2016-17 ISTEP+ and IREAD-3

Statewide Readiness Test

Preparation & Follow-Up Checklist

for Corporation & School Test Coordinators

The Statewide Readiness Test (SRT) for Spring 2016-17 ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 online test administration is scheduled at 10.00 a.m. EasternJanuary 19. Schools and school corporations that are not able to participate in the SRT January 19 because of school delays or cancelations should plan to participate January 25.

The SRT is a statewide version of a local Infrastructure Trial;the setup steps in PearsonAccessnext are the same.A Statewide Readiness Test Guidewith detailed step-by-step setup instructions is posted to the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center. You should conduct a local Infrastructure Trial before the SRT, but an Infrastructure Trial also may be conducted afterward, prior to IREAD-3 or ISTEP+ Part 1 or Part 2 testing.

For the SRT, test takers can be parent volunteers, students, or teachers. Students are not required to participate in the Statewide Readiness Test.

As a Corporation Test Coordinator (CTC) or School Test Coordinator (STC), your responsibilities for supporting the SRT include:

  • Ensuring that your Corporation and School IT Coordinators (CITC and SITC), Examiners, and Proctors have a Username and Password for the PearsonAccessnext Training Site.NOTE:Examiners are certified staff members (not necessarily the classroom teacher), who can administer the test. Proctors assist the Examiner and are not required to be a certified staff member.
  • Coordinating staff training and reviewing all applicable materials and training modules.
  • Developing contingency plans with staff to prepare for any unplanned testing interruptions.
  • Verifying with your CITC or SITC that student testing devices are setup, ProctorCache is setup, and TestNav Configurations are complete.
  • Creating and managing online testing sessions.
  • Monitoring online testing sessions during testing and resumingtesters when necessary.
  • Conducting a post-test, lessons–learned meeting and working with IT staff to address any issues that may require Pearson Customer Support.

The SRT will be administeredon the PearsonAccessnext Training Sitein theISTEP+ Spring 2017 Infrastructure Trial.

The following checklist ensures that your school, test coordinators, students, or other SRT participants are ready for a successful SRT experience.

Before the Statewide Readiness Test:

□Attend Pre-Statewide Readiness Test Q&A sessionsJanuary9,11,and 13.

□Review the Statewide Readiness Test Guide.

□Review PearsonAccessnext training videos and materials.

□Bookmark the Pearson System Status page at

□Login to the PearsonAccessnext Training Site and select the 2016-17 Infrastructure Trial administration.

□Generate Sample Students for each of your schools and the tests they will be using.

  • Click on the Setup menu and select Students.
  • Click on the Select Tasks drop-down, select Generate Sample Students, and click on the Startbutton.
  • Complete the Generate Sample Students screen.
  • Select an Organization (school) and Test.
  • You can use the Create New Group functionality to make session creation easier by including the school and test assigned to the group in the group name.
  • You can create multiple groups for the same school and test if you are planning to conduct multiple sessions.
  • Create as many students as you think will be needed for each session.
  • Click Generate.
  • Complete the Generate Sample Students screen again for your next group or select Exit Tasksif you are finished.

□Create Online Testing Sessions.

  • Click on the Testing menu and select Sessions.
  • Click on the Select Tasks drop-down, select Create / Edit Sessions, and click Start.
  • Complete theCreate / Edit Sessions screen, using a descriptive name, selecting an Organization a test that corresponds to one of the groups of sample students you generated.Form Group Type will be Main for the Statewide Readiness Test. NOTE: No accommodated test forms for the Statewide Readiness Test are included because we use ISTEP+ Experience items for Infrastructure Trials and the SRT. Accommodated test forms will be available for practice tests and live tests.
  • Understand that the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Start Time have no bearing on starting or stopping sessions. They are strictly for your use in planning and organizing your sessions.
  • Select a Precaching Computer for each session based on guidance from your CITC or SITC.
  • Select Find by Name or Find by Group and click in the Add students to session area to add sample students to your session. NOTE:Only sample students or groups generated for the school and test you specify for a session will be available for selection and assignment to that session.
  • Click Create.
  • Complete the New Session screen again for your next session or select Exit Tasks if you are finished.

□Precache Test Content after you have finished creating sessions. Coordinate this activity with your CITCs or SITCs, or follow the instructions in the Statewide Readiness Checklist for CITCs and SITCs.

□Prepare and Start your sessions. This step also can be completed by the Examiner or Proctor responsible for overseeing testing sessions.

  • Click on the Testing menu and select Sessions.
  • Select the sessions you want to prepare and start, or click on the check box at the top of your list of sessions to select all sessions shown. If you have multiple pages of sessions, you can select sessions from each page and PearsonAccessnext will keep track of your selections under the Manage drop-down in the upper right portion of the Sessions screen.

  • Click on Go to Students in Sessions near the top of the screen, or select Go to Students in Sessions from the Select Tasks drop-down to link directly to the Students in Sessions screen.
  • Before students can begin testing, the session must be prepared, unlocked, and then started. NOTE: This measure prevents students from launching tests until the examiner is ready to begin.
  • Select the individual session you want to prepare and start from the Session List, or you can use Combined View to prepareand startall sessions listed in the Session List. Select the prepare option that presents itself. The screen below is a combined view where thePrepare all Sessionsbutton is visible. You may need to select Refreshif the screen does not update after a few moments.
  • Once prepared, the sessions are started by selecting Start all Sessions. NOTE:After starting, you need to unlock the session using the lock-unlock toggle. You cannot unlock sessions in combined view;but rather, sessions have to be unlocked individually.

Before the Statewide Readiness Test (continued)

□Print Student Testing Tickets. This step also can be completed by the Examineror Proctor.

  • Select a session from the Session List on the left side of the Students in Sessions screen. You cannot print tickets in combined view.
  • Click on the Resources link in the upper right portion of the Students in Sessions screen and select either Print all for this session or Print selected for this session. Print all for this session enables you to print every ticket for your chosen session. Print selected for this session lets you select individual students from the Assigned Students list, and print only those tickets. Use this same menu to obtain Seal Codes; however, Seal Codes are not used for the Statewide Readiness Test.
  • Select one of four available print formats, and press CTRL+P to print. Distribute Student Testing Tickets to the Examiners and Proctors who are managing each session.
  • Repeat this step for each session.

During the Statewide Readiness Test

□Monitor testing progress using the Students in Sessions screen. Use the session list and filters to zero in on specific students in specific schools or sessions, tests, or testing statuses.

□You can click onRefreshperiodically to get an update on testing statuses for a selected session.

□Assist Examiners and Proctors with managing student testing status as needed. If a tester exits his or her test before completing it and would like to finish the test, click on the drop-down next to his or her Active or Exited testing status and select Resume. If testers are involuntarily exited from the test because of a technical issue, select the drop-down again and select Resume Upload. This forces TestNav to look for an unsent Student Response File. NOTE: The Statewide Readiness Test and local Infrastructure Trial tests are not scored.

□Keep detailed notes on any reported technology, communication, logistics, or other issues.

After the Statewide Readiness Test

□Meet with your CITCs, SITCs, Examiners, and Proctors to discuss any issues that arose during testing and how those issues were addressed or will be addressed during live testing.

□Identify and address any gaps in contingency and communication plans.

□For issues that you were not able to resolve or fully address on your own, contact Pearson Helpdesk and begin to work on resolving any technical issues before live testing begins.

□(Optional) Mark all students Complete and Close all testing sessions. Follow the instructions in the Statewide Readiness Test Guide if you are unsure of the specific steps to take.

□Before live testing begins conduct another small-scale local Infrastructure Trial to verify that any changes made to technology setups are successful.