

Sex: Female

Marital status: Married.

Nationality: Egyptian/American.

Date of birth: July,1st, l956.

Address : Home: 66, El-Nasr Street, New Maadi, CAIRO, EGYPT.

Phone: Home (025168614) Mobile (01112711617)

E-mail ,

Present occupation:

Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

Head and of Clinical Nutriton Department,ASSIH.

Director of Clinical Nutrition Educational Program, ASSIH


·  A dedicated reliable and ethical MD with a profound and professional experience in the management of patients with different medical disorders.

·  Specially experienced in implementing Medical Nutrition Therapy of different medical disordere.

·  Experienced in management of Obesity, Malnutrition and other different Nutritional disorders.

·  Developed strong and advanced nutritional programs, techniques, treatment and planning skills through recent practice and training in several Harvard Institutions and Medical Centers in the USA.

·  Also very experienced managing patients with Diabetes and other Endocrine disorders.

·  Committment to excellence is reflected in the continuous quest to stay informed regarding the latest innovations in the field of Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology.

QUALIFICATIONS ( in Chronological order|)

1-  M.B.,BCh. Cairo University- December 1980 (Excellent with honours)

2-  M.Sc. ”Int. “Medicine” November, 1984 (Excellent)

3-  M.D. “Int. Medicine” Cairo Univ. May, 1991.

4-  Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rhode Island University, USA, December, 2003.

5-  Received training and practice in the management of different clinical disorders , obesity and other nutritional disorders including diabetic control at the BI Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, 2001 for ten years.

6-  Training in Clinical Nutriton Therapy ( Including EN and TPN) for hepatic, diabetic, renal and critically ill patients at BI Medical Center, Boston, MA and Brockton Hospital, MA, USA


Always received "exceeds expectations" ratings on performance.

Cited for excellence in interpersonal communication, team work and reliability.

1-  House officer, Cairo University Hospitals f rom March, 1, 1981 to Feb., 28, 1982.

2-  Resident: In the Department of Internal Medicine, Cairo University hospital from June, 6th, 1982 to September, 9th 1986.

3-  Clinical Demonstrator in the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo Univ. from January, 15th 1987 to June, 14th, 1987.

4-  Assistant Lecturer: in the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University from June, 15, 1987 to October, 22nd, 1991.

5-  Lecturer: in the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo Univ. from October, 23, 1991 to November, 29th 1996.

6-  Professor : in the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo Univ. from November 30, 1996 till now.

7-  Worked as a Medical Instructor for the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for two years.

8-  Trained and practiced control of obesity and different nutritional disorders, as well as management of diabetes in several medical centers affiliated with Harvard University since 2001 through 2010 in the USA.

9-  Worked in the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Brockton Hospital, MA , USA for one year.

10-  Head of Clinical Nutriton Department at As Salam International Hospital ( ASSIH ) since 2010 to now. Succeeded in designing and starting the first department for clinical nutrition in hospitals in Egypt.

11-  Director of the Educational Program in Clinical Nutrition, ASSIH


1-  Member of the Egyptian Society of Internal Medicine.

2-  Member of the Egyptian Society of Endocrinology and Obesity.

3-  Member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE).

4-  Member of the Egyptian Diabetes Association.

5-  Member of the Euro Egyptian Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition ( EGSPEN ).

6-  Member of the Egyptian Medical Association for thr study of Obesity ( EMASO ).

7-  Member of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutriton ( ASPEN ).


Reading and Sports.

Speaks fluent English and Arabic.


Published several research work in different medical journals. List of publications is included.

1-  Physical activity modification of the altered lipid pattern induced by beta-blockers. New Egyptian Journal of Medicine, 2:3, 1988.

2-  Study of the effect of slowly abdsorbed carbohydrates with and without salt on blood glucose in NIDDM. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:1, 1989.

3-  Effect of the alpha-1 adrenergic blocker (doxazocin) on lipid pattern in hypertensive patients. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:2, 1989

4-  Gastroduodenal mucosal changes in relation to portal vein diameter in cases or portal hypertension. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:4, 1989.

5-  The modifying effect of high-fiber diet on the hypoglycemic response of sulphonyl ureas in NIDDM. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:2, 1989.

6-  Ultrasonographic incidence of pericardial effusion in patients with renal diseases. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate,1:2, 1990

7-  Serological markers versus and histopathological findings in cases of chronic hepatitis B (with or without delta agent) and non-A, non-B hepatitis. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:3, 1989

8-  Red cell deformability in relation to body weight. Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2:1, 1987.

9-  T-cell subpopulations and B-cell function in chronic liver disease. Medical Journal of Cairo Univeristy, 1:1, 1988.

10-  Effect of potassium supplemnetation on carbohydrate tolerance in patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites. . Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:2, 1991.

11-  The role of hypersplenism as an etiological factor for the increased incidence of gall stones in patients with liver cirrhosis. Egyptian Journal of Internmal Medicine. 1:1, 1991.

12-  Effect of angiontensin converting enzyme inhibitor on renal function in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Egyptian Journal of Internmal Medicine.

13-  Helicobacter pyloridis in different dyspeptic lesions. Presented in the third Scitific Congress of Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, 1991.

14-  Ultrasonographic findings that could explain resistant ascites in patients with liver cirrhosis. New Egyptian J. of Medicine, 3:12, March, 1995.

15-  Percutaneous ethanol injection in treatment of liver neoplasms. New Egyptian J. of Medicine, 3:12, March, 1995.

16-  Gallbladder volume and function in obese individuals. Medical Journal of Cairo Univeristy, 1:62. 1994.

17-  Serum lipids, plasma insulin and blood glucose levels in NIDDM with and without gallstones. . Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 3:6, 1994.

18-  Anticardiolipine antibodies as a circulating parameter for diabetic vascular complications. New Egyptian J. of Medicine, 4:11, 1994.

19-  Gastroesophageal findings in diametic patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia. New Egyptian J. of Medicine, 13:11, 1995.

20-  Relationship between the distribution of gastroesophageal varices and portal and splenic vein size. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:8, 1996.

21-  Evaluation of the different symptom complexes for clinical diagnosis of gallstone disease in outpatients presenting with abdominal pain. New Egyptian J. of Medicine, 2:11, 1994.

22-  Ultrasonographic assessment of pancreatic size in obese individuals. Egyptian J. of Internal Medicine, 4:3, 1994.

23-  Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function in patients with isolated systolic hypertension. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 3:7, 1995.

24-  Effect of nefedipine on gastric emptying. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 2:7, 1995.

25-  Hepatitis-C virus antibodies among patients with active and long-standing shistosomiasis. Medical Journal of Cairo University, 2:1, 1994.

26-  Study of the factors involved in pathogenesis of portal vein thrombosis in patients with liver cirrhosis. Scintific Medical Journal of Cairo Medical syndicate, 1:3, 1999.

27-  Splenic irradiation in the treatment of hypersplenism associated with liver cirrhosis. Medical Journal of Cairo University, 1:3 , 1999.

28-  In the process of publishing new research studies in clinical nutriton.

29-  Significance of Nutrition Assessment and nutrition Screening in Determining Nutrition Status and Predicting Complications Among Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. Modern Medicine: Volume 30 April 2013