Community Weaver

version 2.2

Improved CSV Reports

Version 2013-09-29

The reports that a Community Weaver coordinator can download have been improved to be more useful for the administration of a timebank. These are the reports that are created in the 'comma separated value' (CSV) format that can be accessed in the Control Panel. The CSV reports can be imported to any spread sheet or database program. See the list below for the Control Panel links and the corresponding csv file at that link.

As you know, clicking on the link in the Control Panel will take you to a display where you can choose various ways for filter the data presented to you. The filter will only affect the online display. The filters do not influence the csv files that you can download. The csv files will contain all of data for that particular display in Community Weaver.

Note about the terms 'user' and 'member': This document uses the term 'user' when it refers to any account created in Community Weaver, including accounts waiting for email confirmation or for the coordinator to assign them the member role as well as accounts that have the member role. The term 'member' is only used when referring to accounts that have been given the 'member' role.

Control Panel Link CSV file name


  • Admin Member Rosters members.csv
  • Member Balances user-balances.csv
  • Member Activity Sumary activity.csv
  • Upcoming Birthdays birthdays.csv

Service Ads

  • All Recent Service Ad Listings all_services.csv
  • Offers all_offers.csv
  • Requests all_requests.csv
  • Expired Service Ads expired_ads.csv


  • Exchange History exchange_history.csv
  • Frequently Exchange Services frequent_exchanges.csv

NEW for all reports

  • All reports will include the unique identity number for users, service ads, and exchanges which facilitates using these files in an external relational database. Using such a database it will be possible to provide additional statistics about the activities in your timebank.
  • All reports will show a field for the date that the report was created. This allows coordinators to combine reports downloaded at different times in order to analyze changes over time.

NEW for reports about member's accounts

  • These reports list all accounts in your Community Weaver. The file will include all active and blocked members.
  • It will also include all accounts for all roles, including: awaiting email confirmation, authenticated user, Member, TB Asst Coordinator, TB Coordinator, TB Primary Coordinator and TB Site-Admin. This will allow coordinators to sort for any combination of account status or role. The previous reports were only showing the active accounts who had the role member or coordinator.
  • Additional identifying information for each member/account is shown in these reports facilitating stand-alone use of the reports.

NEW for reports about service ads and exchanges

  • These reports will list both the top-level category and sub-category so that the list of service ads and exchanges can be sorted by either. This will facilitate creating sorted lists of service ads, exchanges or expired ads.
  • The fields: username, first name, last name, email were added to all reports containing service ads which facilitates stand-alone use of the reports.

Improvements / changes to the individual reports



The new members.csv reports now includes all the member's data which can be found in their profiles as well as some activity status information connected to that member.


Besides the number of exchanges, balance and last access shown in the previous file, this new report will show the member's number of active offers, active requests, expires offers, expired requests as well as the users active status, roles assigned.


Lists, as before, the birth date, name and address as well as first and last name, email and username.






These reports now list both the user's identity number (User ID) and the service ad identity number (Ad ID). The date of the last edit to the service ad is shown (“Last Updated”) instead of just the date created. If the ad was not edited since it was created, the field “Last Updated” will be the same as the date it was created. The created date is not shown.



This report now lists the unique exchange identity number (ExchangeID) as well as the “User ID” for both provider and recipient of the service.


There was no change to the content of this report. Please note that the name used for this file is a misnomer. It is better described as Exchange Services by Category since it lists the number of exchanges and hours exchanged for each category.


User Roles:

  • awaiting email confirmation – a new account that was created but for which the email has not yet been confirmed by the person creating the account. The report field 'User Roles' will show. “awaiting email confirmation”.
  • authenticated user – an authenticated user denotes a account where the email has been authenticated but the person has not yet been given the role of 'Member'. The report field 'User Roles' will be empty.
  • The field 'User Roles' will show a list of all the following roles that are assigned to that user:

◦  Member

◦  TB Asst Coordinator

◦  TB Coordinator

◦  TB Primary Coordinator

◦  TB Site-Admin

To avoid confusion please note:

The Control Panel link “Upcoming Birthdays” is a misnomer. It is better describes as just Birth Dates. The link opens a display of all users birth dates sorted by most recent at the top of the list. The csv report lists all users and their birth dates.

The Control Panel link “Frequently Exchanged Services” is a misnomer. It is better described as Exchange Services by Category since it lists the number of exchanges and hours exchanged for each category.