2014 By-Laws

Elmhurst Little League By-Laws


  1. League Objective Page 2

(Article II League Constitution)

  1. AdministrationPage 2
  1. Proper Conduct Page 4
  1. Registration Page 6
  1. FundraiserPage 7
  1. TryoutsPage 8
  1. Players DraftPage 8
  1. Duration of TitlePage 10
  1. TradesPage 11
  1. Replacement Player Entitlement Page 11
  1. Game GuidelinesPage 12
  1. Protest RulesPage 16
  1. Ejection GuidelinesPage 16
  1. League ChampionshipPage 17
  1. All-Stars Player and Manager/Coach Selection GuidelinesPage 17
  1. AwardsPage 18

Appendix A – League Officials Duties and ResponsibilitiesPage 19- 26

Elmhurst Little League


Revised March, 2013

The By-laws of this Local League shall be adopted by the Board of by the February Board meeting, but shall in no way conflict with the Rules, Regulations and Policies of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, nor shall they conflict with the League Constitution. The By-Laws of this Local League shall expire with the election of the 2014 Board of Directors.

These Rules can be amended, deleted, and/or added to by a majority vote of the board of directors of the Elmhurst Little League, INC. It is strongly advised, to refer to the Operating Manual for guidance in regard to any changes of these rules. The By-Laws changes effective date will be no sooner than the Board meeting date at which the changes were approved.

  1. League Objective
  1. The objectives of the Elmhurst “Little League” (ELL) shall be to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger, and happier youths and will grow to be good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy adults.
  1. To that end, the ELL will provide a supervised program of competitive baseball games under the rules and policies of “Little League Baseball, Inc.” All Directors, Officers, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary and the molding of future adults is of prime importance.
  1. Administration
  1. Consistent with the application of its annual charter with Little League, ELL pledges to abide by all rules and regulations of Little League. Any Little League rule or regulation waiver request must follow the procedures outlined in Little Operator Manual.

NOTE: All waiver requests must be submitted in writing by the league president before the start of the league’s regular season or June 8, whichever occurs first. Request must be submitted to the regional office through the district administrator.

  1. It shall be the responsibility of the President, Vice President of Operation, Treasurer, and the Auditor (Vice President of Finance) to assure that the league’s Annual Report is properly filed with the Secretary of the State of Indiana by January 31 of each year.
  1. In case of the simultaneous absence of the President and Vice President of Operation, due to short-term leave, disability or incapacitation, the Board of Directors shall elect an Acting President.
  1. Where there is a conflict of interest, an Executive Board member shall lose his/her right to vote.
  1. The Player Agent shall not manage, coach or umpire in any division. District Waivers will only be pursued for coaching or umpiring.
  1. Executive Committee

a)Members: League President (Chair), Vice President of Operations, Player Agent, and two positions appointed by the League President.

b)Role and Responsibilities:

(1)Investigate and determines merit of allegations under Section III – Proper Conduct.

(2)Reviews requests for player classification - see Section VII(D) - Tryouts

(3)Hearsprotest of official rules and regulations under Section XII - Protest Rules.

(4)Approve All Star Selection – see Section.

  1. Grounds and Facilities Committee

a)Members: Diamond Director (Chair), Vice President of Operations, Equipment/Facilities Manager, and Safety Officer.

b)Roles and Responsibilities

(1)Shall investigate and recommend suitable plans for development, including ways and means, the latter in cooperation with the approved budget.

(2)Shall be responsible for repair and improvement recommendations, other than normal maintenance, and supervise the performance of approved projects.

(3)Shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of playing fields(s), buildings and grounds. It shall operate within the amount appropriated in the approved budget for that purpose

  1. Registration Committee

a)Members: Volunteer Coordinator (Chair), President, Sponsor Coordinator, Treasurer, and Player Agent.

b)Roles and Responsibilities

(1)Select date and location

(2)Creates and implements advertising plan

(3)Identifies and Schedules Registration staffing needs

  1. Tryout Committee

a)Members: Player Agent (Chair), President, VP of Operations.

b)Roles and Responsibilities

(1)Selects date and location

(2)Creates and implements marketing plan

(3)Plans and coordinates tryouts

(4)Identifies and Schedules Registration staffing needs

  1. Tournament Committee

a)Members: VP of Operations (Chair), Umpire Coordinator, Concession Manager, and Volunteer Coordinator.

b)Roles and Responsibilities

(1)Plans and coordinates the Memorial Day, All-Star, Wooden Bat and other similar tournaments.

(2)Identifies needs and schedules volunteers and facilities, including ground crew, pressbox, scorekeepers, umpires, concession workers, and park clean-up.

  1. Proper Conduct
  1. All board members, officers, league volunteer umpires, managers, and coaches; hereafter referred to as League Officials, shall be responsible for:
  1. The upkeep of the park, playing facilities and equipment,
  2. The enforcement of rules and adherence to the all ELL and Little League’s rules and regulations
  1. League Officials shall not:
  1. Be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any game or practice.
  1. Engage in unsportsmanlike conduct of harassment, verbal threats physical altercations and abusive or obscene language and or gestures when addressing umpires, league officials, parents, fans, team members and opposing team members.
  1. Misuse or damage of equipment or facilities belonging to Elmhurst Little League.
  1. Use tobacco (of any form) while participating in a ball game or atpractice at any facility.
  1. Failure to comply with the rules by League Officials, parents or players canwill result in any of the following disciplinary actions:
  1. Written warning
  2. One game suspension
  3. Serious first time rule violations may result in expulsion from ELL.
  4. Repeat offenders, or rules and policy may be relieved of duties.
  1. Disciplinary Procedures
  1. Disciplinary action may be taken against any person involved in the ELL program, including but not limited to League Officials including umpires, managers, coaches, parents, players, and those desiring to attend games and/or functions.
  1. Activities that may be subject to disciplinary action shall include any violation of the guidelines contained in the Little League Operating Manual, Official Regulations and Playing rules, ELL By-laws, or ELL Constitution.
  1. Any activity or conduct, which is determined detrimental to the best interest of ELL, and/or Little League Baseball by any individual, who is in any way involved in ELL, may also be subject to disciplinary action.
  1. Executive Committee

a)The Board of Directors shall assign the Executive Committee the responsibility to investigate and determine the merit of allegations which may require disciplinary action.

b)Upon review of the allegations, the Executive Committee will make report their findings to the Board with its recommendations for action.

  1. Filing of Charges

a)To initiate an Executive Committee investigation, a written complaint must be filed, setting forth the grounds upon which the complaint is based. The complaint shall contain necessary information so that a proper investigation can be made.

b)The written compliant must be signed by the complainant and provided to the League President or any Executive Committee Member, within two calendar days following the occurrence of the alleged violation. A onetime waiver of up to two days for valid reasons can be requested through the League President. Otherwise, the missed deadline will end the compliant process.

c)Any Board member may initiate an investigation of wrongdoings at any time.

  1. Notification of Charges

a)Normally within three days of receiving the compliant, the Executive Committee will meet to determine the merits of the allegations.

b)Also, within the same period, the President or Executive Committee will give prompt notice to the alleged violator stating the charge and requesting that the alleged violator appear at a hearing before the Executive Committee.

(1)The hearing will normally be held within three days from the notice to the alleged violator.

(2)Failure to appear at the hearing will result in a decision based on information available to the committee.

c)The Executive committee may ask for witness statements or take other investigative actions before making a final recommendation.

d)After hearing from the involved parties, the Executive Committee will decide what penalty, if any, is will be recommended to the Board.

  1. Decision of the Board

a)The Executive Committee will make a full report to the Board

b)The Board will vote to approve one of three options:

(1)Accept the Executive Committee recommendation and implement action.

(2)Modify the Executive Committee recommendation and implement action.

(3)Request a fact finding hearing before the full Board.

(a)The hearing can take place anytime after Board makes a final vote on the EC recommendations.

(b)At the conclusion of the fact-finding hearing, the Board will deliberate and make a final vote.

(c)The Board must be represented by a valid quorum as stated in the ELL Constitution.

c)If a 2/3 majority of the Board finds that adequate grounds exist for disciplinary action, then the President will issue a written decision setting forth the rule, regulation, or policy violated, and the penalty as a result of the violation including warning, suspension, or expulsion from ELL.

NOTE: A conflict of interest will be deemed if a Board Member has any direct involvement with the alleged violation

8.League Officials–NOTE: Appendix Ahas a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities for League Officials.

  1. President
  2. Vice President – Operations
  3. Player Agent
  4. Treasurer
  5. Secretary
  6. Diamond Director
  7. Equipment/Facility Manager
  8. Safety Director
  9. Umpire Coordinator
  10. Volunteer Coordinator
  11. Sponsor Coordinator
  12. Concession Manager
  13. 50/70 and/orSenior League Vice President(s)
  14. Major Vice President
  15. Minor Vice President
  16. Prep Vice President
  17. T-Ball Vice President
  18. Softball Vice President
  19. Team Managers and Coaches
  20. Team Coordinators (Team Mom)
  21. Scheduling Director
  1. Registration
  1. Registration Fee Structure*

T-Ball / $40.00
Prep League / $80.00
Minor and Minor / $ 110.00
Teenage, Senior League / $130.00
Big League / $85.00
Players playing in more than one division. (e.g., Major and 50/70, 50/70 and Senior) / To be determined.

*Registration fees changes were approved by majority vote at the January 2015 Board Meeting.

  1. All-Star Uniforms.
  1. $35.00 per player for all divisions.
  2. Parents will also be required to work concession stand duties for up to four hours during the post season; No buyouts will be offered
  1. Multiplayer Family Fee Structure
  1. Families with 2 players will pay a maximum registration fee of $180.00
  2. Families with 3 players will pay a maximum registration fee of $240.00.
  3. Families with 4 or more players will pay a maximum registration fee of $300.00.
  1. League Structure

Division / Age / Comments
Big League
Option 1 / 15-18 / Age 15 if High School player
Senior League
Option 3 / 13-16 / Age 15 and 16 only if non High School player
50/70 / 12-13
Major League
Option 1 / 9-12 / ELL prefers age 9 to play Minor unless exceptional skills.
Minor League
Option 6 / 8-11 / Age 12 with waiver
Prep League
Option 1 / 6-8 / Machine Pitch
Age 6 year olds must have one year of t-ball.
T-ball / 4-5 / Age 6 with no tee ball
*Softball – Minor
Option 7 / 8 - 11 / Age 12 with waiver
*Softball – Prep
Option 1 / 6-8 / Machine pitch
Age 6 year olds must have one year of t-ball.

*Subject to change to accommodate district league structure requirements.

E.Refund Policy

  1. 100% refund if applicant is not drafted onto or assigned to a team.
  2. 100% refund up until Draft Day
  3. 75% refund up to start of the regular season.
  4. Refund will be for registration fees only.
  5. No refunds for Big League.
  6. Refunds for families that receive multiplayer discounts will receive back their pro-rated fees.
  1. Concession Stand
  1. Buyouts for concession stand duties will only be accepted at registration.
  1. $50.00 fee per child
  2. All Start buyouts will not be offered
  3. Will only work on Teams scheduled days
  4. If concession stand duties are not fulfilled, buyout fees of $50.00 per child will be added to next year’s registration fees.
  1. Fundraisers
  1. Player Fund Raiser:
  1. Fund Raiser cost:

a)T-Ball… $30.00

b)Prep – Major… $60.00

c)Teenage… $30.00

d)Big League… $0.00

  1. Big League Players will not be obligated to the fundraiser portion.
  2. Opt-out; any player or family can choose to pay the profit for the fundraiser instead of selling it or a combination of selling fundraiser and paying the difference.
  1. Fundraisers such as spirit wear, Tincaps tickets, window decals, etc.must be conducted by adult members and will require Board approval.
  1. For every returning family that brings in a new or non-current player (non sibling and did not register in 2013), both families will be entitled to $25 off their registration fee with a maximum of $25 per family.
  1. The new player must be 6 years old or above.
  2. Both families need to be present at registration.
  3. President and/or Vice President will determine if both parties are eligible.
  1. Tryouts
  1. The Tryout Committee will present a player selection (tryout) plan to the Board on or before the February Board meeting. The tryout plan must:
  2. Provide an equitable distribution of player talent between teams, and
  3. Provide a careful evaluation of all candidates in basic skills (i.e., hit, throw, field, and run)
  1. The Player Agent will coordinate the tryouts process, including announcing the location, dates, times and other essential information.
  1. Division VPs, Team Managers, and Coaches are expected to be present at all tryout dates, not just their division tryout. Managers and coaches will be needed to evaluate and assist in the tryout process.
  1. Mandatory tryouts
  2. All prep, minor and major league players are expected to tryout. Exceptions must be approved by the President or Executive committee.
  1. Major League

a)12 and 11 years olds not on a returning team must tryout.

b)12 year olds must play major unless district provides permission

  1. Minor League

a)All 9 year olds must tryout for the minor leagues.

b)10 year olds who are not drafted to majors or did not tryout will play minor league.

c)8 year olds will also participate.

(1)If player is chosen by Minor team, Refusal must be must be submitted in writing for Board approval.

  1. Prep League

a)All 6, 7 and 8 year olds are expected to tryout.Six year olds must have one year of teeball to be eligible to play prep league.

b)Prep players will be evaluated and distributed with the purpose to distribute the talent and provide balance among the teams.

  1. T-Ball teams will be assigned by the player agent. Parents must request sibling, family and travel buddies protects.
  1. Players Draft
  1. The draft system for the Major, 50/70 and Senior Leagues will be in accord with Plan A of the Little League 2012 Operating Manual and the following guidelines.
  1. The Expansion option 3 will be used on any team returning less than 4 players. They will be allowed to draft enough players to get to 4 before the draft begins for all teams in that Division.
  1. The only people allowed to attend the draft are the team managers involved, the player agent, VP of Operations and the League President, unless authorized for valid reasons by the League President.
  1. Major, 50/70 and Senior League - Draft pick order will be the reverse order of the regular season finish of each team the previous year, regardless of changes in sponsorship or team management. This order will remain the same for each round of the draft.
  1. Minor - -- Draft Rules
  2. The draft pick order will be in accord with the “Snake” Plan.
  3. All Minor league players will be redrafted each year.
  4. Draft order will be determined by lottery.
  5. It will proceed as follow (assuming there are 5 teams): 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,…
  6. No non-manager affiliated player of league age 8 can be drafted before any available 9,10,11 year old.
  7. Players who do not tryout may be eligible for the draft with approval of the Executive Committee.
  8. Players 9, 10, and 11 who may be drafted to Major League, may refuse to play at the Major League level, but will not be eligible for any All-Star team.
  1. Major -- Draft Rules
  2. Every 12 year old receiving a majority vote must be drafted onto a Major League team provided the team cap for that age is not exceeded.
  1. All players not drafted to the Major Division will revert back to the Minor Division player pool
  1. In the event no major teams returns, all major league players will be redrafted.

a)The draft pick order will be in accord with the “Snake” Plan

b)Draft order will be determined by lottery.

c)It will proceed as follow (assuming there are 5 teams): 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,…

d)Players who do not tryout may be eligible for the draft with approval of the Executive Committee.

  1. Players 9, 10, and 11 who may be drafted to Major League, may refuse to play at the Major League level, but will not be eligible for any All-Star team.
  1. 50/70 and Senior -- Draft Rules
  2. All teams will draft from the player pool.
  3. If the pool is exhausted before filling team rosters, team managers may locate players within the boundaries of Elmhurst Little League as outlined in Art.VIII, ELL By-laws.
  1. Protects:
  1. Minor, Major, 50/70 and Senior leagues - All protects (brother, sisters, manager) must be in writing and turned into player agent before the draft.

a)The Player Agent is responsible to enforce protection policies.

b)League VP’s must advise team managers of all protect rulings.

  1. All Leagues - Each approved manager will have one protect provided there are no returning Manager protects already on team.
  1. Major, Minor and Prep league manager protects are not required to be children nor relatives,

a)Written parental consent is required for non relatives.