Our Ref: C/Excursions/YSP2017/DW/LS

May 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Excursion to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

We are pleased to offer an excursion on Monday 26 June 2017 to our Year 7 Art students The purpose of this visit is to expand your child’s knowledge and appreciation of the Arts and give them the opportunity to work with a freelance artist.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park is set in 500 acres of 18th Century parkland; it is an international centre for modern and contemporary art. Students will have a guided tour and a workshop where they will be able to produce work in response to the sculpture they have seen. All work is outdoors and students will need to be dressed accordingly.

Students will need to bring with them the following items:

  • Packed lunch and drinks
  • Comfortable, casual clothing and shoes
  • Raincoat/sunscreen depending on the weather

We will be travelling by coach and intend to leave school at 8.00 am on Monday 26 June. We aim to return to school around 5.00 pm (traffic permitting).

The cost of the excursion is £22. This pays for the coach and artist’s workshop.

For your child to be able to attend please complete and return the permission slip below and return it to school. If you have not already returned the medical form sent to you by Mr McCluskie at the beginning of the academic year, please return it with the slip below. Without this form we regret your child will not be able to participate in this excursion. If you have returned your child’s form but the medical details have changed please inform us of the changes. If your child receives free school meals can you indicate on the slip and a meal will be provided for them.

If we receive replies from more than the number of allocated places, then a draw will be made. Parents will be informed if their child is included on the trip, when we would ask that payment of £22 be forwarded to school. Payment can be made using Parent Pay or students can take money to Mrs Staton in the Modern Foreign Languages Block at break time Monday to Thursday. Cheques should be made payable to Scalby Learning Trust.

Under the terms of the 1988 Education Act we are not permitted to levy a charge for this visit. However, no School funds exist to cover the cost and we are therefore seeking a voluntary contribution per student. However, the visit cannot take place unless each parent/carer makes the full contribution. You should also be aware that, should you cancel your child’s place after payment of the initial deposit, cancellation charges will apply. I can provide details of these upon request.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Art Department.

Yours sincerely

Mrs D Wilkinson

Head of Art

Please return to: The Art Department Re: Excursion to Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Monday 26 June 2017

Student Name: ……………………………………………………………………..MG: ………………….

I give permission for my child to participate in the above excursion. Upon my child being allocated a place I will senda £22 payment to school by return. (Cheque payable to Scalby Learning Trust). □

My child will require a free school meal. □

Signed: ……………………………………………………….. Parent/Carer Date: ………………