chat
·  L.Byrne asked if research had been done on this
·  B.McEvoy said they are putting out ideas to the community to see what results they get
·  B.Hundert thought the idea of common areas was a positive idea but look at areas where noise won't bother classrooms
·  B.McEvoy said it will be researched and there will be a future update
·  E.Service suggested that students learn better in a comfortable environment
·  J.Cox reported that there was a Sony event advertised with registration on the web but apparently no faculty were invited; although he attended he thought this was an unfortunate situation / All members to review the 2 handouts and bring any suggestions or additions to the December Meeting.
4. Vivienne Sager Award / Cheryl Anderson is the recipient of the Vivienne Sager Award. J. Travis will contact C. Anderson and the award will be presented at the December meeting. / December Agenda
5. Library / See Handout / Members send comments to J. Travis.
6. New/Other Business / National Day of Remembrance & Action
·  Dec. 6, 2002 - see handout
·  Student Council is looking after the white ribbon campaign however more information should go out to the college community so that more staff can be involved
·  J. Travis inquired about the location of the white ribbons at the Davis campus and a box is located at Tim Hortons
·  B. McEvoy and the SU acknowledged Sept. 11 with black ribbons but found it difficult to collaborate with the college community
·  C. Goodrow said Corporate Communications usually takes the initiative although there doesn't seem to be a collaborative atmosphere
·  C. Goodrow said the final information is not yet confirmed but the commemorative ceremony will be in the SCAET foyer at Trafalgar and in the lobby in front of the bookstore at Davis.
Networking Event
·  C. Atkinson mentioned that there would be a Networking event for 4 programs within Science & Technology at the Career Centre, Nov. 27, 2002 from 4 - 7 p.m.
·  J. Cox wanted to know about the follow-up with HR and J. Bowman
·  J. Travis has booked J. Bowman for our December meeting
·  G. MacMillan found the analysis of the Vision Statement and SWOT excellent, they produced some good ideas for future agendas, possibly revisit the subject of auxillary fees
·  B. McEvoy and E. Service re anxillary fees would like to see a standard of quality, how to lower fees, and how to make things more efficient and less expensive for students
·  D. McKay stated concern for students in crisis, the Disability and Counselling services are getting smaller and with more students anticipated there would be a requirement for more special needs
·  L. Byrne expressed concern that there is no test center at the Trafalgar Campus; the test center is at STC
·  C. Goodrow replied that the whole test center issue started with a memo from Ian Marley and past discussions can be found in the College Council records on its web site. / J. Bowman on December Agenda.
7. Adjournment / Motion for adjournment. / Motion Carried
Next Meeting / Thursday, December 19, 3 - 5 p.m. B216, Davis Campus

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