1. a) The examination for the degree of M.Sc. (Honours) Botany (Five Years Integrated Course) shall be held in Five parts to be called M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I, M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-II, M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-III, M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-IV and M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-V. Each part shall consist of two Semesters viz. Semesters 1st and 2nd in M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I, Semesters 3rd and 4th in M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-II, Semesters 5th and 6th in M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-III, Semesters 7th and 8th in M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-IV and Semesters 9th and 10th in M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-V. The examinations for 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th Semesters shall be held in the month of November/December and for 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th Semester in April/May or on such other dates as may be fixed by the Academic Council.

b) i) The candidate will be required to pay examination fees as prescribed by the University from time to time.

ii) Last dates by which the admission forms and fees for the semester examinations must reach the Registrar shall be applicable as notified by the University from time to time.

2. The admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I shall be open to any person who has obtained 50% marks in aggregate in 10+2 examination with Biology as one of the subject.

3. a) The admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-II shall be open to a person who has passed M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I examination of the university or has cleared atleast 50% of total theory and practical papers separately prescribed for the 1st and 2nd semesters of M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I course.

b) Admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-III shall be open to a person who has passed all the four semesters of M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-I and Part-II or has cleared at least 50% papers of four semesters of earlier two years.

c) Admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-IV shall be open to person who has cleared all the papers of first four semesters and at least 50% of the total theory and practical papers, separately of 5th and 6th semesters.

d) Admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Botany Part-V shall be open to a person who has cleared all the papers of the First Six Semesters and at least 50% of total theory and practical papers separately of semesters 7th and 8th.

4. The syllabus for the course shall be such as prescribed by the Academic Council from time to time.

5. Eligibility to appear in any end semester examination shall be that a candidate must have attended at least 75 per cent of the delivered lectures/seminars/practicals. Rules regarding condonation of shortage of lectures will be followed as prescribed by the University from time to time. The Department shall be required to deliver at least 75% of the total number of lectures prescribed for each paper.

6. The medium of instruction and examination for M.Sc. (Honours) Botany (Five Year Integrated Course) shall be English.

7. i) Each paper shall have upto 20% Internal Assessment of the total theory marks.

ii) The internal assessment will be based on all or some of the following:

(1)  Average of two internal tests 50%

(2)  Assignments/Tutorials, Prepared Slides, Plant Album/Projects and Seminars 40%

(3)  Attendance upto 15%

The break up of marks for the above will be decided by the ACD of the Department at the beginning of the semester.

The teacher/teachers concerned /incharge of each paper/ practical class will be responsible for the evaluation and submission of the internal assessment.

iii)  To pass in a paper the candidate must secure 40% marks in the external examination and 40% marks in aggregate (internal and external).

iv) For a candidate who fails in a paper(s) his/her internal assessment examination for that paper will be carried over and the supplementary examination will, therefore, consist of only an external examination.

Note: The Internal Assessment will be formulated and sent to COE as per prescribed schedule, failing which the result of concerned candidates will be shown as R.L.

8. a) A candidate is required to secure at least 40% marks both in the external examination and Internal examination (Theory and Practical Separately).

b) In the event of a candidate failing to secure the requisite 40% marks in terms of clause (a) above, he/she shall be placed under re-appear in that paper(s). Such a candidate would carry the sessional work marks secured by him/her for his/her re-appear examination.

In case such a paper is dropped from the course of study as a result of any revision, the department would indicate a suitable substitute paper in lieu thereof. Provided further that the entire M.Sc. (Honours) Botany course has to be completed within a total period of seven years from the date of joining first semester.

9. Subject to the requirement of attendance and other conditions in these ordinances:

a) there will be no condition for promotion from odd semester to even semester in an Academic Session.

b) a candidate placed under reappear in any paper, will be allowed two chances to clear the reappear which shall be availed within consecutive two years/chances, i.e. to pass in a paper the candidate will have a total of three chances, one as a regular student and two as a reappear candidate.

c) the examination of reappear papers of a odd semester will be held with regular examination of the odd semester and reappear examination of the even semester will be held with regular examination of even semester. But if a candidate is placed under reappear in the last semester of the course, he/she will be provided chance to pass the reappear with the examination of the next semester, provided his/her re-appear of earlier semester does not go beyond that next semester.

10. The students who qualify all papers prescribed for the first six semesters will be awarded B.Sc. (Honours) Botany. Such students shall have to qualify all the prescribed papers for the first three years (Six Semesters) with in a maximum of five years. There is an option to exit the course after B.Sc. (Honours) Botany i.e. successfully completing the first six semesters. For M.Sc. (Honours) course, students will have to clear all the papers of ten semesters within a maximum period of seven years from the date of joining the course. In case he/she fails to do so within the prescribed period as aforesaid, he/she shall be declared fail. He/she may however, seek fresh admission to the first semester on merit with the new applicants in case of B.Sc. Hon's degree and in 7th semester in case of M.Sc. Honours degree. It is understood that a 'reappear' or failed candidate shall be allowed to take the examination held as at present or according to the datesheet of the semester examination in which such papers may be adjusted. After completing three/five years of studies (i.e. six/ten semester course) as the case may be he/she shall not be admitted to any semester of the same faculty and will not have any privilege of a regular student in the same faculty.

11. As soon as possible after the completion of each semester, the Registrar shall publish a list of successful candidates showing their result. Each candidate shall be supplied with a Marks sheet containing his/her details of marks. The list of the successful candidates on the completion of B.Sc. Honours/ M.Sc. (Honours) Botany shall be arranged in three divisions and the division obtained by the candidate will be stated in the degree certificate.

12. Successful candidates who obtain 60% or more of the aggregate number of marks in Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of B.Sc. (Honours) Botany Degree and all the ten semester examinations of M.Sc. (Honours) Botany, shall be placed in the first division, those who obtain 50% or more but less than 60% marks shall be placed in the second division and those who obtain less than 50% marks shall be placed in third division. For M.Sc. (Honours) cumulative score of all the 10 semesters will be taken for the award of degree.

13. The grace marks and provision for Improvement shall be allowed according to the general ordinances relating to "Award of Grace Marks" and "Improvement", respectively.