November 20, 2013

Dr. Riley called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present were: Terisa Riley, Rex Gandy, Bruce Schuneman, Linda Challoo (for Mohammed Abdelrahman), Kirsten Compary, Jennifer Alexander, Joanne Alvarado, Lallah Howard, Duane Gardiner, Jo Elda Castillo Alaniz, Laura Prange, Nancy KingSanders, and Bob Paulson.

1.  Purpose of the Task Force (Charge and Membership)

Dr. Riley shared a copy of the Charge and Membership of the FY15 Tuition and Fees Task Force. She explained that the main role of the task force was to recommend any changes to tuition and fees being proposed for FY15 to the University Budget Council who would make final recommendations to President Tallant for final approval. When asked if any other members were suggested, Joanne Alvarado mentioned that Melanie Ramirez, Director of Student Accounts and Bursar, was left off the membership. Dr. Riley will add her to future meetings. Joanne sent a text message to Melanie who arrived a few minutes later.

2.  Review of Current Tuition and Fees Charts

Dr. Riley passed out the FY14 Tuition and Fees for undergraduate resident and non-resident students and graduate resident and non-resident students. There was a brief discussion about required/statutory/mandatory fees versus non-mandatory fees which includes fees such as course fees, instructional enhancement fees, distance learning fees, parking fees, housing, food service, etc.

3.  Instructions from TAMU System

Dr. Riley handed out a packet of instructions from TAMU System regarding budget process and timelines. She indicated that our draft of fee increases of interest would be due in December, but our final fee increase requests would not go to the Board of Regents for approval until the May meeting. Dr. Riley explained that no increases would be supported without student referendum votes, even when not statutorily required.

4.  Discussion about Fees and Fee Elimination or creation (with Models)

Dr. Riley discussed the fact that several university have had discussions about eliminating several mandatory fees in order to create one new fee which would take the place of those eliminated. In essence, the effect would be revenue neutral, but the new fee would give the university more discretion about ways in which to allocate the resources; whereas, the current fee structure was very strict with regard to ways in which the money could be spent. Dr. Riley indicated that she was completing 3 models to show options and would send that to the members on Friday.

NEXT MEETING: December 3, 2014 from 2-3:30 p.m. in the Alumni Room

***Dr. Riley indicated that the meeting time changed to 2:45 to 4:15 due to a conflict; however, another conflict has come up with the Budget Office at the System, so the meeting time/date will change again.