Pre AP English III/English III
Ms. Rachel Paul- Room 2651 - Medical Tower
Mrs. Amy Sefcik - Room 2504 - Technology Tower
Mrs. Angela Jefferson - Room 2356 - Professional Tower
Welcome to Pre AP English III and English III. The SpringBoard curriculum helps students attain the knowledge and skills required for success both in Advanced Placement courses and in college-level work. This program of study offers rigorous instruction that helps students to master strategies which enhance their ability to understand and analyze difficult text, to write with clarity, to speak and listen in order to communicate and work effectively, and to view media with a critical perspective.
Units of study include:
1. The American Dream
2. American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas
3. The Power of Persuasion
4. An American Journey
5. The Pursuit of Happiness
Focus will be on vocabulary, modes of business and academic writing, communication styles and research. (Stepping Stones)
Everyone must have a Composition/Journal Notebook that we will use throughout the year and will be counted as daily grades and major grades. You must have your notebook by the next time your Lab A group meets.
Every student needs to have access to the internet and their itslearning account during class. This can be accomplished through a laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.
Be on time to class. Everyone should be seated and working when class starts. I do count tardies. A tardy of more than 15 minutes becomes an absence. Tardies will be handled in accordance with school and class rules. Students who receive a disciplinary consequence for tardies will lose their semester exam exemptions.
Be prepared for class every day. Each student is expected to have all supplies and assignments for the day’s class.
Be polite to the instructor and all classmates. To maintain a stress free learning environment, each individual must be respected for his or her opinions, however different they may be from your own.
Cheating will NOT be accepted! This includes “borrowing” your friend’s homework, exchanging answers, plagiarism, etc. If you are caught cheating, both parties will receive a ZERO on the assignment, test, paper, quiz, etc. and a referral to the office.
English III
Daily Grades- 40%
Major Grades- 60%
Final Exam- 20%
Students who choose to use their laptops for in-class assignments must keep the same time constraints as students who work with paper. If a paper is due by the end of the class, they are responsible for showing the completed document to the teacher on their laptop, then arriving the next day with the hard copy for grading.
Make-up work is the individual student’s responsibility. When absences occur, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what he/she missed. You are allowed one day to make-up work for each section/day of class missed. Make-up time does not include extra time for major or long term assignments. These are given a specific due date and must be emailed on day assigned if student is absent and wants full credit.
Late work
Students are expected to complete and turn in work on time. Daily grade assignments are due to your LAB A teacher. If you do not turn it in on the assigned due date then it can be turned in by Friday for a 30 point deduction or Monday for a 50 point deduction.
Major or long term assignments that are late will receive a 30 point deduction the first day it is late and 10 additional points every day after.
Contact Information
The most efficient way to communicate with us is via email. If you need extra help outside of commons time please speak with your LAB A teachers about after school tutorials or contact them for appointment.
I have read and agree to abide by the rules and policies in my English 3 class.
(Student’s name) (Student’s signature)
(Student’s Email)
(Parent’s name) (Parent’s Signature)
(Parent’s Email) (Parent’s Phone #)