Final Evaluation
Student: Emma Truin
Clinical Instructor: Shelley Bouchard
Preceptor Instructor: Ruth Walker
Placement: Trent University Student Health Services
Total Clinical Hours completed: 152
*time log signed must be attached with evaluation
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate box
Student’s Self-Evaluation (final):
ProgressCourse Objective / Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...) / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Demonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctualcommunication with preceptor and faculty. / • Always show up on time and have my assignments submitted through blackboard when they are due
• Discussing each week with my preceptor and two other students about what tasks and activities that will need to be completed for that week.
• Creating posters and communicating with different groups at Trent University to promote the NCHA survey
• I CC my preceptor with every e-mail I send.
Applied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation. / • Created three posters and promotional cards for the NCHA survey, newsletters around campus, and collaborated with many groups on campus (TSCA, Active Minds, Print Shop)
•For my first praxis note I gained knowledge of the Trent University Student Health Services and the services and programs that are available to students.
• Created a Logic Model to help plan what I will accomplish this semester and the outcomes for the NCHA survey.
• I also created my own calendar to help with meeting deadlines for the colleges newsletters and to know what tasks each week I will be completing.
• Created a Gantt chart and milestones checklist to help organize and make sure tasks are done on time.
• Completed a budget chart
• Praxis note 4 involved creating an evaluation assessment on my project
• Created a LEARN to reflect on my placement project and new experiences/skills developed
• Created a poster to reflect on my objectives, activities, and outcomes of the NCHA survey to present to other students, preceptors, and Trent University students
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work. / • Signed a Confidentiality form with the Trent University Student Health Services.
• I always ask Ruth to look over the information I have provided on the posters and e-mails to ensure they are respectful and professional.
• I put the Student Health Services logo on all my posters and cards to ensure that students know that my work is on behalf of the Trent Health Services.
• Demonstrated professionalism when presenting and explaining the NCHA survey at my poster presentation.
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,respectful ofgroup process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context. / • Working with the two other students to help create ideas for each others posters and articles.
• Being respectful of their ideas and opinions
• Being a leader with my project and developing timelines to complete my work
• Following my preceptors’ opinions and advice for my posters and cards and collaborating with her on behalf of the Trent Health Services
• Collaborated with the Trent Print Shop to have my posters and cards ready.
•Working with Harry and Karly on the Alcohol Harm Reduction Campaign for Ruth
• Collaborating with Otonabee College, Gzowski College, Lady Eaton College, and Champlain College.
• Collaborating with Student Health 101
• Attending meetings for the Alcohol Harm Reduction group and creating ideas to talk about
• Collaborated with my preceptor on the development of my poster presentation to be a further resource for the Student Health Services.
Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align withtheSON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada. / • Created a timeline using calendars for the months of January, February, and March to organize and plan my project and to ensure I meet deadlines.
• Working on bettering my promotional skills by talking with my preceptor on skills and plans she has used in the past to promote material
• Working on furthering my skills in program development and looking at new ways to promote and implement new strategies or services available to students
Student’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement. Identify 3 areas requiring further development.
1. Time management and organizational skills 1. Research Skills
2. Creating posters and promotional items 2. Creating more ideas for health promotion
3. Work well as a leader and within a team 3. Further program development
Signature of Student: ______Date______
Signature of Instructor______Date______
*all signatures must be in writing and not typed
Preceptor Evaluation (final):
ProgressCourse Objective / Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...) / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Demonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctualcommunication with preceptor and faculty. / Emma has done an excellent job planning the communication strategy for the NCHA survey. She has collaborated well with others for the duration for her placement, and has demonstrated professional responsibility throughout. Emma consistently communicated with myself and others in a timely manner and used communication tools and resources effectively. / Y
Applied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation. / Emma used her knowledge about collecting evidence, and conducting a community assessment to bring meaning and value to the importance of the NCHA survey. She was able to communicate this effectively to fellow students and enthusiastically encouraged their participation. Emma monitored the number of survey responses closely, and made suggestions for increasing those numbers throughout. Emma also created an excellent poster presentation about her project that is being displayed in Blackburn Hall. Emma's efforts and organization helped achieve a 29% response rate. / Y
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work. / Emma has demonstrated ethical and professional practice throughout her placement. In the second half of her placement, she worked more independently with the print shop, and other departments, while continuing to seek appropriate approvals. She worked well within her nursing student scope. / Y
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,respectful ofgroup process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context. / Emma showed excellent leadership and organization skills in promoting the NCHA survey. She works well independently and as a part of a group. She engages in constructive and productive discussions and is eager to take on tasks outside of her placement project. Emma used the knowledge that she gained about student wellness to create and facilitate student wellness activities at the Trent open house. Future Trent students and parents appreciated talking to Emma about her experience at Trent. / Y
Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align withtheSON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada. / Emma has good reflection skills. Giving insightful consideration for what has been completed allowed Emma to think ahead, plan more intentionally and complete tasks with greater ease and confidence. These skills improved in the second half of the semester. Emma has been a great fit for this placement project, and has many skills to take to community nursing, if that is her chosen career path. / Y
Preceptor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Signature of Preceptor______Date______
Signature of Instructor______Date______
Signature of Student______Date______
*signatures must not be typed in but signed
Clinical Instructor’s evaluation (final):
ProgressCourse Objective / Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...) / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Demonstrated professional responsibility and accountability to collaboratively plan, implement and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to the community population served, using elements of the course website such as the learning system and regular, punctualcommunication with preceptor and faculty.
Applied their knowledge to support population assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health promotion project development, implementation and process and outcome evaluation.
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional practice when working with community organizations and the population with whom they work.
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in project development,respectful ofgroup process, leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to meet the needs and build capacity of the population in the given context.
Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self-reflective practice and identifying learning needs through self-assessment that align withtheSON’s program goals and the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice in Canada.
Clinical Instructor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Total number of clinical hours completed______(weekly signed log must be attached)
Signature of Instructor______Date______
Signature of Student______Date______
*signatures must be in writing and not be typed
NURS 2020H: Community-Based Nursing Practice
Clinical Hours Timesheet
Student Name: Emma Truin
Preceptor Name: Ruth Walker
Clinical Instructor Name: Shelley Bouchard
Placement Site: Trent University Student Health Services
Week / # of Hours / Activity / Signature of Course Instructor1 / 12 / SIMs/Orientation
2 / 12 / SIM/Independent studies / Orientation (24hrs)
3 / 16 / Clinical Placement / Signature of Preceptor Weeks 3-6)
4 / 16 / Clinical Placement
5 / 16 / Clinical Placement
6 / 16 / Clinical Placement
Midterm –SIMs and clinical hours / 88/88 / Clinical instructor’s signature
Reading Week – no clinical placements
8 / 16 / Clinical Placement / (signature of Preceptor for wks 8-12)
9 / 16 / Clinical Placement
10 / 16 / Clinical Placement
11 / Clinical Placement
12 / Clinical Placement
Total Clinical Hours / 156/176 / Course Instructor Signature/Date