Body Biography Project


For this project, you will be working in a group. You should all contribute to this assignment. This counts as a formative grade for this unit. You will be graded on accurate and original completion of the items listed below. (Also. Please see rubric). Additionally, you will be asked to complete a review sheet of how well you worked together to finish this. I will consider your comments when I am assigning the final grade.


  1. One representative from your group will draw a name (at random) from a character from the book that we are reviewing in this unit- 1984.
  1. Your group will complete a life-size body diagram for your character.
  1. Please “pose” your body in a position that would indicate something about the character. You may incorporate a prop into the drawing. Be sure that the drawing is distinguishable and appropriate.
  1. Inside the diagram of the character’s body, you will need to identify the following elements for his/her character:
  1. Head: thoughts of the character
  2. Heart: desires of the character
  3. Arms: actions of the character
  4. Stomach: values of the character
  5. Legs: obstacles the character must face
  1. You must include quotes (a minimum of one per area) to support your statements. Remember that quotes are word-for-word from the book, so will be enclosed in quotation marks, with page number noted, but it does not have to be quoted dialogue. *(You will not receive credit for a quote if you do not include the page number.)
  1. Add visuals (drawings/pictures/images) that further define/describe your character. *(Think: symbols) You must have a minimum of one per area.
  1. Feel free to add your own creative and original touches, as long as they increase the understanding of your character. * (Bonus points are available!!!)

Remember, your job is to portray your character as accurately and completely as possible. Each aspect of your analysis should be true to the character. You may use information obtained from other characters (third person point of view) that furthers your understanding of your own character.

Body Biography Project Rubric


Group Members: ______


Each category in the table is worth 1 point for a total of 10

Quote / Visual
Head (Thoughts)
Heart (Desires)
Stomach (Values)
Arms (Actions)
Legs (Obstacles)

Additional categories/points:

Originality/Effort/Overall Impression: ______(5 points max)

Presentation/Group Effort: ______(5 points max)

______TOTAL (20 points max)